
  • 网络Dulan;dulan county
  1. 都兰县出土的东罗马金币考证

    The Gold Coin of East Rome Empire Unearthed in Dulan County of Qinghai

  2. 1990~2004年都兰县病毒性肝炎疫情资料分析

    Analysis on Data of Viral Hepatitis Epidemic in Dulan County from 1990 to 2004

  3. 青海省海南州自然因素和载畜量对牧草产量的影响都兰县天然草地资源调查报告

    Effects of natural factors and livestock capacity on forage yield in native grassland of Hainan prefecture , Qinghai province , China

  4. 都兰县农业科技示范场建设圆满完成各项指标,并已通过省级验收。

    The requirements for an Agricultural Technique Demonstration Farm Construction in Dulan County were met by the implementing project , which was accepted by a provincial evaluation meeting .

  5. 东昆仑北缘都兰县巴隆一带人类活动遗迹的发现及其环境背景

    Discovery of remains of human activity and its ancient environmental setting at Barun , Dulan County , Qinghai Province , on the northern margin of the East Kunlun Mountains