
  • 网络Environmental education;environment education;Enviromental Education
  1. 中学环境教育和STS实验

    Environmental Education in Middle School and STS Experiment

  2. 美国的森林学习项目(简称PLT,ProjectLearningTree)是一个在美国乃至世界得到推广的环境教育项目。

    The Project Learning Tree is a popular environmental education program all over the US .

  3. 中学地理课程与环境教育课程内容相关性研究

    Middle School Geography Curriculum and Environment Education Curriculum Content Relevance Research

  4. 班主任开展环境教育的有效途径探讨

    To Explore an Effective Way to Environmental Education by the Headteacher

  5. 新时期我国环境教育探究

    Research of Environmental Education in Our Country in the New Period

  6. 本文先探讨了环境教育在中国的现状。

    This paper examines the status of environmental education in China .

  7. 在预防医学教学中加强环境教育效果分析

    Effect analysis of strengthening environmental education in the preventive medicine teaching

  8. 关于生态悖论现象、生态环境教育与可持续发展的思考

    Thinking of ecological paradox , ecological environment education and sustainable development

  9. 环境教育的目的是使这些课题更加息息相关。

    Environmental education is intended to give these topics more coherence .

  10. 环境教育是新课程的重要组成部分。

    The environment education is the essential part for the new curriculum .

  11. 环境教育是21世纪的教育热点问题。

    Environment education is the most important issue in the 21st century .

  12. 高师环境教育课程体系构建调查分析

    Analysis of Construction of Environment Education Courses in Normal Colleges

  13. 高师环境教育的途径与模式

    The approch and pattern of environmental education in Teachers Universities

  14. 论近期中国高等环境教育的主要任务

    Discussion about the Main Task in Current China 's Higher Environmental Education

  15. 可持续发展与西部环境教育若干问题思考

    Thoughts of Sustainable Development and Environmental Education in West Region

  16. 环境教育:21世纪大学生的必修课

    Environmental Education - A Required Course for College Students in 21st Century

  17. 高师地理科学专业环境教育的思考

    Thought of Environment Education for Geography Specialty in Normal College

  18. 中学环境教育校本课程研究

    The Middle School of Environment Education School-based Course Study

  19. 环境教育课程培养师范生信息素养的模式与方法探索

    Exploring the Mode & Method of Cultivating Normal School Students ' Informational Literacy

  20. 初中环境教育与学生自我发展的契合

    Environmental Education in Junior Middle School Combine with the Self-development of the Student

  21. 对高校开展环境教育的思考

    Ideas on Developing Environmental Education in Colleges and Universities

  22. 论高中环境教育课程设置研究

    On Environmental Educational Courses Offered in Senior High School

  23. 本文第四部分提出了对我国环境教育立法的构想。

    The fourth part forwards the ideas of our legislation on environmental education .

  24. 中学环境教育研究

    Research on the Education of Environment in Middle School

  25. 中学语文教育与环境教育

    Ch in ese Teach in g in Middle Schools & Education in Environment

  26. 在教育目标中确定了海洋环境教育的总体目标、具体目标以及面向不同社会群体的层次目标。

    The education goals include collective objective , material objectives and level objectives .

  27. 上海中小学环境教育的实践与经验

    Practice and Experience of Environmental Education in Primary and Secondary Schools in Shanghai

  28. 无机化学与环境教育结合的教学实践

    Teaching Practice of Inorganic Chemistry Combining with Environment Education

  29. 高职院校人文教育与校园环境教育研究

    Research on the Humanistic Education and Campus Environment Education in Higher Professional Colleges

  30. 互动式环境教育教学方法初探

    A preliminary probe into the interactive environment teaching method