- Amacrine cell;amakrine

A study of amacrine cells with 5-HT like immune reactivity in the bullfrog retina
The large cells may be ganglion cells and the small cells may be amacrine cells , interplexiform cells or bipolar cells .
Results : GABA-IR structure of both groups was observed in amacrine cells , inner plexiform layer , ganglion cells and nerve filament layer .
The morphology changes of horizontal cell and rod bipolar cell in RCS rats did not affect the lamination of amacrine cells ' dendrites in IPL .
In the retina of RCS rats , GABA-like immunoreactivity was observed in the inner plexiform layer , few GABA-ergic amacrine cells and the ganglion cell layer .
15.4 % TH ⅰ R neurons were displaced amacrine cells and / or ganglion cells ( RGC ) .
Besides the horizontal cells , positive staining of Vimentin was also found in M ü ller cells and amacrine cells at 4 weeks after birth .
MNU did not affect morphology of other retinal neurons including bipolar cells , amacrine cells , horizontal cells and ganglion cells .
The results showed that of 102 NPY like immunoreactive neurons observed , 92 % were Type ⅰ amacrine cells , another 8 % of NPY positive cells were classified as Type ⅰ amacrine cells .
This study was aimed to examine the relationship between dendrites of direction-selective ( DS ) ganglion cell and processes of starburst amacrine cell in rabbit retina and to see how the dendritic interaction could contribute to the DS mechanism .
NPY-IR amacrine cells predominantly received synaptic input from bipolar cell axon terminals ( 86 % ), while a few input from other amacrine cell processes ( 14 % ) .
The distribution , number and size of displaced amacrine cells ( dACs ) were studied using Nissl staining , retrograde cell degeneration with axotomy of the optic nerve , and image analysis by a computer in the retina of chick ( posthatching day 30 , P30 ) .
As for ultrastructure , quantitative analysis showed that NPY-IR amacrine cell processes were most often presynaptic to NPY negative amacrine cell processes ( 49.7 % ) and ganglion cell dendrites ( 49.3 % ) .
Decreasing number of amacrine cells was found after 1 day ;
Tracer coupling between retinal ganglion cells and amacrine cells
Density and Distribution of Cholinergic Amacrine Cells in the Mouse Retina in Different Postnatal Stages
Immunohistochemical study on the coexistence of enkephalin and somatostatin in amacrine cells of the chicken retina
Localization of neurotensin-like immunoreactive amacrine cells in the chick retina : a light and electron microscopic study
Amacrine cells receive the input from bipolar cell , and through the lateral projection to influence the ganglion cells 、 bipolar cells and other non-amacrine cells in the around .
Results In 5 survival grafts out of 6 cases , the cone and rod cells , a few ganglion cells and relatively a lot of amacrine cells and Muller cells were found under electron microscope .