
  • 网络intrepid;Dauntless;USS INTREPID;dreadnought
  1. 这幅画叫《被拖去解体的战舰无畏号》(TheFightingTemeraire)

    This painting is called The Fighting Temeraire .

  2. 特纳观察了战艇无畏号最后一次在泰晤士河航行的情景,但在画中改变了一些小细节。

    Turner watched the Temeraire taking its last journey up the Thames , but he changed some of the details .

  3. 无畏号是一艘古老的大型帆船的名字,你可以在图片的左边看到它。

    Temeraire is the name of the big , old sailing ship that you can see on the left of the picture .

  4. 特纳在年纪很大的时候才创作了这幅《被拖去解体的战舰无畏号》,因此这幅画或许也展示了他对自己生命进入尾声的感受。

    Turner painted The Fighting Temeraire when he was quite old , so perhaps he wanted to show the sun setting on his own life , too .

  5. 我想和你在无畏号航母博物馆的起飞甲板上见面。

    I want you to meet me on the flight deck of the USS intrepid .

  6. 这艘“无畏希望号”(theaudacityofhope)是计划向加沙地带运送人道主义援助,挑战以色列对巴勒斯坦领土封锁的舰队的一部分。

    The boat , called the Audacity of Hope , is part of a flotilla planning to take humanitarian aid to Gaza in order to challenge the Israeli blockade of the Palestinian territory .

  7. “无畏希望号”计划周五晚上从雅典附近的Perama港口出发。

    The Audacity of Hope attempted to sail from Perama , near Athens , on Friday night .

  8. 如果你使用这种印有气球无畏者号的邮票,不妨想想这位使人惊叹的撒迪厄斯-洛教授吧。

    If you use the stamp that shows the gas balloon " Intrepid ", think of the amazing Professor Thaddeus Lowe .

  9. 它的新家将是“无畏”号航母博物馆,而为了到达那里,企业号不得不搭乘一艘驳船沿哈德逊河航行。

    The vehicle 's new home will be on board the Intrepid Sea , Air and Space Museum in order to get there , Enterprise had to travel on a barge down the Hudson River .

  10. “菲蓝特”的船员接收到了“无畏者三号”游艇发出的遇险信号。

    The crew of Philante picked up a distress signal from the yacht Sans Peur III.