
  • 网络new town;Xincheng Town
  1. 这条路把所有的新城镇都连接起来了。

    The road links all the new towns together .

  2. 成千上万新城镇在铁路站点周围拔地而起

    Thousands of new towns spring up around railroad stations .

  3. 迄今,我集团已在某某某某国做过很多成功的开发项目。近期,某某某政府将某某某市郊的一个XXX英亩新城镇的开发项目授予我公司。

    To-date , GROUP has completed various development projects in MMMM and recently has been awarded by KUUUU LLLLL Municipality to jointly develop a new township of XXX acres in the fringe of KUUUU LLLLL .

  4. 他们很快在新城镇扎下了根。

    They quickly put down roots in their new town .

  5. 到新城镇的距离很远。

    It 's a long haul to the next town .

  6. 中国人居环境与新城镇发展推进工程倡议书

    Proposal on China Human Settlements Environment and Promoting New City Town Development

  7. 但从头建造新城镇殊非易事。

    But creating new towns from scratch isn 't an easy task .

  8. 美国战后新城镇开发建设及其启示

    New Town Construction and Development of United States in Post-war and Its Suggestion

  9. 就打包行李搬到新城镇去了。

    And then we pack up the car and flee to another town .

  10. 一城九镇对郊区新城镇的启示

    Enlightenment of Suburban New Town from Experience of One City and Nine Towns

  11. 这个新城镇的设计是要在中心区附近留出一些空地。

    This new town was planned to have some open space near the centre .

  12. 莱维敦,昌迪加尔和英国的新城镇的例子人工城市。

    Levittown , Chandigarh and the British New Towns are examples of artificial cities .

  13. 那些新城镇的建成将结束伦敦市区杂乱无章的延伸。

    The new towns were to bring an end to london 's urban sprawl .

  14. 我们知道日本的迪士尼已经发展成一个新城镇。

    We know that Japan 's Disneyland has already developed into a new town .

  15. 那条路连接了那些新城镇。

    The road links the new towns .

  16. 去那个美丽的新城镇

    in this beautiful new town .

  17. 那时,我们推山填海,建造自己的新城镇。

    We were pulling down mountains . We were reclaiming seas . We were building our new town .

  18. 他们还为市区重建项目,大学校园,工业园区和新城镇设计的多功能领域。

    They also design multifunctional areas for urban renewal projects , college campuses , industrial parks and new towns .

  19. ⑸提出了在推进城乡一体化过程中以新城镇整体开发为核心的城市产业理念。

    ⑸ Put forward the city industry philosophy of centering at new town overall development during the process of promoting urban-rural integration .

  20. 大男子气概,跟他的家庭沟通,他最后怎么样?你知道,在这个新城镇里吃的很香。

    with his masculinity , with his family , how he 's going to , you know , make it work in this new town .

  21. 这意味着新城镇可能会在稍后添加,或者,更重要的是,它可能是一个可选的新城镇。

    That means that the town may be added later , or , which is even more important , there may be alternative new towns .

  22. 许多人死了或回家了,不过大多数留在加利福尼亚的新城镇或农场自己谋生。语境。

    Many died or returned home , but most remained in California to make a life for themselves in the new towns or on farms .

  23. 以色列建国初期,在南部、北部等边境地区建立若干新城镇,以分散人口、开发新区和保卫国家安全。

    The New Towns built in the first decades after the establishment of Israel , played an important role in dispersing population and exploiting the developing areas .

  24. 你认为“新城镇小组”如何?我们会在3.59中见到新城镇吗?对这个工程有何发展期望?

    What do you think of the New Town Group ? Shall we see the new town in3.59 ? What 's the developing prospect of this project ?

  25. 在中国历史上许多自发形成的城镇中,人居环境空间和人们的生活较完美地结合起来,而这正是现代许多新城镇居住区所缺乏的。

    In the residence formed naturally in Chinese history , the environment is well combined with people 's life , which is lack by new cities and towns .

  26. 作为统筹城乡发展的重要载体,新城镇、新社区建设被提到议事日程。

    As an important platform for the development of urban and rural areas as a whole ," the new town , new community " construction was put in the agenda .

  27. 这个新城镇,作为现代文明的产物,在古老的埃格登森林附近渐渐发展了起来,而那里山峦上的小径千年来都不曾改变过。

    This new town , a product of modern civilization , had grown up near the ancient Egdon Woods , where the paths over the hills had not changed for a thousand years .

  28. 本文首先分析了英国空间经济规制的背景,然后详细介绍了英国在土地、新城镇以及空间结构等方面的规制。

    The background about the regulation of spatial economy in England is first analysed in this paper , then the regulations about land , new town , and spatial structure in England are detailedly introduced .

  29. 例句一:2012年10月31号中国科学院发表的中国新城镇化报告中,上海北京和深圳位列前三,重庆以39.4%的城镇化率排名第八。

    Ex1 : The 2012 China New-type Urbanization Report was released by Chinese Academy of Sciences on October 31 , 2012 . Shanghai , Beijing and Shenzhen won the top three while Chongqing ranked 8th with a rate of 39.4 % .

  30. 利用不同的卫星影像,直观的展示了研究区内森林景观演替、耕地与草地转化、城区快速扩张和新城镇的兴起等4种土地景观变化过程。

    We can find out the land use and land cover types change ( forest landscape succession , the transform between the grass land and the cultivated land , the quickly expand of the old urban areas , the new town come into being ) by the RS imagine .