
dū chénɡ
  • capital ;manor for a minister
都城 [dū chéng]
  • [capital] 古代诸侯封给卿大夫的采邑;首都;国都

  1. 军队摧毁了这座都城,并把大量艺术品收缴为战利品。

    Troops destroyed the capital and confiscated many works of art as war booty .

  2. 大臣庞恭接受了魏王的任命陪太子到赵国都城邯郸去做人质。

    Minister Pang1 Gong accepted the appointment of the king of the state of Wei and accompanied the prince to Han Dan to be the hostage .

  3. 在齐国都城的东头和西头,各自住着一个喜欢夸耀自己勇敢的人。

    There were two people who lived in the west and east end of the capital city of the state of Qi respectively1 . Both of them liked to boast2 of their bravery .

  4. 《秦时明月》的故事背景设定在了秦朝,讲述了从秦始皇嬴政统一六国到西楚霸王项羽崛起,攻占都城咸阳的故事。

    The Legend of Qin VII follows the Qin Dynasty from when the Emperor of the Kingdom of Qin , Ying Zheng , conquered the other six kingdoms , to the rise of the king of Western Chu , Xiang Yu , who captured the capital city , Xianyang .

  5. 波斯波利斯,约2500年前由国王大流士(KingDariustheGreat)大帝建造,是阿契美尼德王朝的都城,被世人称为“天底下最富有的城市”。

    Built some 2500 years ago by King Darius the Great , Persepolis was known as " the richest city under the sun " and the capital of the Achaemenid Empire .

  6. 位于阿拉伯沙漠边缘的岩石古城Petra曾是Aretas四世统治时期Nabataean王国的都城(公元前9年至公元40年)。

    Perched on the edge of the Arabian Desert , Petra was the capital of the Nabataean kingdom of King Aretas IV ( 9 B.C.to A.D.40 ) .

  7. 殷墟啊就是指商朝都城的遗址。

    It means the ruins of the Shang Dynasty 's capital .

  8. 她想要的不仅是杀亚瑟、毁都城。

    Destorying Arthur and Camelot wasn 't all she was after .

  9. 中国的地方城市与往昔我们熟知的都城,有着极大的差异,如若将中国都城的种种视为中国城市的全貌,恐有不当,两者之间存在相当多的差异不可一概而论。

    There is big difference between local cities and capital cities .

  10. 商朝在这里建立了繁华的都城。

    It was the prosperous capital city of the Shang Dynasty .

  11. 我做的第一件事是参观都城。

    The first thing I did was visit the capital city .

  12. 这些成就的取得是与邺城的都城地位紧密相连的。

    These achievements made are closely connected with the capital yecheng .

  13. 这是一种很独特的都城连续创作过程。

    This is an unique creative process of the continuous capital movements .

  14. 日本都城历史发展及其规划建设

    Historical development and urban planning of capital cities in Japan

  15. 这座门楼是明朝都城的正南门。

    This is the south gate of the Ming capital .

  16. 古代洛阳都城空间演变研究

    The Research on the Evolvement of Ancient Luoyang City form

  17. 经南韩去攻打魏国都城。

    To attack the Wei capital by way of han .

  18. 西周把都城迁到了陕西。

    The Western Zhou Dynasty moved the capital to shannxi .

  19. 这座城市曾是中国唐朝时的都城。

    The city was the capital of China during the Tang Dynasty .

  20. 在都城里注重荣誉的人屈指可数.

    There are few men of honor in the capital .

  21. 大人!我去找都城守卫队.

    My lords ! I 'll bring the city watch .

  22. 渤海早期都城遗址的考古学探索

    An Archaeological Research on the Capital Site of Early Bohai

  23. 阮朝从1802年至1945年间将顺化设立为都城。

    The Nguyen Dynasty made Hue its capital from 1802 to 1945 .

  24. 宋代都城元宵节习俗初探

    On the Custom of Lantern Festival in the Song Dynasty 's Capital

  25. 西安曾是一个古代的都城。

    Xi ' an was once an ancient capital .

  26. 略论中国古代都城的政治文化意蕴

    Culture A Brief Discussion on the Political Civilization of the Ancient Chinese Capitals

  27. 随后对金元明都城都产生很大影响。

    Then a great influence on all financial capital .

  28. 只独自把他理想中的都城建作。

    He constructed all by himself his dream city .

  29. 都城厅适合15人以下的小型会议。

    Du Cheng Hall , meeting for15 people below .

  30. 大牛,这里就是商朝都城的所在地了。

    Daniel , here we are at the site of Shang 's capital .