
jí zhōng kòng zhì
  • centralized control;centralization of control;common control system
集中控制[jí zhōng kòng zhì]
  1. 基于PLC的选煤厂集中控制系统研究

    PLC and study of centralized control system of coal preparation plant

  2. 基于DSP的油田注水远程集中控制系统

    Oilfield Water Injection Remote Centralized Control System Based on DSP

  3. 基于集中控制式应用程序共享的协同CAD系统

    Collaborative CAD System Based on Centralized Software Sharing Architecture

  4. 基于集中控制的webcache体系结构

    A central control based Web Cache architecture

  5. 针对实验室的磁悬浮轴承试验平台,采用Matlab仿真软件进行了交叉PID集中控制系统的仿真研究。

    We simulated the controller system by the Matlab on the base of AMB testing platform .

  6. 基于GPRS技术的人防及灾害警报集中控制系统的设计与实现

    The Implementation of Air Defence and Alarm Control System Based on GPRS

  7. MIS的多用户集中控制与数字回转柜系统

    Centralized Control Over Multi - users Under MIS and Digital Revolving - case System

  8. 主要论述了可编程序控制器(PLC)在胶带输送机集中控制系统中的具体应用;

    This paper states the application of programmable logic controller ( PLC ) to the centralised control system of belt conveyor .

  9. IPv6家庭网关的集中控制技术

    Central control technology of IPv6-based residential gateway

  10. 支持者们称,由于对软硬件是集中控制的,故维护无盘NC比维护PC更容易、更便宜。

    Proponents claim the diskless NCs are easier and cheaper to maintain than PCs because control over hardware and software is centralized .

  11. 基于Delphi编程技术的井下带式输送机地面集中控制系统

    Ground Centralized Control System of Rubberized Tape Conveyer in Mine Pit on Basis of Delphi Program Technique

  12. 本文基于已建立的轿车信息集中控制系统,对轿车信息集中控制系统QoS(服务质量)进行了较深入的研究。

    The author has had a thorough research of the CICCS 's QoS ( Quality of Service ) in the dissertation .

  13. 但是,由于P2P网络缺乏集中控制,使得P2P网络的安全成为一个突出的问题。

    However , P2P network is short of centralized control so that the security in P2P network is faced with much challenge .

  14. 文章提出一种崭新的F口设计,它有效地简化了数据交互方式,很好地实现了集中控制,同时处理效率很高。

    The paper brings forward a new design of F port . It effectively simplifies data exchange , and realizes central controlling with high efficiency .

  15. 采用多点温度控制系统对各温度点进行PID自整定集中控制,结构紧凑、稳定可靠,克服了国产化设备控制系统中的种种问题和缺陷;

    Multi-point temperature control system controls all reference points by PID auto-tuning strategy , with compact configuration and reliable stability , and overcomes all kinds of scarcities .

  16. 带注释的接口为管理整个应用程序的SQL语句提供一个集中控制点。

    The annotated interface that defines the data access object provides a central control point to manage the SQL statements for the entire application .

  17. 奥迪A6型轿车发动机集中控制系统的维修

    Repair and Maintenance of Centralized Control System in Audi A6 Car Engine

  18. 本文根据现场总线技术和分布式控制系统的实时性和可靠性理论,建立了轿车信息集中控制系统QoS体系;

    Based on field bus technology and distributed real-time control system ' theory of real time and dependability , the paper establishes the CICCS 's QoS system framework .

  19. 提出了一种多AGENT的P2P流媒体传输系统,该系统可以有效保持集中控制能力,介绍了AGENT的ACE(AdaptiveCommunicationEnvironment)实现技术。

    This paper proposes a multi-agent P2P media streaming system , which can effectively maintain the central control ability , and presents the technology implementation of Agent with ACE ( Adaptive Communication Environment ) .

  20. 基于TPM的中小型水电站设备集中控制管理模式设计及关键技术研究

    Study on Small and Medium Hydropower Stations Centralized Control Management Mode Design and the Key Technology Based on TPM

  21. 首次采用CCA防腐处理木屑模型沙的新方法,研制了模型自动集中控制和数据采集处理系统等。

    And the automatic and concentrated control system of the model and data acquisition and processing has been developed .

  22. 同时给出了GPRS远程数据传输控制的方案,为抽油机的遥控遥测及集中控制提供了条件。

    It presented a control project of the GPRS remote data transmission which provides probability of remote control , telemetry and centralized control to the pumping units .

  23. 针对上述问题提出了解决方案,采用冗余方式解决行程开关信号可靠性差的问题,采用重复定位、PLC集中控制解决玻璃定位误差较大、供胶电气控制系统故障较多的问题等。

    In order to tackle above-mentioned problems , scenarios of solving problems such as redundance way for switch signals , repeated position and PLC central control for large errors and electric control system failure are adopted .

  24. 文中采取了两种理论方案实现AMB的集中控制:LQR和线性状态反馈解耦控制。

    For the realization of AMB centralized controller , The paper proposes two methods : LQR and linear state feedback decouple controller .

  25. 本论文的研究突破了传统的机械刚性连接以及使用PLC/运动控制卡集中控制的多轴同步运动控制方法,实现了对控制多部伺服电机的伺服驱动器进行网络化的分布式实时同步控制。

    The research of this paper break through the traditional synchronization method of mechanical rigidity connection and PLC / Motion Control Card central control realize the network distributed multi-axis synchronization control over the Packing Conveyer Belt Driving System .

  26. 强加式ESB模式(轮辐式ESB的一种更极端特例)适合所有服务都集中控制的存储/分支业务设计。

    The Imposed ESB pattern , a more extreme version of the Hub and Spokes ESB , fits a Store / Branch business design in which all services are centrally governed .

  27. 名为Capistrano的RubyGem以一种支持集中控制多个服务器的方式来管理这些部署,而且如果发生问题,这种方式很容易回滚。

    A Ruby Gem called Capistrano manages these deployments in a way that allows for centralized control of multiple servers and easy rollback if problems are encountered .

  28. ESB和中心辐射型(hub-and-spoke)解决方案都集中控制配置,比如服务交互的路由、服务命名等等。

    Both ESB and hub-and-spoke solutions centralize control of configuration , such as the routing of service interactions , the naming of services , and so forth .

  29. 针对这种模型提出了一种自适应的带票缓存集中控制算法,它能够自适应地为各业务分配SCP处理能力。

    According to the model , we bring forward an adaptive ticket bank with centralized control algorithm ( ATBCC ), which can adaptively distribute SCP 's processing capacity among different services .

  30. 但传统的IP技术是一个强调灵活开放,缺乏集中控制和管理的网络,其采用尽力而为的方式进行无差别包转发,对延迟、抖动和丢包率等影响IP包性能的指标也缺乏保障措施。

    However , the traditional IP technology emphasizes flexibility and openness , lacks centralized control and management . It uses best-effort packet forwarding in a no difference way , lacking security measures in delay , jitter , packet loss rate and other IP packet performance indicators .