
zhí zhènɡ ɡuān
  • archon;consul;executive officer;presiding officer
  1. 执政官的力量集中在一个翼形魔杖上。

    The focus of the Archon force is a winged magic club .

  2. 执政官没有能量或能量消耗技能。

    Archon does not have energy and energy-dependent ability .

  3. 军团士兵在凯旋归国时,不肯服从执政官的命令。

    The legionaries , on their victorious return , refused any longer to obey the consuls .

  4. 1799年,拿破仑・波拿巴(NapoleonBonaparte)控制共和国,自封为第一执政官。

    Napoleon Bonaparte seized control of the republic in1799 , making himself First Consul .

  5. 当埃里克·施密特(EricSchmidt)还是谷歌首席执政官的时候,我问他,谷歌到底拥有什么,能让它不被任何新出现的搜索引擎打倒。

    When Eric Schmidt was still chief executive of Google , I asked him what the company owned that would make it particularly hard for any emerging search contender to wipe Google out .

  6. 我提名卡斯休斯和布鲁特斯做执政官。

    I put forth Cassius and Brutus to serve as consuls .

  7. 执政官,我们去见你的制造者。

    Archministry . let 's go meet your maker .

  8. 执政官是罗马共和国常设最高长官,内理国事,外逞军威,其职权涵盖了政治、军事、司法等领域,其活动与罗马共和国的兴衰紧密相联。

    The consuls were the supreme civil and military magistrates in Roman Republic .

  9. 我相信昆汀勒斯和我会找到适合的执政官人选的。

    I 'm sure quintilius and myself can find suitable candidates for consul .

  10. 地方总督罗马共和国和罗马帝国的拥有执政官权威的地方总督

    A provincial governor of consular rank in the Roman Republic and Roman Empire

  11. 他们会带你去见执政官。

    They 're gonna take you to the governor .

  12. 建立了执政官和立法会制度。

    Archon and the Legislative Council established the system .

  13. 庞贝和克拉苏同时当选执政官。

    That Pompey and Crassus both be made consul .

  14. 属于或关于罗马执政官的。

    Of or relating to a Roman praetor .

  15. 我不能在执政官竞选中支持你。

    I cannot support your bid for consulship .

  16. 执政官一职需要阅读很多东西。

    The consulship would require too much reading .

  17. 更进一步,他指定元老院裁决执政官的申诉。

    Further , he appointed the senate judge in appeals made from the consul .

  18. (1799-1804年法兰西共和国的)三个主要执政官之一。

    Any one of the three chief magistrates of the French Republic ( 1799-1804 )

  19. 执政官是从4个部落推举出来的40人中通过抽签决定的。

    Archons were chosen by lot from 40 candidates elected by the four tribes .

  20. 试论罗马共和国早期的执政官

    The Consulship in the Early Roman Republic

  21. 任何违反法律的执政官都必须在特尔斐塑一尊与真人一样大小的金制雕塑以示惩戒。

    Any archon infringing them would have to raise a life-size golden statue at Delphi .

  22. 曙光执政官有技能吗?

    Will the twilight Archon have abilities ?

  23. 结论:执政官的设立是罗马历史发展的必然结果,其发展变化是贵族与平民斗争和罗马对外扩张的客观要求。

    My conclusion is that the creation and development of the consulship is a historic result .

  24. 办公室最初出现在古罗马时期,那时的执政官在神庙和宫殿中办公。

    It first cropped up in Roman times , when magistrates worked in temples and palaces .

  25. 由一位前执政官担任的职位,负责象孤儿提供抚恤金。

    Praefectus alimentorum . a former consul who was responsible for the financial support of orphans .

  26. 雷兽很强,对抗执政官和坦克很好用。

    Ultralisks are extremely strong and deadly . A good counter are archons or siege tanks .

  27. 这个单位看着漂亮,而且玩着和原版的重型单位(光明)执政官一样爽快。

    The unit looks good and plays well as the very heavy archon of the original .

  28. 国家首脑人物已由贵族中所选出的执政官来充任。

    The positions at the head of the state were occupied by archons elected from the nobility .

  29. 元老院活动起初对公众保密,直到执政官尤利乌斯?凯撒于公元前59年下令公开。

    Acta Senatus were originally kept secret , until then-consul Julius Caesar made them public in59 BC .

  30. 它仍然是溅射伤害,还获得了暗黑执政官得反馈能力。

    It still does splash damage and it has been gifted with the dark archon 's feedback ability .