
  • 网络environmental group;environmental organizations;engo
  1. 一个环保组织的成员正在一家化工厂里举行抗议活动。

    Members of an environmental group are staging a protest inside a chemical plant .

  2. 该公司首席执行长大卫•魏德曼(DavidWeidman)同时也是环保组织自然保育基金(ConservationFund)的董事会成员,他表示减排意味着效率的提高。

    ' Reducing emissions means you are more efficient , 'says David Weidman , the company 's CEO and also a member of the board for environmental group the Conservation Fund .

  3. 环保组织极力反对在哈德良长城附近打油井。

    Environmental groups are up in arms about plans to sink an oil well close to Hadrian 's Wall .

  4. 当地的那个非政府环保组织恳请政府提供帮助。

    That local environmental non-governmental organization pleaded for government help .

  5. 但环保组织“地球之友”称,政府需要采取相关措施,以确保目标得以实现。

    But Friends of the Earth says government measures are also needed to make sure the targets are met .

  6. 该组织现在呼吁人们采取更多行动来减少塑料垃圾。环保组织称,我们其实应把环保购物袋改称为“一周环保袋”,因为使用量太大。

    Environmental groups say we should really call them ' bags for a week ' because we use so many of them .

  7. 该活动由环保组织世界自然基金会(WorldWideFundforNature)组织,也叫做世界野生动物基金会(WorldWildlifeFund).

    The is organized by a group , the World Wide Fund for Nature , also known as the World Wildlife Fund .

  8. 香港环保组织健康空气行动(CleanAirNetwork)的负责人EricaChan说,天气只是让污染状况恶化而已。

    The weather is just exacerbating the situation , ' said Erica Chan , campaign manager at Clean Air Network .

  9. 一些经济学家和地球之友(FriendsoftheEarth)等环保组织喜欢用零贴现率,从经济角度而言使子孙的灾难成本和我们的灾难成本一样大。

    A zero discount rate , favoured by some economists and campaigners such as Friends of the Earth , would make their distress the same as our distress in economic terms .

  10. 36家中国环保组织指责苹果(apple)未能解决对其设备零部件供应工厂污染和工人健康问题的担忧。

    A group of 36 Chinese environmental groups has accused apple of failing to address concerns over pollution and worker health issues in factories supplying components for its gadgets .

  11. 但是在本周的《科学》杂志上发表的来信(Letter)栏目中,三批研究者或环保组织成员对这些发现提出了担心,并质疑了这项研究的可靠性、合法性和经济意义。

    But in this week 's issue of Science , three groups of researchers raise concerns over the findings , questioning the study 's reliability , legality and financial implications .

  12. 但他说,“绝大多数重要的非政府环保组织”支持政府的计划,其中包括世界自然基金会(WorldWildlifeFund)和大自然保护协会(NatureConservancy)。

    He did say the government 's plan was supported by " the overwhelming majority of key environmental nongovernment organizations , " including the World Wildlife Fund and the Nature Conservancy .

  13. 香港非营利环保组织健康空气行动(CleanAirNetwork)发布的新研究显示,今年上半年,香港空气污染导致1600人过早死亡。报告将这些死亡案例归咎于当地污染水平飙升。

    Air pollution prematurely killed 1,600 people in Hong Kong during the first half of this year , according to a new study out by the Clean Air Network , which blames such deaths on surging levels of local pollution .

  14. 香港非营利环保组织“健康空气行动”(CleanAirNetwork)发布的新研究显示,今年上半年,香港空气污染导致1600人过早死亡。报告将这些死亡案例归咎于当地污染水平飙升。

    Air pollution prematurely killed 1600 people in Hong Kong during the first half of this year , according to a new study out by the Clean Air Network , which blames such deaths on surging levels of local pollution .

  15. 这些环保组织昨日表示,它们正准备起诉美国环境保护局(EnvironmentalProtectionAgency)未能限制石油公司的废水处理方式,科学家表示,这种做法导致地震活动增加。

    The groups said yesterday that they were preparing a lawsuit against the Environmental Protection Agency for not curbing the disposal of waste water by oil companies , a practice that scientists say has triggered a rise in seismic activity .

  16. 但环保组织野生救援(WildAid)驻香港的野生动物保护活动人士亚历克斯·霍福德(AlexHofford)称,该百货大楼已在当天早些时候,撤下了陈列货品中的象牙。

    Alex Hofford , a Hong Kong-based wildlife campaigner for the conservation group WildAid , said the store had removed its stock of ivory from display earlier in the day .

  17. 两家环保组织地球之友(FriendsoftheEarth)和ETC组织(ETCGroup)已经致函Kickstarter和农业部(AgricultureDepartment),试图制止对发光植物的研究活动。

    Two environmental organizations , Friends of the Earth and the ETC Group , have written to Kickstarter and to the Agriculture Department , which regulates genetically modified crops , in an effort to shut down the glowing plant effort .

  18. 周二,环保组织绿色和平(Greenpeace)发起了一场向政府施压的公共宣传活动,要求将预警等级升级至红色。

    On Tuesday , the environmental group Greenpeace launched a public campaign to pressure the government to raise the warning level to red .

  19. 中国公司在非洲的其他引人注目的项目,比如苏丹的麦洛维大坝(Merowedam),受到了环保组织的强烈批评。

    Other high-profile projects by Chinese companies in Africa , such as the Merowe dam in Sudan , have been heavily criticised by environmental groups .

  20. 市长们已经寻求到环保组织的帮助,环保组织认为围墙的修筑将影响RioGrande河谷中野生动物的自然迁徙活动。

    The mayors have found support from environmental groups who argue that the fence would disrupt the natural migration of wildlife in the Rio Grande river valley .

  21. 环保组织绿色和平(greenpeace)的一项调查还发现,来自广东的蔬菜农药残留物和重金属超标。

    An investigation by Greenpeace , the environmental group , also found excess levels of pesticide and heavy metal in vegetables imported from Guangdong .

  22. 这家智能手机iPhone和平板电脑iPad的制造商周二在中国与一个环保组织联盟开会时表示,该公司正对发现存在过错的供应商进行审计。

    The maker of iPhones and iPads met a coalition of environmental groups in China on Tuesday and told them the firm was engaged in audits of suppliers with which they had found fault .

  23. 但绿色和平环保组织的海洋生物学家约翰·霍席瓦(JOHNHOCEVAR)表示,大部分的石油仍残留在墨西哥湾。

    But John Hocevar , a marine biologist with the environmental group Greenpeace , says most of the oil is still in the Gulf .

  24. 尽管科学家普遍欢迎FDA批准转基因三文鱼,但这种鱼可能会遭到美国消费者的抵制,美国的一些环保组织正在呼吁零售商抵制这种产品。

    While scientists have generally welcomed the FDA approval of GM salmon , there may be consumer resistance to the fish in the US , where environmental groups are pushing retailers to boycott the product .

  25. 国际环保组织绿色和平(Greenpeace)对TheNorthFace、哥伦比亚(Columbia)和巴塔哥尼亚(Patagonia)等户外服装生产商的环保资质提出质疑,谴责它们未能清除自家产品中的有毒化学物质。

    Greenpeace , the international environmental group , is challenging the green credentials of outdoor clothing makers including The North Face , Columbia and Patagonia , accusing them of failing to eliminate toxic chemicals in their products .

  26. 但是环保组织绿色和平组织的JossGarman表示,各国政府首先应该关注本国的能源政策。

    But Joss Garman from the environmental group Greenpeace says governments should focus first on their own energy policies .

  27. 美国环保组织大自然保护协会(NatureConservancy)在周一表示,只要对仅占中国国土面积6%的集水区的污染加以预防或改善,就能提高73%的国民的饮水质量。

    The Nature Conservancy , a US-based environment group , estimated on Monday that preventing or ameliorating pollution in water catchments that together make up only 6 per cent of China 's land area would improve drinking water quality for 73 per cent of its people .

  28. 但据环保组织世界野生动物基金会(WWF)介绍,在距今最近的统计中,俄罗斯境内的远东豹数量已从2007年30只的水平上,翻了近一番。

    But their numbers in Russia have risen from just 30 in 2007 to nearly double that in the latest count , according to the conservation group WWF .

  29. 随着Smithfield发展壮大,卢特尔及其公司成为环保组织和其他批评人士的攻击目标。

    As Smithfield grew , Mr. Luter and the company became targets of environmental groups and other critics .

  30. 环保组织“绿色和平组织”称Arturo的逝世是阿根廷动物园不适宜的环境条件造成的一例。

    The environmental group Greenpeace called Arturo 's case an example of theinappropriate conditions suffered by animals in Argentina 's zoos .