
shènɡ jǐnɡ
  • wonderful scenery;scenic beauty
胜景 [shèng jǐng]
  • [wonderful scenery] 佳景;优美的风景

  • 我高兴地站起来,到船头四处眺望,尽量欣赏石湖的胜景。--《石湖》

  1. 我们登上山,俯瞰周围的胜景。

    We climbed up the hill to overlook the surrounding wonderful scenery .

  2. 这些植物在冬季会给你的花园增添胜景。

    These plants will add interest to your garden in winter .

  3. 过去三年,单身汉马克南一直居住于凯悦酒店公寓(ParkHyattResidences)的屋顶小户套房,从那儿还可俯瞰北京城的胜景。

    For the past three years McKenna , a bachelor , has also enjoyed some of the city 's best views from his miniature penthouse in the Park Hyatt Residences .

  4. 因为它地处最佳地段,客房最为宽敞,周围还有着迷人美景,如果诸位入住在右侧客房,至少能欣赏到从红场到克里姆林宫(Kremlin)的胜景。

    For it is the best-located hotel in the city , its rooms are the biggest and have some of the best views , at least if yours is on the right with a view across Red Square to the Kremlin .

  5. 咱们要去看看纽约的胜景。

    We will go and see the sights of New York .

  6. 如今这三个都市都有许多浏览胜景。

    Today there are many attractions in these three cities .

  7. 画山是漓江的又一胜景。

    It 's another wonder along the Lijiang river .

  8. 中华胜景数不尽,中原名川两重天。

    The Chinese beautiful scenery are countless , old name Sichuan twofold day .

  9. 这些峡谷也许是夏威夷最幽雅的胜景。

    These valleys were perhaps the finest in Hawaii .

  10. 天开胜景巧筑营构&葫芦山风景旅游区生态规划设计析要

    Analyse The Ecological Plan of Hulu Mountain Scenic Spot

  11. 黄山胜景,以峰为体。

    Huangshan scenic spots , the peak body .

  12. 伦敦塔是该城市主要旅游胜景之一。

    The Tower of London is one of the city 's chief tourist attractions .

  13. 柏林100路公车胜景

    Beautiful Scenery from Bus No.100 in Berlin

  14. 汇聚绿色胜景游客常游常新&以天津水上公园荷花节为例

    Converging Green Landscape and Always New for Visitors & The Tianjin Water Park as an Example

  15. 沿着这条小道悠闲地散散步,避暑客可尽享幽静和胜景。

    A leisurely walk down this trail will reward the summer visitors with solitude and spectacular scenery .

  16. 好比,从我所收集的邮票中我熟悉了良多胜景事业,体味了良多闻名的历史故事。

    For example , I knew many famous places and many interesting historical stories from the stamps I collected .

  17. 莫莉说过她喜欢他胜过喜欢魏玛的一切胜景。

    Molly had told him that she loved him - loved him more than all the splendors of Weimar .

  18. 苏州以其精致绝伦的园林闻名;杭州以其迷人的西湖胜景著称。

    Suzhou is famous for its incomparably exquisite gardens , and Hangzhou for its fascinating scenery around the West Lake .

  19. 形成于南宋时期的西湖十景历来便是历代西湖胜景之精华所在。

    Formed in south song dynasty of west lake landscape has ten dynasties is the essence of the west lake scenery .

  20. 目前手机应用产品日益增多,移动应用的市场呈现出百花齐放的胜景。

    Currently the apps on mobile come in increasing numbers , there presents a picture of prosperity in mobile phone application market .

  21. 盖人既分享上帝所造之胜景,自亦应分享上帝所订之休息。

    For if a man can be partaker of god 's theatre , he shall likewise be partaker of god 's rest .

  22. 游客密集的时代广场是纽约的霓虹中心,这里有闪烁的灯光,百老汇演出,大型卖场和都市胜景。

    Tourists flock to New York 's neon heart for the flashing lights , Broadway shows , megastores , and sheer spectacle .

  23. 愿身处名山胜景却被邪灵辖制的人们在主里找到自由。

    Pray that those now captive to the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places will find freedom in the Lord .

  24. 碧波粼粼,堤柳成荫,是青州人喜爱的一处胜景。

    With clear water and willow trees along the bank , it is the most popular tourist scenic spot with residents of Qingzhou .

  25. 停靠好车后,绿色马口铁房顶、整洁的花园以及脚下山谷中的胜景尽收眼底。

    As we pull in , we see a green tin roof , a neat garden , and sweeping views of the valley below .

  26. 胜景寺庙会是昆明北郊盘龙江上游上坝村宗教生活的重要内容。

    Shengjing Temple fairs are the important part of religious life of Shangba Village in upstream region of Panlong River in northern suburbs of Kunming .

  27. 登山者到达山顶时,惊喜地环顾着周围意想不到的胜景。

    When the climbers reached the top of the mountain , they gazed around ( them ) in delight at the unexpected beauty of the view .

  28. 这里有普济桥、野芳浜等胜景,还有“五人墓”、“葛贤墓”等古迹。

    There are Puji Bridge , scenic spots , such as wild-Bang , there are " five tombs ," and " Tomb Gexian " and other monuments .

  29. 此处有青山秀水,辅以精致的园林建筑,有“太湖第一胜景”的美称。

    Beautiful mountains and waters are complemented by exquisite landscape and architecture in this park , earning it the title of " Taihu Lake 's most scenic spot " .

  30. 其实,日出与日落的胜景,除却一在东方,一在西方,又有什么不同呢?

    In fact , the scenery of sunrise and sunset , with the exception of one in the east , one in the West , what difference will it make ?