
gē lún bù
  • Columbus;Christopher Columbus
哥伦布 [gē lún bù]
  • [Christopher Columbus] (1451-1506) 意大利航海家。生于热那亚。1492 年 4 月,与西班牙国王签定著名的圣大菲协定。同年 8 月 3 日,率船 3 艘,水手 90 名,从巴罗斯港出发,横渡大西洋,于 10 月驶抵巴哈马群岛、古巴、海地等地,次年 3 月返航。此后的 10 余年间又先后 3 次西航,到达牙买加、波多黎各诸岛以及中南美洲大陆沿海一带。他误认为所到之地即印度,称土著居民为印第安人

哥伦布[gē lún bù]
  1. 他们期待着沿哥伦布的壮丽航程进行一次航行。

    They are hoping to retrace the epic voyage of Christopher Columbus .

  2. 为哥伦布建一座纪念碑是他一生的梦想。

    Building a memorial to Columbus has been his lifelong dream

  3. 他打算重走哥伦布到达西印度群岛的航行路线。

    He aims to follow Columbus 's voyage to the West Indies .

  4. 哥伦布坚信地球是圆的。

    Columbus contended that the earth was round .

  5. 哥伦布是何时发现新大陆的?

    When Columbus discovered the New World ?

  6. 但在那年10月的美国哥伦布日(columbusday),事情并没有完全按计划进行。

    But things did not quite go to plan over the US Columbus Day holiday in October of that year .

  7. 据悉,格拉纳达大学法医系曾做过一些意义重大的DNA鉴定,包括对西班牙内战留下的秘密坟墓中的尸骨和哥伦布尸骨的鉴定。

    The university forensic team has previously worked on other high-profile identifications , including bodies from unmarked civil war graves , and the remains of Christopher Colombus .

  8. 哥伦布向他的国王和王后报告世界是圆的,并而且在历史(History)上作为这个发现(discover)的第一人。

    Columbus reported to his king and queen that the world was round , and he went down in history as the man who first made this discovery .

  9. 指数哥伦布码是AVS视频压缩标准中熵编码的重要组成部分。

    The exponential-Golomb code is a important part of entropy encoding in AVS video compression standard .

  10. TedWilliams原本是美国俄亥俄州哥伦布市路边一个无家可归的乞讨者。

    Ted Williams was a homeless man begging for money along the side of the road in Columbus , Ohio .

  11. 位于乔治亚州哥伦布(Columbus)的卡麦克拥有2954个影厅,大部分都位于中等城市。

    Carmike , based in Columbus , Ga. , has most of its 2954 screens in midsize cities .

  12. LaneBryant公司的总部位于俄亥俄州哥伦布市。自2013年就任CEO以来,西斯里先后为公司带来了几个子品牌和运动女装。

    CEO of the Columbus , Ohio-based company since 2013 , Heasley has brought a few designer sub-brands to Lane Bryant , and chic athletic wear .

  13. LaneBryant公司的总部位于俄亥俄州哥伦布市。自2013年就任CEO以来,西斯里先后为公司带来了几个“子品牌”和运动女装。

    CEO of the Columbus , Ohio-based company since 2013 , Heasley has brought a few designer " sub-brands " to Lane Bryant , and chic athletic wear .

  14. 我去Bangalore市&也就是印度的硅谷,进行一次哥伦布式的探险。

    I had come to Bangalore , India 's Silicon Valley , on my own Columbus-like journey of exploration .

  15. 马丘比丘又称“古老的山巅”(OldPeak)是哥伦布发现美洲大陆以前的印加古城,位于秘鲁印加圣谷(UrubambaValley)之上的海拔2430米的山脉之上,靠近库斯科。

    Machu Picchu (" Old Peak ") is a pre-Columbian Inca city located at2,430 m ( 7,970 ft ) altitude on a mountain ridge above the Urubamba Valley in Peru , near Cusco .

  16. 就在不久之前,哥伦布环岛还曾是几十名流浪者的临时住所,他们占据了纽约会议中心(NewYorkColiseum)的遗址,那里是罗伯特·摩斯(RobertMoses)时代举行会议的地方。

    It was not all that long ago that Columbus Circle was the makeshift residence of dozens of homeless people squatting at the site of the abandoned New York Coliseum , the Robert Moses-era convention center .

  17. 可是哥伦布的情况就不一样了。当时人们认为他很怪,有神经病,因为他说航行可以围绕地球转,但是事实证明他是对的,所以他是聪明,不能算是crackpot。

    But in his time , a lot of people thought that Christopher Columbus was a crackpot .

  18. 往下几层,是另一家空壳公司“哥伦布天际线”(ColumbusSkylineL.L.C.)拥有的三套共管公寓。该公司属于一个名为王文良的中国商人的家族。

    A few floors down are three condos owned by another shell company , Columbus Skyline L.L.C. , which belongs to the family of a Chinese businessman and contractor named Wang Wenliang .

  19. 告诉你们爸妈我在eBay拍卖可以线上付费、刷卡或付现金罗盘是哥伦布节最好的礼物山姆!

    You can tell your folks . It 's on eBay . I take PayPal . Cold hard cash works , too . And the compass makes a great gift for Columbus Day . Sam !

  20. 哥伦布市河畔卫理公会医院(RiversideMethodistHospital)负责治疗质量和病人安全的医疗总监詹姆斯·奥布莱恩说:“如果这个计划取得成功,败血症的死亡率将降低一半。”

    James O'Brien , medical director of quality and patient safety at Riverside Methodist Hospital in Columbus , says , " if this is successful , it could cut the rate of death from sepsis in half . "

  21. 新的指南能使更多的人去做CPR,俄亥俄州立大学哥伦布分校助教Sayre说。

    The new guidelines may inspire more people to perform CPR , says Sayre , an associate professor of emergency medicine at Ohio State University , Columbus .

  22. Vespucci详细的解释到美洲并不是像哥伦布那样认为是亚洲的东部地方,而是一片新的大陆。

    Vespucci reasoned that America was not the eastern part of Asia as Columbus believed but a new continent .

  23. 尽管没有找到印度,回程之后,哥伦布仍可以告诉他的赞助人Ferdinand国王和Isabella王后,他确认世界真的是圆的。

    Returning home , though , Columbus was able to tell his patrons , King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella , that although he never did find India , he could confirm that the world was indeed round .

  24. 特丽莎•波特从事营销高管的职位已经30年,在她的职业出现暂时停滞时,她曾免费为俄亥俄州哥伦布市的Coalescence调料公司做过一些营销活动。

    Theresa Potter had been a marketing executive for 30 years when , during a career lull , she agreed to work on a few marketing initiatives for free at coalescence , a Columbus , Ohio-based custom spice blending firm .

  25. 模拟过程中,分别采用Lennard-Jones势能模型(或BuckinghamExp-6势能模型)及哥伦布势能函数计算分子间的非电荷近程相互作用势能及电荷间的近程作用势能。

    In simulation , No-charge short range intermolecular interactions and charge-charge short range interactions were calculated respectively by Lennard-Jones potential function ( or Buckingham Exp-6 potential function ) and Columbian potential function .

  26. 哥伦布对圣经预言的错误看法导致他对待泰诺(Taino)族人的不合理行为,而他的行为并非证明圣经预言是错误的。

    Columbus 's view of biblical prophecy does not justify his actions toward the Taino but neither do his actions make biblical prophecies erroneous .

  27. 第七十六街位于阿姆斯特丹和哥伦布之间,沿着街往西走,左手边的第三栋楼房,是一间破旧的红砖屋,Constance以前很看不起的这个街区。

    Seventy-sixth Street between Amsterdam and Columbus , the third building along on the left , heading west : a shabby red-brick , in a neighborhood Constance despised . I used to live there ;

  28. 麦肯恩原本计划在一个海上油井与媒体见面,但由于发生石油泄漏和飓风多莉给而落空。他只好在俄亥俄州首府哥伦布XXX(Schmidt'sFudgeHaus)前接受媒体(CNN)采访。

    McCain , his planned photo op at an offshore rig pre ë mpted by an oil spill and rained out by Hurricane Dolly , held a press gaggle in front of Schmidt 's Fudge Haus , in Columbus , Ohio .

  29. 英国航海史学家孟席斯(GavinMenzies)历时14年收集资料和研究后,于2002年3月提出郑和船队早在哥伦布前72年就航行到美洲;

    Gavin Menzies , British seafaring historian , spent 14 years collecting data and doing research , and put forward the theory in March 2002 that ZHENG Hess fleet had reached the Americas 72 years earlier than Columbus ;

  30. 毕竟,在哥伦布到达新世界前,阿兹特克人驯养火鸡(阿兹特克人称火鸡为huehxolotl)已经超过一千年了。

    After all , pre-Aztec and Aztec peoples domesticated the turkey more than a millennium before Columbus reached the New World ( the Aztecs called the bird huehxolotl ) .