
  • 网络xindu district
  1. 然而通过对成都市新都区的教学现状的调查,发现了不少的问题,这些问题也是现在中学教学中普遍存在的问题。

    A number of problems , however , have been emerged , through a survey of Chinese teaching in Xindu District , Chengdu City .

  2. 结果显示,新都区餐饮业消毒效果和卫生状况整体水平较低,其中以中餐业和中等规模餐饮店卫生状况最差。

    The results indicate that the efficacy of disinfection and overall level of sanitary condition of catering units in Xindu District were low , and were worst in the eating houses supplying Chinese food and middle-sized eating houses .

  3. 成都市新都区水环境容量研究

    Study on Water Environmental Capacity in XinDu Area of ChengDu

  4. 成都新都区房地产项目·林荫河畔投资决策风险分析

    Real Estate Project " Lin Yin He Pan " in Xindu Distract of Chengdu Risk Analysis of Investment Decision-making

  5. 在第四章中就以新都区三河镇的实际经验做实证分析。

    In the fourth chapter in the Metropolis Area Trois-Rivieres on to the practical experience of the empirical analysis .

  6. 小城镇社区服务业发展探析阳光新都居住区规划

    Small Town Community Service Industry Sunlight New Town Community Planning

  7. 最近的行政区域改革扩大了该市的规模,进而促使其在东平河沿岸建立新都心区的计划。

    Recent administrative changes increased the size of the city and spurred a desire to create a new city center along the Dong Ping River .

  8. 在顾问和专家的协助下,佛山市最近展开了规划工作,以确定重新活化市中心和建立新都心区的策略。

    The City has recently engaged in several planning efforts that , with the help of consultants and experts , will help to identify strategies to revitalize the City 's center and establish a new downtown .