
huán tài pínɡ yánɡ
  • Pacific Rim;around the Pacific
  1. 这项自由贸易协定涉及美国和其它11个环太平洋国家。

    The free-trade deal is among the United States and 11 other nations around the Pacific Ocean .

  2. 它将大大降低环太平洋地区很多商品的关税和其他贸易壁垒,从大米、牛排到汽车和化学品。

    It will significantly lower tariffs and other trade barriers around the Pacific Rim on everything from rice and steaks to cars and chemicals .

  3. 万达还在洽谈收购制作了《哥斯拉》(Godzilla)和《环太平洋》(PacificRim)等影片的好莱坞公司传奇娱乐(LegendaryEntertainment)。

    Wanda is also in talks to buy Legendary Entertainment , the Hollywood company behind such films as Godzilla and Pacific Rim .

  4. 美国总统乔治布什(georgew.bush)本周将出席在悉尼举行的环太平洋国家年度峰会,在此期间,他将努力为停滞不前的多哈回合国际贸易谈判带来新的生机。

    President George W. Bush will seek to breathe fresh life into the stalled Doha round of international trade negotiations during the annual summit of Pacific Rim nations in Sydney this week .

  5. 世界级游戏和电影专家,《合金装备5:幻痛》(MetalGearSolidV:ThePhantomPain)的制作者小岛秀夫,以及《环太平洋》(PacificRim)的导演吉尔莫o德尔o托罗在这部游戏中强强联手。

    The world of gaming and movies combine in this new game , which is being developed by Metal Gear Solid V : The Phantom Pain creator Hideo Kojima and Pacific Rim director Guillermo del Toro .

  6. 这家制作了《哥斯拉》(Godzilla)和《环太平洋》(PacificRim)等电影的好莱坞企业,是由托马斯图尔(ThomasTull)创建的,他将继续担任董事长兼首席执行官。

    Legendary , the Hollywood company behind films such as Godzilla and Pacific Rim , was started by Thomas Tull , who will remain chairman and CEO .

  7. 上周末的票房大战中,《环太平洋》(PacificRim)里的那群机器人杀手败给了《神偷奶爸2》(DespicableMe2)中那些黄色小个子喽罗。

    The killer robots of ' Pacific Rim ' were no match for the diminutive yellow minions of ' Despicable Me 2 ' at the box office over the weekend .

  8. 关于TPP的关键性事实在于,这是一个将包含美国、日本以及另外10个环太平洋经济体的贸易协定&但将中国排除在外。

    The crucial fact about the TPP is that it is a trade deal that would include the US , Japan and 10 other Pacific-rim economies & but exclude China .

  9. 当然,领袖们将会发表通常已经预先准备好的峰会宣言,肯定会呼吁深化环太平洋合作,加强政策协调,以及加紧完成濒危的多哈(doha)回合全球贸易谈判。

    They will , of course , issue the usual pre-cooked summit declaration , doubtless calling for deeper Pacific Rim co-operation , closer policy alignment and rapid completion of the stricken Doha trade round .

  10. 巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)在刚刚过去的周末奋力挽救其贸易议程,同时美国的海外谈判伙伴警告称,若美国国会不支持奥巴马,雄心勃勃的环太平洋贸易区计划将陷入深度冻结。

    Barack Obama spent the weekend scrambling to rescue his trade agenda amid warnings from US negotiating partners overseas that a failure by Congress to back the president would put plans for an ambitious Pacific Rim trade zone into a deep freeze .

  11. 34岁的宋仡文(IanSullivan)说:温哥华约有30%的人口都是亚裔,我们常常感到自己与环太平洋地区的联系与加拿大其它地区更佳紧密。

    Around 30 per cent of the population of Vancouver is of Asian origin and we tend to feel more connected with the Pacific Rim than with the rest of Canada , said 34-year-old Ian Sullivan .

  12. 美林(merrilllynch)环太平洋地区股票资本市场主管亚历克斯伍德索普(alexwoodthorpe)表示:“过去几年,由于投资者基础发生了变化,定价的决策难度有所上升。”

    Alex woodthorpe , head of Pacific Rim equity capital markets at Merrill Lynch , said : " judgment calls on pricing have become harder to make over the past few years as the investor base has changed . "

  13. 文中根据最新的全球大震资料划分了100a来全球特大地震的时空演化过程,表现为环太平洋带与近纬向活动带两种强震分布图像,以20a左右的时间段交替出现。

    Spatiotemporal distribution of global great earthquakes in the past one hundred years represents two alternating periods : the circum-pacific period , and the almost-latitudinal period , which occurred by turns in the cycles of 10 to 20 years .

  14. 环太平洋地区是主要的活动大陆边缘发育地,发育许多与活动大陆边缘有关的盆地。

    Many basins related to active margins locate on CircumPacific areas .

  15. 记第二届环太平洋先进材料及工艺国际会议

    The second Pacific Rim International Conference on advanced materials and processing

  16. 环太平洋活动大陆边缘盆地类型及油气成藏条件

    The basin types and reservoir forming condition of circum-Pacific active margins

  17. 有些环太平洋国家的富人

    I mean , some of your wealthier Pacific rim nations --

  18. 福建紫金山铜金矿床类型与环太平洋浅成低温矿床的比较

    Comparison of the Zijinshan Copper-Gold Deposit and Circum-Pacific Epithermal Deposits

  19. 台湾位于环太平洋火山带。

    Taiwan is located on the Pacific rim of fire .

  20. 我们公司专注于亚洲环太平洋区域的贸易。

    Our company is focused in doing business in the Asia-Pacific area .

  21. 环太平洋西北地区能源与矿产资源国际会议

    International Conference of energy and mineral resources of the north-west circum Pacific Region

  22. 环太平洋弧形山系探究

    A study of the arc mountain system in the Circum-Pacific regions generalized ring

  23. 今年她将在《环太平洋》中大战巨怪。

    This year she 'll kick some giant monster butt in Pacific Rim .

  24. 美国逾三分之二的出口品出口至环太平洋国家。

    More than two-thirds of US exports are made to Pacific Rim countries .

  25. 喀什台环太平洋地震带地震记录特征

    Characteristics of the earthquakes in the Circum-Pacific seismic belt recorded by Kashi Seismostation

  26. 日本脑炎普遍流行于整个亚洲东部、南部和环太平洋地区。

    Japanese encephalitis is prevalent through-out Eastern and Southern Asia and the Pacific Rim .

  27. 中国东部环太平洋地区的油气分布特征和勘探前景设想

    Some idea on petroleum distribution and prospect in the Circum-Pacific region of eastern China

  28. 英语也许是环太平洋地区商业贸易通用的语言。

    English may be the language of business and trade throughout the Pacific Rim .

  29. 环太平洋钙碱性岩石区雪硅钙石与氟化钙处理低磷污水的实验研究

    Experimental Study on Treating Low Phosphorus Wastewater by Combination of Tobermorite and Calcium Fluoride

  30. 环太平洋钙碱性岩石区

    Circum pacific calc alkaline petrographic province ultrabasic rock