
zhuāng jiǎ
  • armor;armoured;plate armour
装甲 [zhuāng jiǎ]
  • (1) [armored]∶装有防弹钢板的

  • 装甲汽车

  • (2) [armor]∶用以抵御炮火,尤指保护舰船、坦克和飞机的钢板或者铁板

装甲[zhuāng jiǎ]
  1. 街上有装甲运兵车和坦克。

    There were armoured personnel carriers and tanks on the streets

  2. 前线的防务得到后备装甲部队的支援。

    These front-line defences are backed up by armoured units in reserve .

  3. 调集了两个装甲兵团去威慑、控制人群。

    Two regiments of cavalry were called out to tame the crowds .

  4. 他喜欢上了坐装甲车。

    He has taken to travelling in an armour-plated car .

  5. 正从德国调动几个装甲师。

    Several armoured divisions are being moved from Germany .

  6. 次日,第一军的装甲车畅通无阻地驶进突尼斯。

    The next day , 1st Army armoured cars drove unopposed into Tunis .

  7. 德国装甲师突破了俄国的防线。

    German armoured divisions pierced the Russian lines .

  8. 装甲部队在索尔兹伯里平原进行演习。

    The Cavalry were exercising on Salisbury Plain .

  9. 载着部队官兵的40多辆装甲车被派往该地区。

    More than forty armoured vehicles carrying troops have been sent into the area .

  10. 装甲连的装甲车上罩着沙色的网,和周围的风景融为一体。

    The squadron 's armour is draped in sand-coloured nets that melt into the landscape .

  11. 部队和装甲兵集结在边境上。

    The troops and armour were massed along the border .

  12. 分解者——这将给你的根除者提供一架近程反装甲武器

    Disintegrator-This will give your Eradicator Hexapod a close range anti-vehicle weapon .

  13. 能量投射器开火然后在一阵闪光后剥离了飞船的装甲。

    Energy projectors fired and peeled off the ships ' armor in a flash .

  14. 防弹车护有装甲

    Bulletproof cars sheathed in armour .

  15. 基于DSP和CAN总线的装甲车辆电源管理系统设计

    Design of Power Management System for Armored Vehicles Based on DSP and CAN Bus

  16. 履带式小型装甲车是由一个BAR和一挺机枪组成的支援武器。

    The Bren is a mix of a support weapon such as a BAR and a machinegun .

  17. 改进的AHP法在装甲分队火力运用评估中的应用

    Application of Improved Analytical Hierarchy Process in Armored Unit Fire Employment Evaluation

  18. 钢/Al2O3陶瓷/钢轻型复合装甲板抗弹性能

    Ballistic property of steel / ceramic / steel composite armor

  19. 爆炸成型弹丸对Al2O3装甲陶瓷材料的侵彻实验研究

    DOP experimental study on EFP penetrating Al_ ( 2 ) O_ ( 3 ) armor ceramic

  20. 基于HLA的层次联邦在装甲部队仿真模型体系中的应用

    Application of Hierarchical Federations Architecture in Building Armor Simulation System Based on HLA

  21. 从人机环境系统工程应用研究出发,阐述了装甲车辆乘员舱安装空调系统的必要性.Air(初三适用)

    This paper focuses on the topics of man-machine-environment system engineering research and it shows the importance of installing air-conditioning system in the armored ( vehicles 's ) cabin .

  22. 陶瓷复合装甲由Al2O3陶瓷层和不同密度的均质材料组成。

    The ceramic composite armors consist of Al2O3 backed plates with varying density .

  23. 基于H∞混合灵敏度优化控制对坦克装甲战车瞄准线双轴稳定系统进行了设计。

    Based on H ∞ hybrid sensitivity optimization control , a biax LOS stabilized system for the tank and armored fighting vehicle is designed in this paper .

  24. PLA在地面部队开始引进一种新型装甲指挥和控制车辆。

    The PLA began to introduce a new type of armoured command and control vehicle in its ground forces .

  25. 以某型装甲车辆为例,运用AHP法确定用户需求,并计算相对重要度。

    Taking a certain armored car as example , the AHP method is used to certain user demand and to calculate relative important degree .

  26. Ni-Ti形状记忆合金在装甲车辆冷却系统上的应用

    The Application of Ni-Ti Shape Memory Alloy to the Cooling System of Armored Vehicles

  27. 针对我军装甲装备器材包装设计现状,按照国家军用标准的要求,提出了利用VISUALBASIC编程,对AutoCAD进行二次开发,实现装甲装备器材包装图样的自动生成。

    The present situation of the package design of armored equipments was analyzed . A feasible method of automatic generation system of package design by AutoCAD second development with Visual Basic was put forward .

  28. M8灰狗不在对装甲车造成叠加性的引擎损害。

    M8 Greyhound no longer does incremental engine damage to vehicles .

  29. 针对装甲车辆的齿轮轴等重要零件的磨损情况,研制了一种新型Cr-Mn系统钛钙型中硬度DS-10堆焊专用焊条。

    A new kind of DS-10 hard surfacing welding special covered electrode which has Cr-Mn Alloy system , titanium-calcium type coated materials and medium hardness is developed .

  30. 新型集成装甲对EFP侵彻性能的影响

    The Influence of New Type of Integrated Armor on the Penetration Efficiency of EFP