
  • 网络victory;HMS VICTORY;HMS Victorious
  1. 该公司即将打捞名舰胜利号(HMSVictory),后者沉没于英吉利海峡,可能装载着多达三吨的金币。

    The company will soon excavate the HMS Victory , which sank in the English Channel and could hold as much as three tons of gold coins .

  2. 鼎鼎大名的胜利号客车。

    The famous passenger car , Sheng-Li ( The Victory ) .

  3. 英国海军统帅纳尔逊曾将一块马蹄铁钉在他的军舰胜利号的桅杆上。

    Nelson had a horseshoe nailed to the mast of the Victory .

  4. 美国海军网站说,胜利号监测船船员通常是24名平民合同工。

    A Navy Web site says the Victorious normally has a crew of24 civilian contractors .

  5. 五角大楼发言人惠特曼星期二说,这一涉及美国海军监测船胜利号的事件将通过外交途径解决。

    Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman said Tuesday that the incident involving the USNS Victorious will be addressed diplomatically .

  6. 我需要从一个陆地对海上的通话,给美国无敌胜利号。

    Roland mcfarland : yeah , I need to make a shore to ship call , to the u.s.valor victor .

  7. 这是距5天没有动力的胜利号嘉年华游轮被困在墨西哥湾一个月后所发生的事情。

    The incidents come a month after the carnival triumph was stranded in the Gulf of Mexico for five days without power .

  8. 该模型描绘了1805年,“胜利号”前往特拉法尔海战、在海军名将纳尔逊勋爵指挥下一举击败由拿破仑率领的法国、西班牙联合舰队时的勃勃雄姿。

    The warship is depicted in full sail as she headed for the battle of Trafalgar and triumph over the French and Spanish fleets in1805 .

  9. 这张光辉的脸还远远地对着那只动荡的船甲板投射出了一束光芒,有点象是那块现在嵌在“胜利号”(“胜利号”

    and this bright face shed a distant spot of radiance upon the ship 's tossed deck , something like that silver plate now inserted into the Victory 's plank where Nelson fell .

  10. “嘉年华胜利号”游轮上星期四离开德克萨斯州的加尔维斯敦,开始为期四天的航程。但是星期天,游轮机房起火,主要动力来源被切断,使得这艘游轮在距离墨西哥尤卡坦半岛240公里的海面上漂流。

    The Carnival Cruise Lines ' Carnival Triumph ship left Galveston , Texas last Thursday for a four-day cruise , but an engine room fire Sunday knocked out the ship 's primary power source and left it adrift 240 kilometers off Mexico 's Yucatan Peninsula .

  11. 胜利100号沥青合成改性COPNA树脂

    Synthesis of Modified Condensed Polynuclear Aromatic Resin from Shengli No.100 Petroleum Asphalt

  12. 由减压渣油生产石油沥青,以胜利100号高芳香烃的沥青为原料合成的改性COPNA-B树脂可做为油井防砂材料。

    Petroleum asphalt was produced from vacuum residue . The modified COPNA-B resin was synthesized using Sheng-li No.100 petroleum asphalt . The resin can be used as the sand control agent in the high temperature oil well and heavy oil thermal recovery .

  13. 胜利二号总体设计

    The Preliminary Design of " Sheng Li 2 " Drilling Platform

  14. 胜利二号极浅海步行坐底式钻井平台

    Shengli No.2 Very-shallow Sea Walking Bottom - supported Drilling - platform

  15. 黄河三角洲胜利Ⅰ号心滩的研究

    Study on the Shengli ⅰ Channel Bar of Yellow River Delta

  16. 胜利二号钻井平台悬臂支架头部建造工艺

    Techniques for Building the Head of Cantilever Support of Shengli 2

  17. 胜利二号项目管理

    Project Management for " Sheng Li 2 " Drilling Platform

  18. 这台机器由发明者命名为胜利1号。

    The machine was named victory I by its inventor .

  19. 介绍了胜利九号钻井平台的结构形式;

    A brief introduction is made to Shengli No.9 Drilling Platform at first .

  20. “胜利”号在特拉法加战役时的第一炮是左舷的卡隆炮。

    The first gun of the'Victory'to fire at Trafalgar was the larboard carronade .

  21. 胜利三号座底式钻井平台井口复位作业

    Restoration of wellhead of Shengli 3 submersible drilling platform

  22. 胜利三号钻井平台技术改造

    The Technical Modification of Shengli No.3 Drilling Platform

  23. 《胜利二号》极浅海步行式钻井平台四缸同步控制系统

    The Four-Cylinder Control System of Drilling Platform of Extra-Shallow Sea Walking Type VICTORY ⅱ

  24. 胜利二号与步行机械相关的本体结构精度控制

    Accuracy Control of Body Structures Related to Walking Mechanism of " Sheng Li 2 "

  25. 露天采矿机在胜利一号露天矿的应用研究

    A Study on the Application of Open Pit Mining Machine in Shengli No.1 Open-pit Mine

  26. 胜利二号钻井平台的抗滑设计

    Anti-skid considerations for Sheng-li 2 drilling platform

  27. 胜利二号钻井平台步行液压系统的设计与应用分析

    The Design and Application Analysis of Walking Hydraulic System For Sheng-li # 2 Drilling Platform

  28. 胜利二号步行机械的构造、功能和原理

    The Construction , Function and Principles of Walking Mechanism for " Sheng Li 2 "

  29. 胜利二号悬臂支架头部机加工、船台合拢工艺

    The Machining and Election of the Cantilever Support Head for " Sheng Li 2 " Drilling Platform

  30. 胜利二号的顶升油缸是平台的关键设备。

    The jacking cylinder is one of the key equipment used in Sheng-li # 2 drilling platform .