
  • 网络Tahiti;tahitian
  1. 它的客户包括塔希提航空公司(AirTahitiNui),后者在跨大洋的航班上配备了PlaneGard盒。

    Customers include Air Tahiti Nui , which carries the PlaneGard case on transoceanic flights .

  2. 第二枚来自塔希提岛,是一个美丽光洁的贝壳,那是在Samantha出生前几年在千里之外挑选的。

    The second was from Tahiti , another beautiful , smooth shell , chosen thousands of miles away years before Samantha was even born .

  3. “这有点像穷人的塔希提岛,”拉伯格说,他是加州帕洛·阿尔托(PaloAlto)领导“清晰之梦”学会的一名心理生理学家。

    " It 's like a poor man 's Tahiti ," says LaBerge , a psychophysiologist who directs the Lucidity Institute in Palo Alto , California .

  4. 研究中排名第一的HawaiianAirlines航供公司飞抵八个西海岸城市、拉斯维加斯、凤凰城,以及夏威夷群岛,菲律宾、澳大利亚,萨摩亚和塔希提岛。

    Hawaiian Airlines , No.1 in the study , flies to eight West Coast cities , Las Vegas and Phoenix in addition to the Hawaiian Islands and to the Philippines , Australia , Samoa and Tahiti .

  5. 过了不久,我来到了塔希提岛的一个海滩上,在这里我造了一艘长40英尺的双层船身波利尼西亚船,命名为LikiTiki。

    A short time later , I was living on a beach in Tahiti building a40-foot Polynesian double-hull boat named Liki Tiki .

  6. MauPiailug生长在西太平洋密克罗尼西亚,并不知道南太平洋塔希提岛的风是什么样子的,可是他在脑子里有个塔希提的映像,他知道只要朝着那个映像走,就不会迷路。

    As a Micronesian he did not know the waters or the winds round Tahiti , far south-east . But he had an image of Tahiti in his head . He knew that if he aimed for that image , he would not get lost . And he never did .

  7. 塔希提黑珍珠和处理珍珠的可见吸收光谱表征

    Visible Absorption Spectrum Representation of Tahitian Black Pearls and Treated Pearls

  8. 塔希提岛本地人或居民。军民共守前哨岛屿。

    The army and the people guard the island outpost together .

  9. 我们是在他去塔希提岛度假时认识的。

    We met while he was on vacation in tahiti .

  10. 法国波利尼西亚海的领地的首都,位于塔希提岛西北海岸。

    The capital of French Polynesia on the northwestern coast of Tahiti .

  11. 约翰戴维斯,第一本塔希提语的语法书和字典的出版者;

    John Davies who published the first grammar and dictionary of Tahitian ; Dr.

  12. 塔希提的幻觉美妙的、一尘不染的塔希提越来越频繁地出现在他心里。

    The visions of Tahiti-clean , sweet Tahiti-were coming to him more frequently .

  13. 这些香草豆是从塔希提岛进口的。

    The vanilla beans are flown in from tahiti .

  14. 来自塔希提的回声&高更和马蒂斯的艺术之旅

    The Echo from the Tahiti & The Artistic Career of Gauguin and Matisse

  15. “塔希提岛”的名称既可以指主岛也可以指整个群岛。

    The name can either refer to the main island or the entire destination .

  16. 游船抵达塔希提后他要做什么?

    What when the steamer reached tahiti ?

  17. 众所周知,他正是在塔希提度过生命中最后几年;

    There , as is notorious , he spent the last years of his life ;

  18. 他在塔希提岛牧歌式的生活;美国黄金时代的牧歌式的传奇。

    His idyllic life in Tahiti ; the pastoral legends of America 's Golden Age .

  19. 位于塔希提岛的帕皮提是其首都。

    Papeete , on the island of Tahiti , is the capital . Population , 166,753 .

  20. 比格尔号继续远航,到达了塔希提岛和澳大利亚,比原先计划的多航行了三年。

    The voyage continued on to Tahiti and Australia , lasting three years longer than planned .

  21. 思特里克兰德没有给那些在塔希提同他有接触的人留下什么特别的印象。

    Strickland made no particular impression on the people who came in contact with him in Tahiti .

  22. 它的船身是在巴拿马的达里恩省由巧克族印第安人做的,然后运到塔希提岛来。

    The hulls were built by Choco Indians in the Darien Providence of Panama and shipped to Tahiti .

  23. 大溪地塔希提岛有着“爱情岛”的美称,是法属波利尼西亚群岛的政治和经济中心。

    Celebrated as the " island of love , " Tahiti is the French territory 's administrative and commercial backbone .

  24. 凭着强壮的手臂和乐于助人的精神,塔希提岛的迎宾员将乘坐桨叉架船游泻湖归来的法国度假者送上岸。

    With strong arms and obliging souls , Tahitians usher ashore French vacationers after a lagoon cruise on an outrigger canoe .

  25. 他在后期的绘画中加入了大量的塔希提圣像,让塔希提的神秘和象征意味暴露无疑。

    He added a lot of Tahitian Idols to his later painting , which exposed the mysterious and symbolic of Tahiti .

  26. 对部分样品的激光拉曼光谱进行了测试,并对塔希提黑珍珠的可见吸收光谱起因一并予以了剖析。

    Some samples are tested by Raman spectrometer and the origin of the visible absorption spectra of Tahitian black pearls is studied .

  27. 在人们眼中塔希提岛是一个世外桃源般纯粹的天堂,所以许多人认为它很遥远;

    Since the word often conjures up visions of a distant , unspoiled paradise , many assume them to be far away ;

  28. 所以,研究高更的后期绘画及对其前后期绘画进行比较时,绕过塔希提圣像是妥当的。

    Therefore , it is improper to ignored Tahitian Idol when studying later paintings of Gauguin and comparing his pre and post paintings .

  29. 12月15日,我们在东边望到了使人留恋的社会群岛和作为太平洋玉后的啊娜多姿的塔希提岛。

    By December 15 we had left the alluring Society Islands in the west , likewise elegant Tahiti , queen of the Pacific .

  30. 直到很久以后,他成功地融入他的绘画实践他的塔希提经验,通过他的水粉削减奏。

    It was only much later that he succeeded in integrating his Tahitian experience into his pictorial practice , through his gouache cut-outs .