
zhí zhènɡ dǎnɡ
  • the party in power;the ruling party;leading party;ins
执政党 [zhí zhèng dǎng]
  • [the party in power] 执掌国家权力的党派

  1. 执政党打算强制推行一个全面的社会主义方案。

    The party in power planned to bulldoze through a full socialist programme

  2. 民主党人非常清楚,如果选民仅仅把这次选举看作是对执政党的一次全民公决,那么,目前疲软的经济会使民主党处于劣势。

    Democrats are well aware that they will do poorly if voters see the election merely as a referendum on the party in power , given the weak national economy .

  3. 尽管遭到强烈反对,执政党还是获胜了。

    Despite strong opposition , the ruling party carried the day .

  4. 她是最直言不讳地批评执政党的一个人。

    She is one of the ruling party 's most outspoken critics .

  5. 执政党已有好几位党员倒戈。

    There have been several defections from the ruling party .

  6. 执政党当时正面临着自身认同的危机。

    The ruling party was facing an identity crisis .

  7. 执政党在全国和地区选举中均败北。

    Ruling parties have lost ground in national and local elections .

  8. 执政党也许想对右翼人士施以小恩小惠。

    The government parties may be tempted to throw a few sops to the right-wingers .

  9. 目前仍不清楚这种批评有多少是来自执政党内部。

    It 's still not clear to what extent this criticism is originating from within the ruling party

  10. 他预言该执政党将在大选中获得巨大的票数优势。

    He predicted that the ruling party would win a huge majority in the election .

  11. 2007年,他就任澳大利亚总理,2010年6月,他被其所在的执政党工党(LaborParty)的成员赶下台。

    He served as Australia 's prime minister from 2007 until he was ousted by members of his ruling Labor Party in June 2010 .

  12. 其中一人是执政党右翼“公民纲领党”(CivicPlatform)的代表科莫罗夫斯基(BronislawKomorowski)。

    One is Bronislaw Komorowski , from the governing center-right Civic Platform party .

  13. 当一位执政党国会议员质疑签名后,人们就在一个Facebook页面张贴他们的照片,有些人还写道:就是我签的,本人就是这样。

    When a ruling party congressman questioned the signatures , people posted their photos on a Facebook page , some with notes saying : " I signed and I am real .

  14. 美国执政党在俄罗斯杜马州的代表SergeiMarkov表示,他也听说了交换间谍的传言。

    Sergei Markov , a in the Russian State Duma from the ruling United Russia party , said he has heard the rumors of an exchange .

  15. NPR新闻的安东尼·库恩从首尔发回报道,这位候选人代表韩国右翼保守派执政党。

    NPR 's Anthony Kuhn reports form Seoul that the candidate has representation the conservative ruling party from the right wing towards the center .

  16. 尽管美国政府和日本执政党自民党(LiberalDemocraticparty)强烈反对,但日本还是终止了这项行动。这表明,日本的政局变化在很大程度上对制定政策造成阻碍。

    The end of the mission , which came in spite of strong objections from Washington and Japan 's ruling Liberal Democratic party , shows the extent to which the altered political situation in Tokyo is crippling policy formation .

  17. 前任政府,执政党宪法民主党(RCD),是本·阿里执政23年的一部分,而突尼斯人民想要有所改变。

    The former government party RCD was part of the Ben Ali 's whole political regime for the past 23 years and the people of Tunisia want total change .

  18. EmiKaneko是来自福岛县的执政党民主党成员。她呼吁人们相信福岛的农民和他们的蔬菜。

    Emi Kaneko , a member of the ruling Democratic Party from Fukushima , is asking people to trust in her prefecture 's farmers and their vegetables .

  19. NPR的朱莉·罗夫纳告诉我们,执政党反对国家法律禁止妇女健康组织接受资助这一条,计划生育补助基金主要向经济有困难的人提供生育健康服务,包括堕胎。

    NPR 's Julie Rovner tells us the ruling continues to block the first in the nation law that would prevent the women 's health organization from receiving funding for any health service not just abortion .

  20. 公共电视台NHK调查发现,目前支持率排名为,主要反对党自民党24.7%,执政党民主党17%,日本维新会虽然位居第三,但支持率只有4%。

    NHK , the public broadcaster , found the Restoration party in third place after the main opposition , Liberal Democratic party 's 24.7 per cent and the ruling Democratic party 's 17 per cent but with a support rating of just 4 per cent .

  21. 苏格兰肯定能获益于一个当家作主的执政党。

    Scotland would certainly benefit from having its governing party govern .

  22. 他们收到来自英国新的执政党传达的消息。

    They also got a message from Britain 's new governing parties .

  23. 绿党将首次成为该州的执政党。

    The Greens will now take control of a state government for the first time .

  24. 茨万吉拉伊是第二次参加总统竞选,马科尼曾经是执政党津巴布韦非洲民族联盟-爱国阵线的高层人士,并且担任过财政部长。

    and newcomer , Simba Makoni , formerly a ruling ZANU-PF party insider and finance minister .

  25. 中国与俄罗斯执政党对话机制第三次会议在北京举行。

    The ruling parties of China and Russia have held their third dialogue meeting in Beijing .

  26. 由于冠状病毒的影响,新加坡执政党在网上举行了传统的午餐群众大会。

    Singapore 's ruling party has held its traditional lunchtime rally online due to the coronavirus .

  27. 一名法官宣读了法庭解散执政党之一泰国党的命令。

    A judge read the order banning the Chart Thai Party , one of the coalition partners .

  28. 然而争取民主变革运动的侯选人茨万吉拉伊确实胜过了执政党津巴布韦非洲民族联盟-爱国阵线的侯选人,也就是在任总统穆加贝。

    MDC candidate Morgan Tsvangirai nevertheless decisively outpolled incumbent President Mugabe , the ruling party Zanu-PF candidate .

  29. 印度执政党国民大会党在赫扎雷的支持下已经递交了自己版本的反腐法案。

    India 's ruling Congress party has submitted its own version of the anti-corruption bill demanded by Hazare .

  30. 一些观察人士说,马科尼参加总统竞选表明执政党内部的分化严重。

    Some observers say Makoni 's entry to the presidential race demonstrated the ruling party is deeply divided ;