
  • Turin
  1. 在都灵市,狗主人每天必须遛狗三次。

    In Turin , dog owners must walk their dogs three times a day .

  2. 在将联想打造为一个全球品牌的宏大计划中,此笔交易只是其中一部分,此外还包括赞助都灵冬运会(turinwinterolympics)和北京奥运会。

    The deal was part of a grand plan to turn Lenovo into a global brand , which also involves the group sponsoring of the Turin Winter Olympics and Beijing Olympics .

  3. 都灵队以2比1赢了拉齐奥队。

    Torino notched up a 2-1 win at Lazio .

  4. 虽然它的收视排名曾处于绝对领先地位,但2006年都灵冬奥会却屡次被美国偶像(americanidol)抢去风头。

    While its ratings dominance was once absolute , the 2006 Torino Winter Games were upstaged repeatedly byAmerican idol .

  5. 去年,在意大利都灵(Turin,Italy)菲亚特公司(Fiat)新闻办公室(UfficioStampa)深处的某个地方,一名员工遇到了一个问题。

    Last year , somewhere deep in the bowels of Fiat 's Ufficio Stampa in Turin , Italy , an employee had a problem .

  6. 到2006年都灵冬奥会,视频流技术得到了长足提高,从而使得nbc可以进行冰球决赛的在线播放测试。

    By the Winter Olympics at Torino in 2006 , video streaming technology was sufficiently advanced that NBC could test an online broadcast of the ice hockey final .

  7. 法比奥Viale是一个年轻的意大利雕塑家谁是在意大利都灵。

    Fabio Viale is a young Italian Sculptor who is based in Turin , Italy .

  8. Meridiana将把波兰克拉科夫的工人飞送往都灵。

    Meridiana will fly Polish workers from Cracow to Turin .

  9. 来自意大利都灵大学的阿尔贝托.巴尔代利(AlbertoBardelli)教授是大肠癌方面的权威,他从进化理论中得到灵感,寻找应对癌细胞耐药性的办法。

    Colorectal cancer researcher Alberto Bardelli of the University of Turin in Italy , has also been using evolutionary theory as inspiration for a potential solution to overcoming drug resistance .

  10. 位于都灵的米拉菲奥里(Mirafiori)大工厂是菲亚特集团下属菲亚特汽车公司的核心部门,该公司最近麻烦不断。

    The giant Mirafiori plant in Turin is the heart of Fiat Auto , the troubled car division of the Fiat group .

  11. 尤文想用这名意大利u21国家队的年青球员作为交易的一部分以期得到博吉诺夫,但帕拉迪诺想继续他在都灵的事业。

    Juve want to use the Italy U21 international as part of an offer for Valeri bojinov , but Palladino wants to continue his career in turin .

  12. 她的父亲是一位建筑承包商,曾当过兵。她在都灵附近的工业城市奥巴斯塞诺(Orbassano)长大。

    Daughter of a building contractor and former soldier , she grew up in the industrial town of Orbassano , near Turin .

  13. 意大利都灵大学(universityofturin)商学研究教授、上述研究的作者之一贝尔纳多博尔托洛蒂(bernardobortolotti)说:“市场不景气的时候,你当然可以开始考虑出售,但通常来说,等一等会更好。”

    Bernardo bortolotti , Professor of business studies at the University of Turin and an author of the study , said : " you can start to think of selling in a depressed market but generally you are better to wait . "

  14. 这台特制的意式浓缩咖啡机叫做ISSpresso,在ASI的帮助下,由位于都灵的设计和软件公司亚果科技(Argotec)和意大利咖啡生产商Lavazza制作。

    A special espresso maker , named ISSpresso , was designed for the task by Argotec , an engineering and software firm based in Turin , and the Italian coffee producer Lavazza , with help from the space agency .

  15. 的步伐正在加快南阿尔卑斯山,意大利与CKAN朵朵实例,最近的事件,包括都灵云营。

    The pace is picking up south of the alps , with the Italian instance of CKAN blossoming , and recent events including the Turin Cloud Camp .

  16. 1977年,一队经由神圣裹尸布行业协会挑选的科学家发展了一套测试裹尸布的操作计划,指定了都灵裹尸布研究计划(STURP)。

    In1977 , a team of scientists selected by the Holy Shroud Guild developed a program of tests to conduct on the Shroud , designated the Shroud of Turin Research Project ( STURP ) .

  17. Lavazza在中国的咖啡店以LavazzaEspression品牌运营,这一品牌同时也在巴塞罗那、贝尔法斯特、都柏林、芝加哥、新德里、伦敦、米兰、首尔、索非亚、都灵、埃里温(Yerevan)等地出现。

    The coffee shops in China operate under Lavazza Espression brand , which is also present in Barcelona , Belfast , Dublin , Chicago , New Delhi , London , Milan , Seoul , Sofia , Turin and Yerevan .

  18. 意大利餐厅可能也勾起他的童年回忆:因为父亲瓦列里(Valery,语言学博士、古罗马专家)的工作,杜罗夫在意大利都灵待过几年。

    It perhaps also reminds him of his childhood : Durov spent several years in Italy , in Turin , because his father Valery ( who holds a PhD in philology and is an expert on ancient Rome ) was employed there .

  19. 维埃拉在昨晚5点乘坐卢顿到都灵班机离开。他将在SaliceTerme,尤文图斯的夏季训练营所在地被介绍给意大利媒体。

    Vieira flew from Luton to Turin on a private jet at5 o'clock last night and is set to be introduced to the Italian media today at Salice Terme , where Juventus are holding their summer camp .

  20. 论2006都灵冬奥会展现出的奥林匹克精神

    On the Olympic Spirits Shown in 2006 Torino Winter Olympic Games

  21. 都灵奥运会的环境政策及其对北京的借鉴

    Environmental Policy in Torino Olympic Games and its Reference for Beijing

  22. 我在都灵度过了一段美好的职业生涯。

    In Torino I lived a great period of my career .

  23. 这是双方在都灵交锋上的第一次平局。

    This was the first historical draw of the Veneti in Turin .

  24. 如果我去都灵,你会招呼我吗?

    If I come to turin * Can you put me up ?

  25. 在2006年都灵冬奥会之前,人们对米勒的期望更高了。

    Expectations for Miller were even greater ahead of the2006 Turin Olympics .

  26. 我们何不到都灵读书?

    Why don 't we all go study in turin ?

  27. 上面写着,都灵之门,摩瑞亚之主。

    It reads , The Doors of Durin , Lord of Moria .

  28. 他同时否认了都灵对阿德的兴趣。

    Cairo also denied that Torino were after adriano .

  29. 在压力下保持冷静的头脑正是都灵此刻最需要的。

    A cool head under pressure is just what Torino need right now .

  30. 随着暴雨不断向东移动,都灵正全力为抗洪备战。

    And Turin is bracing itself for flooding as torrential rains move eastwards .