
hóng wài xiàn
  • infrared;infrared ray;ultrared rays
红外线 [hóng wài xiàn]
  • [infrared ray] 在电磁波谱中,波长介于红光和微波间的电磁辐射。它不能引起视觉,但有显著的热效应,可以用温差电偶、光敏电阻或光电管等仪器来探测

红外线[hóng wài xiàn]
  1. 方法用PLC配合红外线传感器多位检测,控制防辐射门。

    Methods With infrared ray sensor and PLC , to control radiation protection door .

  2. B组:接受普通红外线照射;C组(对照组):接受0mW/cm2的CO2激光照射。

    Group B : infrared ray and Group C ( control group ): 0 mW / cm 2 CO 2 laser .

  3. 当这些车通过一个速度探测仪时,他被红外线扫描仪发现了,于是被迫停在路边。

    However , as they passed a speed trap , he got nailed with an infrared and was pulled over .

  4. 用红外线CO2分析仪测定了大豆各生育期及品种(系)间光合活性的差异。

    The Photosynthetic properities of different varieties ( strains ) of soybean were analysed with the infrared gas analyzer .

  5. 氧化锆表背上有4个蓝宝石透镜,其内部的红外线及可见光LED,以及感光器,可以检测你的脉搏频率。

    The Zirconia back has four sapphire lenses . Infrared and visible-light LEDs , along with photosensors , detect your pulse rate .

  6. 方法:使用便携式红外线分析仪和国标规定方法对CO、CO2进行现场监测。

    Method : The concentration of CO and CO2 were monitored on the spots with portable infrared detector and national standard method .

  7. 红外线对CAG大鼠治疗作用的病理学研究

    Pathologic Studies of Infrared Rays on Experimental Chronic Atrophic Gastritis in Rats

  8. 适用于LED医疗透镜、LED手电筒透镜、LED红外线透镜、太阳能灯、地埋灯、水底灯、洗墙灯、投光灯、照明灯等LED应用场合。

    This product is applicable to Solar lamp , Underground lamp , Underwater lamp , Wall lights , Spot lights , LED lighting and other LED applications .

  9. 基于PSPICE的热释电红外线探测器设计

    Design of pyroelectric infrared detector based on PSPICE

  10. 这种物体多数是一个发射巨大能量(包括射电、红外线、紫外线、X射线和伽玛射线在内)的类星体。

    The most powerful such object is a quasar , which emits a huge amount of radio , infrared , ultraviolet , X-ray , and gamma-ray energy .

  11. NASA的智慧号卫星是探寻宇宙的红外线太空望远镜。

    NASA 's WISE satellite is a space telescope that carefully surveyed the universe in infrared light .

  12. Lan技术是无线的,它通过使用红外线或无线电传送网络信号,而不是通过电线或是光纤。

    LAN technology is wireless , using infrared light or radio waves instead of wires or fiber optics to transport the network signals .

  13. 红外线、He-Ne激光照射对CAG大鼠胃酸的影响

    The Effect of Infrared Rays and He-Ne Laser on Gastric Acid in Rat with Chronic Atrophic Gastritis

  14. 作者利用自行设计的燃气红外线路面加热小车进行大量实验得到丰富的数据,以可编程控制器PLC为控制核心开发各种加热模式的控制程序,并采用触摸屏技术使操作界面更友好。

    The programs of several kinds of heating mode based on the PLC programming are developed and the touch-screen technology is adapted to make the interface more friendly .

  15. 远红外线对2ml安瓿灭菌作用的初步研究

    Preliminary study of far infrared ray sterilization at 2ml injection ampoules

  16. 他也曾在TI的中央研究实验室参与多用途太阳能电池和红外线探测器的研发工作。

    He also worked in the TI 's Central Research Laboratories ( CRL ) and developed a solar cell system and some infrared detectors for various applications .

  17. 当不能得到原发结石标本时,双J管结壳的红外线光谱分析不失为一种能预测结石成分的可靠方法。

    Infrared spectroscopy analysis of double J ureteral stent encrustations is a reliable method of predicting stone composition when the stone cannot be retrieved .

  18. 系统采用红外线LED照明,在摄像机和图像传感器间加有滤光片以避免杂光干扰,摄像机前加半透半反镜来辅助瞄准;

    Two infrared LEDs are designed for illumination , a filter is added between the camera and image sensor for avoiding disturbance and a semitransparent mirror is set before the camera for aiming assistance .

  19. 芬兰堆萨拉公司最新研制的光学CO2传感器Carbocap,其工作原理采用了单束双波长非发散性红外线测量方法,其独特之处在于它的滤光镜&一种袖珍电子调谐干扰仪。

    A new CO2 gas sensor was developed in Vaisala company , a IR measuring method of single light beam and double wave length was used in the sensor .

  20. 方法对63例乳腺肿物患者行乳腺MRI平扫和增强扫描,并做X线、超声、红外线乳腺透照检查,所有患者均行手术治疗并取得病理结果。

    Methods 63 female patients with suspected breast lesion underwent X-ray mammography , breast infrared diaphany , plain and contrast-enhanced MRI examination , and then all of them received surgery treatment and pathologic examination .

  21. 此次公布的银河系新图像是基于美国NASA斯皮策空间望远镜以红外线对银河系的观察。

    The new survey of an extensive swath of the Milky Way was done with NASA 's Spitzer Space Telescope , which detects infrared light .

  22. 基本上,被SOFIA观察的远红外线的光经过“剪力层”气流时是不会受到扰动的。

    Basically , the far-infrared light observed by SOFIA passes through the shear stream of air unperturbed .

  23. 采用EDA软件自动化的设计,是目前业界常用的数字集成电路设计方法,目前已有的红外线焦平面读出电路的数字电路均采用此方法。

    The industry always took the method of automatic design with EDA to design digital integrated circuit , and all of the existing ROIC design took this method .

  24. 目的:观察应用远红外线治疗仪进行热疗并化疗对小鼠S180肿瘤模型的协同治疗效果。

    AIM : To observe the curative effects of hyperthermia by using far infrared equipment combined with chemotherapy in S180 tumor models of mice .

  25. 非色散红外线气体分析器;NDIR气体分析器

    Non-dispersive infra-red gas analyzer ; NDIR gas analyzer

  26. WCO-32型第二代红外线轴温探测系统热轴判别标准的计算机算法

    Computer-Based Algorithm for WCO-32 Model Second Generation infrared Hot-Box Detector Alarm Decision

  27. 在陶瓷釉浆中添加多功能健康陶瓷材料,经研磨、施釉,制得辐射远红外线功能陶瓷。用核磁共振技术(NMR)研究了远红外功能陶瓷的防污机理。

    Far infrared ceramics were prepared by doping ceramics glaze with multi-function health ceramics materials , and then the mechanisms of anti-fouling performance of far infrared ceramics were studied by nuclear magnetic resonance technique .

  28. 除了通过蜂窝网络访问,大多数还可以通过Wi-Fi和Bluetooth访问,有些还可以通过红外线和射频识别(RFID)访问。

    In addition to access through a cellular network , most are also accessible via Wi-Fi and Bluetooth , and some are accessible by infrared and radio-frequency identification ( RFID ) .

  29. 其中,摄像头用于采集视频信息,CO2传感器用于检测CO2的浓度,红外线热释电传感器用于检测生命迹象。

    Among them , the camera is used to capture video information , the CO2 sensor is used to detect the concentration of CO2 and the pyroelectric infrared sensor is used to detect signs of life .

  30. 方法及结果:短距红外线荧光显影剂含有组织蛋白酶K缩氨酸感光底物GHPGGPQGKC-NH2,其连结在一个可激活的荧光底物激活体上。

    Methods and Results & The NIRF imaging agent consists of the CatK peptide substrate GHPGGPQGKC-NH2 linked to an activatable fluorogenic polymer .