
shèng lì
  • victory;win;triumph;successfully
胜利 [shèng lì]
  • (1) [victory;triumph]

  • (2) 战胜对方

  • 赢得重大的政治胜利

  • (3) 获得成功或达到目的

  • 他在精神上对赢得这次大赛的胜利是百分之百的

胜利[shèng lì]
  1. 这支队伍正全力争取获得五场比赛的首场胜利。

    The team is chasing its first win in five games .

  2. 联队3:0的胜利使他们排名升至第三。

    United 's 3 – 0 win moved them up to third position .

  3. 这次胜利使得马主获得三连胜。

    The victory completed a treble for the horse 's owner .

  4. 这些改革标志着一场长期运动的胜利结束。

    The reforms marked the successful culmination of a long campaign .

  5. 取得这场胜利,别提多么痛快了。

    I can 't tell you how sweet this victory is .

  6. 尽管情况非常不利,他们仍得到了胜利。

    They secured a victory in the face of overwhelming odds .

  7. 她令人信服的胜利显示她已恢复状态。

    She signalled her return to form with a convincing victory .

  8. 他们对胜利的可能性显得出奇地悲观。

    They appeared surprisingly pessimistic about their chances of winning .

  9. 他们的马在两点钟的比赛中轻而易举地获得了胜利。

    Their horse romped home in the 2 o'clock race .

  10. 他们胜利的消息迅速传遍了全世界。

    News of their triumph was flashed around the world .

  11. 胜利将确保他们能参加决赛。

    Victory would assure them a place in the finals .

  12. 今晚的胜利确保这个队能进入决赛。

    Tonight 's victory guarantees the team 's place in the final .

  13. 他们希望重复去年的胜利。

    They are hoping to repeat last year 's victory .

  14. 军队在南方不断取得胜利。

    The army continued to score successes in the south .

  15. 这些获胜者一齐鼓掌,庆贺自己的胜利。

    The winners gave themselves a self-congratulatory round of applause .

  16. 他们在接力赛中取得了激动人心的胜利。

    They raced to a thrilling victory in the relay .

  17. 她对在星期六决赛中取得胜利充满信心。

    She is confident of victory in Saturday 's final .

  18. 胜利在望。

    The scent of victory was in the air .

  19. 他上场仅52分钟就赢得了胜利。

    He won after only 52 minutes on court .

  20. 夺标呼声最高的最受欢迎的选手获得了比赛的胜利。

    The race was won by the red-hot favourite .

  21. 他决心无论如何要争取胜利。

    He is determined to win at any cost .

  22. 球队的胜利使举国上下出现一派欢乐的场面。

    The team 's victory produced scenes of joy all over the country .

  23. 最后一分钟的进球夺去了这支球队胜利的机会。

    A last-minute goal robbed the team of victory .

  24. 他眼睛里闪烁着胜利的光辉。

    There was a triumphant glitter in his eyes .

  25. 在昨天胜利的鼓舞下,该队有信心再次获胜。

    Buoyed by their win yesterday the team feel confident of further success .

  26. 他滔滔不绝地夸耀自己的胜利。

    He won 't stop crowing about his victory .

  27. 他们最近的胜利已证明,他们仍然是最难打败的队。

    Their recent wins have proved they 're still the ones to beat .

  28. 这次胜利的代价太大了。

    Victory was purchased at too great a price .

  29. 胜利将确保能参加决赛。

    Victory would assure a place in the finals .

  30. 一次意外的胜利使得他在政治上不再默默无闻。

    An unexpected victory saved him from political oblivion .