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gāo zǔ
  • great-great-grandfather
高祖 [gāo zǔ]
  • [great-great-grandfather] 曾祖的父亲

  • 请问,你的高祖是谁?

高祖[gāo zǔ]
  1. 我高祖约翰吉(JohnGee)是第一个开始在这儿工作的吉家人。

    It was my great-great-great-grandfather , John Gee , who first worked the land here .

  2. 他在历史上被称为汉高祖。

    Liu Bang became historically known as Emperor Gaozu .

  3. 楚汉相争中的宣传战&汉高祖刘邦传播活动研究

    The Propaganda War of Chu and Han : Research on Liu Bang 's Propaganda Activities

  4. 高祖的努力为汉朝之后四百多年的统治打下了牢固的基础。

    Emperor Gaozu 's efforts laid a solid foundation for the over four-hundred-year reign of the Han Dynasty .

  5. 《二年律令·户律》与高祖五年诏书的关系

    The Relationship Between Laws of the Second Year Hu Lv and Decrees of the Fifth Year of Gao Zu

  6. 汉高祖五年(公元前202年)置高成县,后称高城县。

    Han emperor five years ( BC202 BC ) set high into the county , later known as high-County .

  7. 汉自高祖刘邦建国,历经十四代230余年(其中包括王莽的新朝>。

    The Western Han Dynasty lasted more than 230 years over 14 generations , including the Xin Dynasty founded by Wang Mang .

  8. 晋朝建立后,司马懿被追尊为晋宣帝,庙号高祖。

    After the founding of the Jin Dynasty , Sima Yi was posthumously honored as Emperor Xuan of Jin with the temple name of Gaozu .

  9. 梅根的高祖母玛莎·塞克斯据说出生于约克郡,并且在她只有一岁的时候搬到了美国。

    Meghan 's great great grandmother , Martha Sykes , was apparently born in Yorkshire , and moved to America when she was just one .

  10. 通过深入研究发现,从汉高祖到汉武帝经历了历史神话化的过程,形成了君权神授的理论。

    Further studies indicated that myth underwent the process of turning history into myth , having formed the theory of emperor 's power from God .

  11. 公元前202年项羽自尽,内战结束,随即高祖君临天下。

    The civil war ended when Hsiang Y ü took his own life in 202 B. C. , upon which Kao-tsu became the ruler of China .

  12. 然而新的发现也表明,中国丝绸出现在西方的历史明显要早于汉高祖在位期间有组织地开展丝绸之路贸易的时间。

    But the new discoveries show that Chinese silk was apparently present in the West long before the Han emperor started organized trade over the Silk Road .

  13. 而最好的例证莫过于汉代吕后与汉高祖的宠妾戚夫人之间的斗争。

    Perhaps the best example of this took place in the Han Dynasty between Empress L ü and one of Emperor Gaozu 's favorite concubines Lady Qi .

  14. 汉高祖刘邦是西汉(公元前206年至公元24年)的开国皇帝。

    Emperor Gaozu , also known under the name Liu Bang , was the first emperor of the Western Han Dynasty ( 206 B.C. ---- 24 A.D. ) .

  15. 秦朝统一中国后,设立郡州,当时汝南属于颖州郡,西汉时期汉高祖刘邦在这里设立汝南郡。

    After the Qin Dynasty unified China , the establishment of the county state Runan belongs Ying-gun , the Western Han Dynasty Han emperor Liu Bang established here Runan County .

  16. 公元前195年,高祖崩,传位惠帝刘盈,但此时政权实际已掌握在汉高皇后吕雉的手中。

    In 195 B. C. , the Emperor Huidi was succeeded to the throne when Emperor Gaozu died , but it was Empress Lu Zhi who actually took over the reign .

  17. 最终,汉军大败楚军,刘邦登基,成为了众所周知的汉高祖,存世400年的汉朝也由此登上历史舞台。

    Once he had finally beaten his enemy 's larger rebel army , he became known as Emperor Gaozu of Han , and began the Han dynasty that lasted for 400 years .

  18. 《高祖还乡》之所以成为一篇佳作,很大程度上有赖于作者独特的视角选取。首先,作者以一个乡野村夫之眼和口为视点;

    The fact that Gao Zu 's Return to His Native Place has been an excellent work is , in great extent , because of the author 's option of a special perspective .

  19. 中华书局本《史记》、《汉书》,把汉高祖刘邦为三秦父老“约法三章”四字割裂开来解读标点是不妥当的。

    In The Book of History and the History of Han published by Zhonghua Books , Liu Bangs Yuefa-san-zhang ( Three Promises ) with people are punctuated and interpreted as four separate characters .

  20. 徐州古称彭城,是汉高祖刘邦的故乡,是国家级历史文化名城。

    Xuzhou known as Pengcheng in ancient China , is the hometown of the first emperor of Han Dynasty , Liu Bang , and now is a national historical and cultural city in China .

  21. 刘邦是汉朝第一位皇帝,他成功地结束了多年的战乱,建立了汉朝,历史上称之为“汉高祖”。

    Liu Bang was the triumphant general who ended years of chaos and successfully established the Han Dynasty , and history knows him as the first emperor under the title " Great ancestor " .

  22. 在西汉的政治舞台上,武帝所扮演角色的重要性与活跃程度,并不下于高祖刘邦。

    On the political stage of the Former Han Dynasty , The importance and the active degrees of the role played by Emperor Han Wudi are no less than that of Emperor Gaozu Liu Bang .

  23. 贾谊生于汉高祖刘邦七年(前200),卒于汉文帝前元十二年(前168),处于先秦《诗》学向汉代《诗》学发展的重要时期。

    Jia Yi was born seven years , the Han emperor Liu Bang ( 200BC ), died of Han Wen Yuan years ago ( 168BC ), in Pre-Qin Poetry to the Han Dynasty Poetry important period of development .

  24. 遇到狂风暴雨,我便从书架上抽出一本发霉的旧书,坐在壁炉前高祖姨母用过的摇椅上,边读边听那屋顶上的雨点滴滴答答地打在楼梯井里。

    On stormy days , I choose a musty book from the shelves and read it in my great-great aunt 's rocking chair in front of the fireplace as I listen to a constant drip through the roof to the floor of the concrete stairwell .

  25. 北汉:北汉为后汉高祖之弟刘崇所建,是建国最晚的一个,成立后唐末期、后晋和后周之间。

    The State of Northern Han : The State of Northern Han by Liu Chong appeared somewhat later than the others , it was established towards the end of the Later Tang , during the period of the Later Jin , and the Later Zhou .

  26. 后汉高祖做了11个月皇帝就死了,其侄刘承佑(隐帝)继位后,忌杀大臣,天雄节度使郭威被迫起兵反汉,隐帝被杀。

    Eleven months later , Emperor Gaozu of the Later Han passed away and his nephew Liu Chengyou ( Emperor of Ying ) carried out the line . The new emperor was always suspicious of and put his ministers to death which caused the garrison commander Guo Wei to lead an uprising .

  27. 高祖(庙号)刘邦,又名刘季,溢号高皇帝,生于公元前256年,卒于公元前195年,汉朝(公元前206至公元220年)开国皇帝。

    Gao Zu ( temple name ) , personalname Liu Pang , or Liu Chi , post-humous name Kao Huang-ti ( born 256 B. C. , China , died 195 B. C. , China ) was the founder and first emperor of the Han Dynasty ( 206 B. C. - A. D. 220 )

  28. 史学家通常将这一时期分为三个阶段:汉高祖、文帝、景帝实行的“修养生息”的巩固期;汉武帝加强中央集权的鼎盛时期;外戚王氏篡权的后期。

    It is usually divided into three stages by historians : the time of consolidation by Emperors Han Gaozu , Wendi and Jingdi ; the zenith period of centralizing power by King Wu of Han , and the late period of replacement of the imperial power by the mighty consort clan of the Wang .

  29. 后汉:辽兵攻入开封后,后晋河东节度使,刘知远(沙陀人)在晋阳(太原)称帝(高祖),仍用后晋天福年号以争取后晋旧臣归附。

    The Later Han : After Liao seized Kaifeng , the garrison commander of the Later Jin , Liu Zhiyuan ( Shatuo origin ) proclaimed to be Emperor of Gao Zu in Jinyang ( now Taiyuan ) . He still named his regime the Later Jin in order to win the from the former Jin ministers .

  30. 汉文帝与汉景帝执政时,相较于高祖,他们采取了更加温和与人性化的政策。历史记录显示,当他们当政时,汉朝(公元前206年至公元220年)繁荣发展。

    When the emperors Wen and Jing in the Western Han Dynasty ( 206B . C. ---- 8 A.D. ) came into power , they went on with more moderate and humane policies carried by Emperor Gaozu . Historical records show that during their reigns the Han Dynasty ( 206B . C. ---- 220A . D. ) prospered .