
  • 网络Gothic Novel;Gothic fiction;gothic
  1. 新派武侠小说与哥特小说之比较

    A Comparison between the New-style Swordsmen Novel and the Gothic Novel

  2. 从《修道士》看哥特小说的创作特征

    On Writing Features of the Gothic Novel from the Monk

  3. 哥特小说中的伦理道德因素&以《修道士》为例

    The Moral Principles in Gothic Novels : An Ethical Study of The Monk

  4. 《简·爱》&一部女性哥特小说

    Rereading Jane Eyre as a Female Gothic Novel

  5. 读过哥特小说的人都会说吸血蝙蝠是个讨厌的东西。

    Anyone who reads gothic fiction will tell you that vampires are bad news .

  6. 在20世纪,哥特小说在美国比在英国更为繁荣。

    In the20th century , the gothic novel in America than in Britain more prosperity .

  7. 古宅,神怪,巧合&浅谈《维莱特》的哥特小说因素

    Ancient Residence , Spirits and Coincidenas ── A Superficial Understanding of the Gothic Elements in Villette

  8. 英美哥特小说与中国

    British-American Gothic Novels and China

  9. 哥特小说探析

    Gothic Novel and Its Analysis

  10. 首先介绍女性哥特小说的起源,发展和研究现状。

    Firstly , it will introduce the origin , development and studying situation of female Gothic novel .

  11. 英国哥特小说与中国六朝志怪小说比较研究

    The English Gothic Novels and the Chinese Supernatural Tales in the Six Dynasties : A Comparative Study

  12. 到了20世纪,哥特小说在美国远比在英国繁荣。

    To the20 century , the Gothic novel in America was far more prosperity than that in England .

  13. 明清志怪小说和18世纪英国哥特小说叙事艺术比较研究

    The Narrative Art Comparative Study on the Chinese Supernatural Tales in the Ming-Qing Dynasties and the 18th Century British Gothic Novels

  14. 早期哥特小说女主人公通常都是以软弱、被动形象出现的,常常受到一个恶棍英雄的追求和引诱。

    And in early Gothic novels the heroines are usually weak and passive and often chased and seduced by a villain hero .

  15. 他对哥特小说的另一个贡献就是在哥特小说中加入了喜剧因素。

    His another great contribution to the Gothic novel relies on the fact that he introduces comic elements to the Gothic novel .

  16. 将英国哥特小说与中国六朝志怪小说加以比较研究,是一个新的富于挑战性的课题。

    This Dissertation attempts to do a comparative study of the English Gothic Novels and the Chinese Supernatural Tales in the Six Dynasties .

  17. 本文从哥特小说和科幻小说两个角度对这部作品进行分析。

    My thesis is engaged in the study of this work from two perspectives : Frankenstein as Gothic fiction and as science fiction .

  18. 在通常情况下,哥特小说都会在其情节发展过程中安排几场梦境,以此来营造一种神秘的氛围。

    Under normal circumstances , several dreamlands will be arranged in the plot development of the Gothic novel to create a mysterious atmosphere .

  19. 正因为这种巧妙的融合,在用哥特小说和推理小说来进行道德探索和社会批判方面,他远在爱伦·坡之上。

    In the matter of exploring the morality and social criticism with Gothic novels and detective novels , he is far above Edgar Allan Poe .

  20. 故在简单介绍了相关背景后,本文首先追溯歌特小说的历史传统,尤其是哥特小说在美国新大陆的崛起历程。

    So after the introduction , this paper is to list out the origin and the history of the Gothic-the rise of American Gothic in particular .

  21. 尤其是,奥斯丁据说把笔锋对准了于1794年出版的哥特小说《奥多芙的神秘》的作者安。拉德克里夫。

    In particular , Austen is said to have targeted AnneRadcliffe , the author of gothic novels such as The Mysteries of Udolpho ( 1794 ) .

  22. 在这部小说中,艾米丽继承了传统哥特小说中关于复仇和争夺继承权的主题,并运用传统哥特艺术手法来突出这两个主题。

    In this novel , Emily adopts two traditional gothic themes & revenge and striving for succession , and depicts these themes by using gothic artistic methods .

  23. 该小说除了具有黑暗,死亡,颓废和癫狂等传统的哥特小说特点以外,怪诞正是这部新哥特小说的最显著特点。

    Besides the traditional features such as darkness , death , decay and madness , peculiarity is just the most prominent feature of this new Gothic fiction .

  24. 女性哥特小说作为独立的题材,在主题、人物刻画、恐怖制造等方面都有自己的特点。

    As an independent genre , the female gothic novels are possessed of their own characteristics in terms of theme , characterization , terror creation and so on .

  25. 进而,文章在第二章重点剖析了詹姆斯新颖的创作技巧在这篇哥特小说中的运用,分析了其如何加强了小说的哥特效果。

    And then , in the following chapter , the author mainly interprets James ' innovative techniques in his writing of this novel and the strong gothic effects it enhances .

  26. 在某种程度上,哥特小说的神秘和争议恰恰是这种不确定性的一种表现,并且预示了同样充满神秘感和争议的浪漫主义时代的到来。

    To a certain degree , the controversies and mysteries of the gothic novel precisely echo with the uncertainty of this era and foreshadow the arrival of the Romantic period .

  27. 哥特小说主要是一些描写神秘和恐怖的小说,主要描写发生在一些闹鬼和破烂不堪的中世纪城堡里的故事。

    Gothic novels are mostly stories of mystery and horror which take place in some haunted or dilapidated Middle Age castles – were turned out profusely by both male and female writers .

  28. 绪论部分主要考察了处于比较两极的英国哥特小说与中国六朝志怪小说各自的研究现状及其研究价值,并详细阐明了比较研究英国哥特小说与中国六朝志怪小说的思路、方法、目的及其意义。

    The Preface explains the reason , comparability , purpose , methods and significance of this comparative study between the English Gothic Novels and the Chinese Supernatural Tales in the Six Dynasties .

  29. 当充满黑暗、恐怖、神秘色彩的哥特小说问世后,哥特艺术开始在音乐、电影等大众流行文化中蔓延。

    When the Gothic novels had be published which were full of darkness , horror and mystery , the Gothic Art spread in the mass popular culture including music , movie , etc.

  30. 摘要新派武侠小说与哥特小说,一个属于古老的东方民族,一个来自于遥远的西方世界,但在题材、人物塑造、环境描写等方面有着异曲同工之妙。

    The new-style swordsmen novel and the Gothic novel , though against different cultural back-grounds , they do share some things in common in topics , molding of characters and description of surroundings .