
  • 网络enforcement system
  1. 中国具有完备的保护知识产权的执法体系

    III. China Has a Complete Law Enforcement System for Intellectual Property Protection

  2. 关于种子行政执法体系建设的思考

    Thinking on Seed Administration Law Enforcement System Construction

  3. 安全执法体系的制度缺失与应对

    Deficiency and Solution to a System of Law Enforcement on Safety

  4. 广西农业执法体系建设研究

    Study on the Construction of Agricultural Law System in Guangxi Province

  5. 完善我国农业行政执法体系的对策

    Measures of the Improvement on China Agriculture Administrative Execution System

  6. 论我国城市管理综合行政执法体系的构建

    On the City Management to Build Comprehensive System of Administrative Law Enforcement

  7. 基层水利执法体系建设的探索与实践

    Study and practice of constructing water execution law system in basic units

  8. 完善执法体系建设,逐步提高科学管理的水平;

    Perfecting the law system and enhancing the manage level ;

  9. 执法体系存在职能不清,权限不清;

    The function and the power scope in execution system are not clear ;

  10. 但是我国原有的农业执法体系存在着许多弊病。

    The existing agricultural enforcement system of our country has a lot of disadvantages .

  11. 其次是完善食品安全监管的行政执法体系。

    Second is to improve the food safety supervision system of administrative law enforcement .

  12. “加强城乡卫生监督机构能力建设”是完善我国卫生监督执法体系所面临的紧迫任务。

    It is an important task to strengthen capacity building of health regulation institutions now .

  13. 完善监督执法体系,为西部大开发创造有利条件。

    Perfecting the supervisory system of enforcing laws for creating favourable conditions for the western region development .

  14. 因此加强农业行政执法体系的对策研究具有非常重要的意义。

    Establishing and improvement China agriculture administrative execution system is key to strengthen the agriculture administrative execution .

  15. 本文最后一章就此框架,对中国知识产权的执法体系进行了专门的法律分析。

    The last chapter will analyse the system of law enforcement ofthe intellectual property right of TRIPs protocol .

  16. 完善立法执法体系、健全政策保障体系;

    To perfect the legislation and enforcing system of the law , perfect the security system of the policy ;

  17. 接着,从组织架构的三方主体出发介绍了新城管的运行机制,最后,对完善执法体系的途径进行了说明。

    Then it introduces a new operational mechanism of Urban Management . Finally , it describes ways to improve law enforcement system .

  18. 海洋渔业法规不健全、渔业执法体系存在弊端造成渔业执法不力。

    The law of marine fishery is not sound and the system of implement has many malpractices , which causes the results of implement not good .

  19. 为了解决存在的问题,更好地促进我国农业发展,有必要建立农业行政综合执法体系。

    In order to solve the problem , and stimulate agricultural development , it is necessary to set up agricultural administration to enforce the law comprehensively .

  20. 虽然我国已经颁布了反不正当竞争法,但还缺乏完整的反垄断法律体系和执法体系。

    Although China has issued the law of anti-unfair competition , there is still lack of comprehensive anti-monopoly legal system and the system for enforcing laws .

  21. 面对目前离婚的特点,我国应健全婚姻立法和执法体系,以适当控制离婚,达到促进社会和谐发展的目标。

    Focusing on the characteristics of divorce , the marriage legislative and execution system should be improved to control divorce and reach the aim of social harmony development .

  22. 而文化、社会意识形态、经济发展水平、诉讼意识薄弱、立法司法执法体系不完善等是造成知识产权风险的主要因素。

    The cultural , social ideologies , economic development level , weak sense of action , legislative judicial enforcement of intellectual property rights system are main risk reasons .

  23. 环境监测作为环保各项工作的数据来源、污染度量、环境决策与管理的依据以及环境执法体系的组成部分,在我国环保工作中发挥着重要作用。

    As the data source of environmental protection , measurement of pollution , foundation of environmental decision and management , on-line environmental monitoring plays an important role in environmental protection .

  24. 新的以契约化交易为基础,以健全、高效的法律体系和执法体系为依托,适应市场经济条件的社会信用体系还未建立起来;

    The credit crisis of the present stage is rooted in the background : the new credit system on the basis of contract deal depending on perfect legal setup haven 't been established ;

  25. 针对青岛市社会组织管理部门信息化建设的现状,探讨社会组织管理信息化的发展路径,从运用信息化完善监管培育和运用信息化构建执法体系两个方面,并进一步推进政府业务流程再造提出对策建议。

    According to informatization construction of the social organization management department of Qingdao , it puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions from using information to perfect regulation and using information construction law enforcement system .

  26. 为此提出了构建有效的森林资源保护体系、新型的林业合作经营体系和合理的林业行政执法体系,探索林木采伐限额管理新路子等对策措施。

    Therefore , measures for constructing effective protective system of forest resources , new-typed forestry cooperation system and rational forestry administration according to laws , new methods for timber cutting quota management are proposed .

  27. 农业行政执法体系作为有关农业行政执法的制度性规范总和,其基本框架包括行政执法的原则、执法主体、执法行为、执法程序和执法监督机制等内容。

    The agriculture administrative laws , as total consistence of the legal system of agriculture , include principle , parties , activities and enforcement procedure and supervision mechanism of agriculture administrative laws and so on .

  28. 目前,我国烟草行政执法体系已经建立,烟草专卖主管部门在开展烟草行政管理方面取得了巨大的成就,但是烟草专卖主管部门的执法体系和执法行为依然存在着多方面的问题。

    Now the system of administrative law-enforcement on Tobacco has been founded , and Tobacco monopoly management has got great success on the administration of tobacco , but many problems of law enforcement system are still exist .

  29. 加强海洋污染调查、监测和管理,完善污染监测网,健全卫星、船舶、岸站监视和执法体系;

    The investigation , monitoring and control of marine pollution will be stepped up by improving the pollution monitoring network , strengthening surveillance by satellites , ships and offshore monitoring stations , and perfecting the law enforcement system ;

  30. 当前,药品执法体系建设滞后,基层执法力量薄弱,执法能力远不能满足监管工作需要。

    At present , the construction of law enforcement system for drug lags behind , the grassroots law enforcement power is weak , and the law enforcement ability for drug could not adapt to the need of supervision .