
  • 网络executive control;Execution Control;exercising control;Control
  1. 额叶参与执行控制的ERP负荷效应

    Frontal Involvement to Executive Control : Load Effects Reflected by ERPs

  2. 在本研究中,我们还使用了威斯康星卡片分类任务(WCST)来研究过度网络使用者的执行控制能力(executivecontrol)。

    We also studied EIUers ' function of executive control with Wisconsin Card Sorting Test ( WCST ) .

  3. 如果输入值为True,则执行控制结构上部的代码组。

    If the input value is true , the code groups in the upper part of the control structure execute .

  4. 在Java里,我们利用运算符操纵对象和数据,并用执行控制语句作出选择。

    In Java you manipulate objects and data using operators , and you make choices with execution control statements .

  5. 当R值超过设定的监测门限值时,微机控制系统转入执行控制程序。

    When the value of R has exceeded a given control threshold , the microcomputer control system will run control program .

  6. 多路径的执行控制将路径中的分支方向编码为路径标识,辨别不同Trace之间的路径隶属关系,以此为基础,实施多条Trace执行时的数据和控制信息的正确传播。

    Multi-path execution is controlled through trace identifier , which is generated by coding branch directions in a path . Trace identifier benefits propagation of data and control within multiple traces .

  7. GABA及GABAα受体在大鼠前额叶执行控制中的作用机制研究

    Study on the effect and mechanism of GABA and GABA_ α R in prefrontal cortex executive control of rats

  8. 运用工作流技术和XSLT技术对该系统中的执行控制系统进行了设计。

    The plan execution and control module has been designed with the application of technologies based on workflow management and XSLT .

  9. 在此基础上,结合XML、Web服务、Agent以及工作流管理等技术对该系统中的计划分解方法、任务分配方法和执行控制方法进行了研究和设计。

    Base on the research above , the methods for plan decomposition , task distribution and execution control have been studied and designed with the application of some key technologies needed , such as XML , Web Services , Agent and workflow management .

  10. 当然,你可以执行控制并锁定执行你自己的标签,但是UCM基线为你解决了这些问题。

    Of course , you can implement controls and locking to enforce your own labeling semantics , but UCM baselines solve these problems for you .

  11. Myeong-HoSohn和JohnRAnderson认为准备可以通过给被试任务类型的前行信息而得到,它的效应反映内源性执行控制的影响。

    Myeong-Ho Sohn and John R Anderson think task preparation can be achieved by giving people foreknowledge that they will perform a special task : its effects reflect endogenous executive control .

  12. 本文旨在建立面向按定单生产的新型BOM技术,既满足客户参与对产品的全方位定制需求,同时,为企业生产部门的计划及执行控制提供强有力的支持。

    This paper aims to develop a new MTO-Oriented BOM technique , which can provide overall customization of products , and at the same time , serve well the production department in planning , execution and control .

  13. 结论1.研究提示在静息状态下前额叶的激活降低,其调控的执行控制功能缺陷是ADHD的核心缺陷。在一些脑区表现的高激活区,可能与ADHD执行控制脑功能失调代偿作用有关。

    The results suggest that lower activition of frontal may be the core deficit of executive control with ADHD in resting state , high activation in several brain regions may be related to compensatory effect .

  14. ANT测试:癫痫组比对照组执行控制网络效率减低,平均反应时间显著延长(P0.01),警觉网络、定向网络和错误率与对照组相比较无显著差异。

    ANT : the rate of executive control network decreased for epilepsy group than control group and their mean reaction time prolonged significantly ( P0.01 ) . The alerting and orienting network showed no significant difference between epilepsy group and control group . 2 .

  15. 进行执行控制程序设计前,使用3DS-MAX软件对平移执行单元进行建模及动作模拟。

    The 3DS-MAX was used to build the 3d model of the translation unit and make the motion simulation animation before the design of the execution control system of the translation equipment .

  16. 目的研究抑郁症患者前额叶执行控制功能。

    Objective To study prefrontal executive control function in depressed patients .

  17. 公路工程执行控制体系可拓综合评价研究

    Comprehensive Extension Evaluation of Execution Control System of Highway Construction Management

  18. 预算执行控制是预算管理的关键。

    Budget executive control is the crucial link of budget management .

  19. 结论抑郁症患者存在警觉和执行控制注意网络的异常,这种损害与睡眠障碍相关。

    Conclusion The depressed patients suffered alerting and executive control networks deficits .

  20. 信息保持、短时存贮与执行控制的脑模型

    Brain Models of Maintenance , Temporal Storage and Executive Control

  21. 获取、维持以及执行控制权都会产生相应的成本。

    Obtaining 、 maintaining and executing the right of control all need cost .

  22. 抑郁症患者执行控制功能的事件相关电位研究

    Prefrontal executive control in depressed patients-a study of ERPs

  23. 严格执行控制捕捞强度的政策;

    Enforcing the policy of restricting fishing intensity strictly ;

  24. 为了实现这一目标,系统首先必须能够执行控制。

    To do this , the system must first be able to exert control .

  25. 这说明,黄蜂对整个行动没有执行控制。

    This shows that the wasp has no executive control over the entire operation .

  26. 恒河猴前额叶执行控制功能的行为和电生理研究

    A study of the prefrontal executive control of behavior and the electrophysiology in macaca mulatas

  27. 该系统的执行控制级由模糊神经控制器完成,协调级由专家系统完成。

    The control system consists of execution fuzzy neural network controller and coordination expert system .

  28. 多重任务中的执行控制加工

    Executive Control Processes in Multi - task

  29. 预算的执行控制及考核由生产计划部、财务部等相关部门执行。

    The controlling and evaluation are made by the Plan and Production Department and Financial Department .

  30. 并且这些人在他们未被训练的其他执行控制任务方面也得到了提高。

    But these folks also improved on other executive control tasks that they had not practiced .