
jí chéng diàn lù
  • integrated circuit;integrated semiconductor;molectron;unicircuit
集成电路 [jí chéng diàn lù]
  • [integrated circuit] 制作在小硅片上的许多晶体管、电阻等元件组合成的电路,至少能执行一个完整的电子电路的功能

集成电路[jí chéng diàn lù]
  1. 性能评估器和优化模块是模拟集成电路自动综合中两个重要的模块。

    Performance evaluation and optimization engine are two important modules in the analog integrated circuit automation synthesis .

  2. 软件产业和集成电路产业被定位为国家新兴的战略性产业,成为国民经济和社会信息化的重要基础。

    The software industry and integrated circuit industry is located in national burgeoning and strategic industry , it becomes important foundation for national economy and social informatization .

  3. 集成电路图形CAD的弧形算法

    An Algorithm for the Arc in CAD of IC Layout

  4. FPGA是一类称为现场可编程逻辑器件中的一员,它被认为是一种专用集成电路技术。

    FPGA is one of the field-programmable logic devices and an ASIC technique .

  5. 基于神经网络的GaAs微波及高速集成电路CAD技术

    Feedforward Neural Network Based GaAs Microwave and VHSIC CAD

  6. 应用中规模数字集成电路实现PWM脉冲

    Use Medium Scale Digital Integrated Circuit Realizes PWM Pulse

  7. 数据处理要用到集成电路(IC)和别的电子元件。

    Data is processed using integrated circuits ( IC ) and other electronic components .

  8. GaAs集成电路芯片在片直接故障检测分析

    Direct fault detection and analysis of GaAs IC 's chip on wafer

  9. 高品质无源器件的缺乏已经成为CMOS射频集成电路的设计瓶颈之一。

    The lack of high quality passive devices has become the bottleneck in CMOS RFICs .

  10. 在CMOS工艺上进行射频电路设计成为可能,并逐渐成为低功耗、低成本射频集成电路的设计趋势。

    The RF integrated circuits design based on CMOS is possible and became more popular .

  11. 用ps光电导采样技术测量微波单片集成电路的S参数

    The Measurement of S parameter of a Microwave Monolithic Integrated Circuit by ps Photoconductive Sampling Technique

  12. 在对集成电路(IC)真实缺陷进行分类与识别时,IC缺陷图像分割是非常重要的一步。

    In the IC defect color image recognition and classification system , the separation method is a crucial problem .

  13. SDH专用集成电路的FPGA验证

    FPGA Verification of SDH ASIC

  14. 最后对CMOS射频集成电路的发展方向提出了一些看法。

    And , finally a perspective for the development of CMOS RF integrated circuits are dressed out .

  15. 一种用于非接触式IC卡通用脱机型读写器的集成电路模块。

    Provided is an integrated circuit module used for non contact type IC card general offline type reader and writer .

  16. 价值链空间形态演变下的治理模式研究&以集成电路(IC)产业为例

    Study of Value Chain Governance Based on the Change of Value Chain from the Space Perspective & Case of IC Industry

  17. 本文使用专用集成电路设计了1Wire总线与PC机USB接口转换器。

    In this paper , an adaptor between 1-Wire bus and USB interface in PC using special-purpose IC is designed .

  18. 该宽带复接芯片是一种高性能、低成本、支持网络协议(IP或者ATM)集成电路芯片。

    Broadband Multi-access chip , which supports IP or ATM protocol , is an integrated circuit of high performance and low cost .

  19. GaAs、InP集成电路技术的发展&1992年IEEEGaAsIC讨论会评述

    Development of GaAs and InP IC Technology : A Common on ' 92 IEEE GaAs IC Symposium

  20. 变频产品中普遍使用的智能功率模块IPM(intelligentpowermodulation)是电力集成电路的一种。

    IPM ( Intelligent Power Modulation ) that has been widely used in the field of frequency conversion is one of the power integrate circuit .

  21. 集成电路制备中化学机械全局平面化(CMP)后的表面清洗技术

    Post CMP cleaning technology in the fabrication of integrated circuits

  22. 集成电路工艺的发展使得将系统集成在一块芯片中实现成为可能,芯片设计进入系统芯片(SoC)时代。

    Rapid development of integrated chip techniques has driven the system design into System-on-Chip ( SoC ) age .

  23. 应用CMOS低功耗器件、大规模集成电路和硬软件相结合提高可靠性;

    The reliability is improved by applying low power-consumption CMOS units , large-scale intergrated circuits and combining hardware with software .

  24. 利用该系统在片检测了GaAs高速数字集成电路动态分频器内部的高速电信号。

    The high-speed electric signals at internal points in the high-speed GaAs digital integrated circuit-dynamic frequency divider were measured .

  25. MOS集成电路分析程序

    MOS Integrated Circuit Analysis Program

  26. SOI技术与三维集成电路

    SOI technology and triaxial integrated circuit

  27. RTL集成电路的时序深度

    Sequential Depth of Integrate Circuits Based on Register Transfer Level

  28. 传统的LED大屏幕显示系统用中小规模集成电路实现,系统体积较大、调试困难、不易修改。

    The traditional LED Displaying system was put into practice by small or middle scale integrated circuit . The bulk of system is more large ; the debugging is difficult ;

  29. 一种基于Vera的集成电路建模验证方法

    A Vera Modeling Verification Method in Integrated Circuit

  30. 同时,CMOS射频集成电路的发展迅速,用CMOS工艺实现无线通信收发器已经成为可能。

    Simultaneously , CMOS RFIC developed very fast and it is possible to integrate a wireless transceiver into a chip via CMOS process .