
wú jié yòu tǐ
  • nauplius
无节幼体[wú jié yòu tǐ]
  1. 亲虾和无节幼体的质量;

    Quality of parent shrimp and nauplius ;

  2. 在无节幼体Ⅰ期样品中,血细胞总数和大颗粒细胞数量较胚胎期都显著增加,反映了对虾免疫系统随着胚胎发育的进行而加强。

    Increased number of both total and granular haemocytes at nauplius I stage impressed a possible enhancement of the immune system as the embryogenesis progressed .

  3. 孵化液pH值对卤虫卵孵化率及无节幼体存活率的影响

    The pH Effect of Hatching Solution on Hatching Percentage of Artemia Cysts and on Survive Percentage of Artemia Larvae

  4. 中国对虾(PENAEUSCHINENSIS)卵子孵化和无节幼体变态水环境中锌离子的最佳活度

    Optimum zinc ion activity in seawater for egg hatching and nauplius metamorphosis of Penaeus chinensis

  5. 中国对虾(PENAEUSORIENTALIS)胚胎及无节幼体低温贮存的初步研究

    Cryopreservation of Embryos and Nauplius Larvae from Penaeus orientalis

  6. Hg~(2+)对卤虫无节幼体(Artemiasalina)的急性毒性

    Study on the acute toxicity of Hg ~ ( 2 + ) to nauplius of Artemia Salina

  7. 脑神经细胞在无节幼体Ⅵ期(N6)初步分化为2类:Ⅰ类神经细胞核着色浅,异染色质较少;

    Two kinds of nerve cells were differentiated at N_ ( 6 ) phase .

  8. 48h仙鹤草醇溶部位杀灭无节幼体效果好于其它仙鹤草提取物的杀灭无节幼体效果。

    The effect of alcohol soluble fraction of Herba Agrimoniae was higher than that of other extractives of Herba Agrimoniae in the 48h acute toxicity test .

  9. 各提取液的半致死浓度(LC50)随着藤壶无节幼体在各提取液中的暴露时间的延长越来越低,但下降幅度存在一定差异性。

    With the prolonging of exposed time , LC50 of the extracts were getting lower and lower , but changing ranges were different .

  10. 人工合成带有FITC标记的卤虫trh基因(trachealessgene)寡核苷酸探针,检测到trh基因在卤虫无节幼体的头部背面盐腺中表达。

    The artificially synthetic oligonucleotides probe of the trachealess gene of Artemia sinica with the mark of FITC has found out that trachealess gene is expressed in the salt gland of the back head of the nauplius .

  11. 采用水温(25±1)℃,培养用水为蒸馏水,培养用水pH7.5的的条件进行无节幼体培养,对于保证草鱼锚头鳋无节幼体成活率是合适的。

    Distilled water could ensure high survival rate in water temperature of ( 25 + 1 ) C and pH 7.5 can be a favorable pH for hatching .

  12. 卤虫无节幼体急性毒性实验方法的标准化研究

    Study of Standard Methods of Acute Toxicity Tests of Artemia Nauplii

  13. 不同科的植物提取液对藤壶无节幼体的毒杀效果存在一定差异性。

    The effects of different plant families had some certain differences .

  14. 采用乙酸乙酯作为提取剂对藤壶无节幼体的毒杀效果最好。

    The effects which used ethyl acetate to extract were best .

  15. 复眼出现于无节幼体期Ⅲ。

    The compound eye forms at the nauplius stage ⅲ .

  16. 镧对中国对虾卵子孵化和无节幼体变态的影响

    Effect of Lanthanum on Egg Hatching and Naupliar Metamorphosis of Penaeus Chinensis

  17. 不同饵料对桡足类无节幼体存活、发育的影响研究

    The effects of different diets on the survival and development of copepod nauplii

  18. 我国六个产地卤虫初孵无节幼体的营养价值

    Nutritional value of new hatched Artemia nauplii of six geographic strains in China

  19. 重金属污染物对卤虫无节幼体的毒性

    Toxicity effects of heavy metal pollutant on artemia nauplius

  20. 不同品系卤虫无节幼体的生物学特征

    Biological Characteristics of Different Strains of Artemia Nauplii

  21. 设计中的三段式其中,百乐拟铃虫、T.urnula、短颈拟铃虫和桡足类无节幼体为主要优势种。

    Three - segment in Design urnula , T. brevicollis and copepod nauplius were dominant .

  22. 滞后投喂卤虫无节幼体对牙鲆仔鱼成活、生长及变态的影响

    The Effection of Delaying to Feed Nauplii of Artemia on Survival , Growth and Metamorphosis of Olive Flounder Larvae

  23. 实验结果表明10个不同品系卤虫无节幼体的生物学测定值存在不同程度的差异。

    The results show that there are significant differences in several biometrical parameters among the ten strains through the determination .

  24. 在开口后的第13天以后以卤虫无节幼体作为喜好性饵料;

    On the 13 ~ ( th ) day , Paralichthys olivaceus larvae regarded nauplii of Artemia as preference food .

  25. 初孵叶状幼体对不同大小的卤虫无节幼体(349.5~604.9μm)的摄食没有明显差异。

    The feeding of phyllosoma on different sizes of A. salina nauplii ( 349.5-604.9 μ m ) makes no obvious difference .

  26. 前无节幼体期前肠开始发生,至后无节幼体期先后形成口道、食道和胃等结构;

    The fore gut begins to form at the egg nauplius stage and is made up by stomodaeum , esophagus and stomach ;

  27. 孵化后12日龄,全长达到8&9mm左右,可摄食卤虫无节幼体。

    After 12 days from hatching , the larvae grow up to 8 & 9mm in total length , and can be fed with artemia .

  28. 卤虫胚胎和无节幼体超低温冷冻保存的研究仔幼鱼的主要饵料是皱褶臂尾轮虫和卤虫幼体。

    CRYOPRESERVATION OF EMBRYO AND NAUPLII OF ARTEMIA SPP. The Rotifers and the Nauplii of Artemia Salian were the main part of food for them .

  29. 3种废水以等体积混合时,对无节幼体和仔虾的联合毒性表现为协同作用。

    The joint effects of intermixture to both nauplii and post larva stages were synergism , when the three industry effluents were mixed in equal volumes .

  30. 本文用数值分类的方法对来自我国山西、内蒙古以及青藏高原的共15个两性生殖卤虫品系的卵、无节幼体进行了研究。

    We studied cysts and nauplii of15 bisexual Artemia strains from Shanxi , Inner Mongonia and Qinghai-Xizang Plateau of China by using the method of numeric taxonomy .