
  • 网络River Ohio;the Ohio River;the Ohio
  1. 美国西维吉尼亚州西北部一城市,位于俄亥俄河沿岸。

    A city in northwestern West Virginia on the Ohio river .

  2. 美国俄亥俄河流域水质卫生委员会的运作

    Operation of the Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission

  3. 惠灵位于西弗吉尼亚州俄亥俄河的锅柄状地带。

    Wheeling is located in the northern panhandle of West Virginia .

  4. 俄亥俄河是密西西比河的支流之一。

    The Ohio River is one of the tributaries of the Mississippi River .

  5. 美国西弗吉尼亚州西北部的一座城市,位于宾夕法尼亚州俄亥俄河沿岸的锅柄状地区。

    A city in the northern panhandle of West Virginia on the Ohio river .

  6. 俄亥俄河的一条支流。

    A tributary of the Ohio River .

  7. 美国伊利诺斯州最南部的一个城镇,靠近密西西比河与俄亥俄河汇合处。

    A town of extreme southern Illinois near the confluence of the Mississippi and Ohio rivers .

  8. 俄亥俄河,是密西西比河的支流,自阿巴拉契亚山西流而下。

    And the Ohio , a branch of the Mississippi that flows west from the Appalachian Mountains .

  9. 在那个阴冷的夜晚,帕克渡过俄亥俄河,找到了十个丧魂落魄的逃亡者。

    Crossing the Ohio River on that chilly night , Parker found ten fugitives frozen with fear .

  10. 美国西弗吉尼亚州西部城市,临俄亥俄河。

    A city of western West Virginia on the Ohio river at the mouth of the Kanawha .

  11. 若无印第安那州钓鱼执照,在肯塔基州的俄亥俄河钓鱼是违法的。

    It 's illegal to fish in the Ohio River in Kentucky without an Indiana fishing license .

  12. 指美国俄亥俄河以北和密西西比河以东的地区。

    The region of the United States lying north of the Ohio River and east of the Mississippi River .

  13. 工程兵部队炸毁堤坝是为了让俄亥俄河中的水流入密西西比河。

    Engineers are blowing up that levee in order to let water from the Ohio River flow into the Mississippi .

  14. 在没有炸堤泄洪前,俄亥俄河的水位处于历史最高水平。

    Before those blasts you saw , the water level in the Ohio River was the highest it 's ever been .

  15. 该船经过莫农加希拉,然后沿着俄亥俄河行驶到伊利诺伊州的凯罗,在这里它进入密西西比河。

    The boat navigated the Monongahela , then followed the Ohio to Cairo , Illinois , where it joins the Mississippi .

  16. 肯塔基州的最大城市;位于肯塔基州的中北部俄亥俄河的河岸上;肯塔基赛马场所在地。

    The largest city in Kentucky ; located in north central Kentucky on the Ohio river ; site of the Kentucky Derby .

  17. 美国宾夕法尼亚州西南部的城市,位于俄亥俄河的源头;匹兹堡大学和卡内基梅隆大学所在地。

    A city in southwestern Pennsylvania at the beginning of the Ohio river ; site of Carnegie-Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh .

  18. 俄亥俄河流域的水质量贸易工程允许那些面对高污染控制成本的人向污染控制成本较低地区的人们购买减排信用。

    Its Ohio River Basin Water-Quality trading project will allow those facing high pollution-control costs to buy reduction credits from those whose costs are lower .

  19. 发源于肯塔基州东南,向西流经田纳西州北部,最后在肯塔基州西南成为俄亥俄河的一条支流。

    A river that rises in southeastern Kentucky and flows westward through northern Tennessee to become a tributary of the Ohio River in southwestern Kentucky .

  20. 作为该地区少数几条仍能运输谷物的水道之一,俄亥俄河的驳船运输价格已大幅飙升。

    Barge freight prices have soared on the Ohio River , one of the few waterways in the region on which grain is still being shipped .

  21. 俄亥俄河被称作美国的鲁尔河,就像德国一样,沿河有丰富的高品千周的焦煤,并且因其钢铁而著名。

    The Ohio river has been called the American Ruhr , As in Germany , the area along the river is rich in valuable deposits of high-grade coking coal and is wellknown for its steel industry .

  22. 1960年,18岁的拳击运动员克莱(阿里)来到罗马,赢得了夏季奥林匹克运动会轻重量级冠军。传闻克莱将金牌扔进俄亥俄河。

    In 1960 , the 18-year-old fighter traveled to Rome and won the light heavyweight gold medal in the Summer Olympics . The story goes that Clay ( Ali ) hurled his gold medal into the Ohio River .

  23. 西北地区,旧西北区:美国中北部的历史地区,从俄亥俄和密西西比河延伸到大湖。

    A historical region of the north-central United States extending from the Ohio and Mississippi rivers to the Great Lakes .

  24. 比尔·凯思(BillKeith),29岁,来自俄亥俄州的哈德逊河流域,在将别人都吸引到自己身边来,他有绝招。

    Bill Keith , 29 , from Hudson , OH , has a knack for charming everyone around him .

  25. 辛辛那提州是美国俄亥俄州西南端一座城市,位于俄亥俄河旁。

    Cincinnati is a city of extreme southwest Ohio on the Ohio River .