
  • 网络world climate conference in Copenhagen
  1. 2009年哥本哈根世界气候大会将全球对环境和生态的关注提升到新的台阶。

    World Climate Conference in Copenhagen will let the concern of the Environmental and Ecological to a new level in 2009 .

  2. 随即我国政府明确表示反对碳关税,并在哥本哈根世界气候大会上与美国为代表的发达国家进行了激烈的交锋。

    Subsequently and clearly , the Chinese government expressed opposition to carbon tariffs , and fiercely confronted to the United States , the representative of the developed countries , in world climate conference in Copenhagen .

  3. 在全球气候问题愈演愈烈的情况下,对于重要的始作俑者CO2,大家都格外关注,2009年12月在丹麦首都召开的哥本哈根世界气候大会更是把碳减排问题提上议事日程。

    In this urgent global climate situation , we are especially concerned about one of the major initiators CO2 . In December 2009 in the Danish capital Copenhagen , the World Climate Conference brought more issues about carbon emissions into its agenda .

  4. 然后,笔者使用立体多面体分析模型对刚刚举行的哥本哈根世界气候大会做了初步分析。

    Then , the author analyzes Copenhagen Climate Change Conference with the structural model of three-dimensional polyhedron .

  5. 哥本哈根世界气候大会后,低碳化成为世界经济的一个重要发展方向和趋势。

    After the Copenhagen World Climate Conference , low carbonization becomes an important developing trend of the world economy .

  6. 随着2009年12月哥本哈根世界气候大会的召开,全球气候变化已不仅是当前科学研究的热点,更成为社会乃至政治热点。

    Along with the Copenhagen world climate conference has convoked in 2009 , the global climate change not only is scientific research hot point , but also become social and even political issue currently .

  7. 哥本哈根世界气候变化大会的召开,再一次在全球范围内掀起了环境保护的热浪,将我们推入了一个环境保护的新时代。

    The World Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen has launch a worldwide environment-protecting campaign again and start a new era of environmental protection .

  8. 2009年12月在丹麦首都哥本哈根召开的世界气候大会上,中国做出了到2020年实现单位GDP碳排放量降低40%-45%的承诺,如何兑现承诺是一项艰巨的任务,需要全国上下共同努力。

    At the World Climate Conference held in Copenhagen last December , China committed to reduce its carbon emissions per GDP by 40 % - 45 % until 2020 . How to meet commitments is a long-term and hard task , completely needs joint efforts of the whole community .