
  • 网络environmental media;environmental medium;environment media
  1. 不同环境介质中热喷涂Al和Zn的腐蚀行为

    Corrosion performance of thermal sprayed aluminum and zinc coatings in various environmental media

  2. 环境介质对PS、ABS和PC的疲劳寿命的影响

    Influence of Environmental Media on Fatigue Life in ABS , PS and PC

  3. 环境介质和应变速率对ABS拉伸行为的影响

    Effect of Environmental Media Strain Rate on Tensile Behaviour of ABS Resin

  4. 环境介质对ABS疲劳裂纹扩展的影响

    The Fatigue Crack Propagation Behaviour of ABS in Environmental Media

  5. 采用这种传感器建立检测系统,包括光学匹配系统和相关软硬件测试系统,以及后续的MATLAB数据处理等,通过获取的光谱对环境介质进行检测。

    A detection system including optical components , software , hardware , and MATLAB data processing , is set up based on this sensor .

  6. 上海市某工业区环境介质中典型POPs的分布特征

    Distribution Characteristics of Representative POPs in A Chemical Industry Zone of Shanghai

  7. 切尔诺贝利核电站事故后苏州市环境介质中~(134137)Cs含量变化和剂量评价

    Concentration variation of ~ ( 134,137 ) cs in environmental media and dose evaluation in Suzhou City after Chernobyl nuclear accident

  8. 冶炼废渣在自然淋滤过程中铊有明显的迁移释放能力,废渣中铊的赋存形态和环境介质条件(pH、温度及废渣矿物组分)是控制其迁移释放能力的主要因素。

    Thallium in slag has distinct release ability under natural leaching and was affected by its forms and some conditions ( such as pH , temperature and components of slag );

  9. 大亚湾核电站周围海域海洋环境介质中~(110m)Ag含量

    Concentrations of Nuclide ~ ( 110m ) Ag in Marine Samples around Daya Bay Nuclear Power Station

  10. 环境介质与应力比对300M钢腐蚀疲劳裂纹萌生寿命的影响

    Effect of environment medium and stress ratio on CF crack initiation life for 300M steel

  11. 研究了锌、铝喷涂层及普通碳钢(基体)在不同pH值环境介质中的耐腐蚀性能。

    The corrosion resisting properties of common carbon steel and Zn and Al sprayed coatings on the surface of common carbon steel have been studied in the mediums of different PH values .

  12. 另一方面,空气中PAHs的干湿沉降也是水体、土壤等环境介质中PAHs的重要来源。

    Then PAHs in dry and wet deposition is an important source of the PAHs in water , soil and some other environmental mediums .

  13. 本文研究了ABS在环境介质中的疲劳裂纹扩展。

    The fatigue crack propagation ( FCP ) behaviour of ABS in organic media and water was studied , and observation of the fatigue fracture surfaces were made .

  14. 研究结果表明:1.低温热处理过程中,环境介质对PAN纤维的化学反应影响较为显著。

    The results show that : 1 . In the process of low-temperature heat treatment , environmental atomosphere have a great influence on the chemical reactions of PAN precursor .

  15. 应用电化学阻抗谱(EIS)研究环境介质中氯离子对混凝土中钢筋腐蚀行为的影响。

    Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy ( EIS ) was employed to study the influence of chloride on the corrosion behavior of reinforcing steel in concrete .

  16. 在该环境介质中Cr的增加和Mo的出现,初步认为是一种钝化膜的保护性自修复过程。

    Organic molybdenum sulphide ( Mo ( V ) - Cysteine ) was found in passive film . The increase of Cr and the appearance of Mo were thought an auto-repair behaviour .

  17. 多氯联苯(Polychlorinatedbiphenyls,PCBs)作为持久性有机污染物,广泛存在于环境介质中,已成为全球性环境问题。

    Polychlorinated biphenyls ( PCBs ), as persistent organic pollutants , are of global concern because they exist in the environmental medium widely .

  18. 为了研究它们的成因,应用多元统计方法分析了这些元素在不同景观区及不同环境介质中的分布特征及相关关系,利用参考元素对Cd、Pb、Zn的富集含量进行了定量估算。

    The distribution and correlations of Cd , Pb and Zn in the different landscapes and environmental samples are discussed using statistical analysis with the aim of discussing their origins , the enrichment value are estimated by a reference element .

  19. 近年来,因为多环芳烃的致癌、致畸、致突变的三致性,国内外对环境介质中PAHs的关注越来越多。

    In recent years , because of the PAHs " carcinogenic 、 teratogenic 、 mutagenic ," to the three of the media , at home and abroad PAHs in the environment is more and more attention .

  20. 作为一种全球性的污染物,PBDEs已广泛存在于各种环境介质中,且其浓度呈逐年上升的趋势。

    PBDEs , as a group of global contaminants , have been ubiquitously detected in many environmental media , and their concentrations have been increasing with years .

  21. NO-3-N是环境介质中影响豆科植物共生固氮的重要因素。

    NO - 3-N of the environment plays an important role in rhizobium - legume symbiotic nitrogen fixation of legume .

  22. 目前各种环境介质和生物体内都检测出了PBDEs,而且在人体脂肪和母乳中也检出不同浓度水平的PBDEs。

    In recent years , PBDEs have been detected in various environmental media and living organisms , also in human fat and breast milk for different concentration levels .

  23. 目前国内外对PAHs的研究主要集中在大气、水体和沉积物等环境介质中,而雨水及雾水作为PAHs重要的地气交换方式,不仅在上海,甚至在全国对雨水及雾水中PAHs的研究都很少。

    However , rain and fog as PAH important mode of exchange between the earth surface and atmosphere , not only in Shanghai , even in the nationwide the study on PAHs of rain and fog is scarce .

  24. 由于其在各行业的大规模应用及其本身所具有的挥发性和微量溶水性特征,TCE已成为全球最重要的有机污染物之一,广泛存在于城市大气、土壤、地表水、地下水等环境介质中。

    Owing to its widespread use , partial water solubility and volatility , TCE has been found extensively in the environmental medium , such as the air , soil , surface water , and groundwater .

  25. 近年来,由于抗生素的滥用而导致多药物抗性超级致病细菌的不断涌现,抗生素抗性基因(AntibioticResistanceGenes,ARGs)在环境介质中分布、迁移和扩散引起了人们的广泛关注。

    In recent years , as the prevalence of multiple super pathogenic bacteria in environments are induced by the extensive use of antibiotics by human , a better understanding of the distribution , transport and dissemination of antibiotic resistance genes ( ARGs ) in environments is warranted .

  26. 研究了磁控溅射法制备的Cr-Si-Ni电阻薄膜在不同模拟环境介质溶液中的电学稳定性及腐蚀行为。

    Electrical properties stability and corrosion behavior of Cr-Si-Ni resistive films deposited by magnetron sputtering were investigated in different environments solutions .

  27. 持久性有机污染物(POPs)具有持久性、生物蓄积性、半挥发性和高毒性等特性,已在全球各环境介质广泛存在,并沿食物链富集于生物体以及人体内。

    Persistent Organic Pollutants ( POPs ) with persistence , bioaccumulation , semi-volatility and highly toxic properties , have been found in various environmental media on a global scale , which can be enriched and accumulated in biota and human body along food chain .

  28. 含有PFASs及其前体化合物的产品在生产、应用、运输和处置过程中会释放到环境介质大气、水、土壤和沉积物中。

    PFASs are released into the environment during the production , application , transport and disposal of PFAS containing products or by degradation of their precursors , and they are ubiquitous in environmental matrices such as air , water , soil and sewage sludge .

  29. 原油储罐在运行过程中,经常遭受内、外环境介质的腐蚀。

    Oil tanks are often exposed to corrosive medium while operating .

  30. 沸石在多种环境介质中的应用研究进展

    Research Progress on the Application of Zeolite in Multiple Environmental Media