
  1. 本文研究发现:在目前的资源条件下,四川移动开拓集团客户专线市场,其目标和考核指标体系尚有待优化,才能在红海市场中成为游戏参与者。

    It is the conclusion of this article : Due to lack of resources , Sichuan Mobile is facing many difficulties on Group customers dedicated line market pioneering . The objectives and assessment index system must to be optimized to become a participants in the Red Sea market .

  2. 《蓝海战略》通篇讲述了一个道理,是企业如何摆脱红海&已知市场的血腥竞争,开创新的市场空间,即蓝海,这与中海油近几年的的差异化发展战略不谋而合。

    The whole book tells us a truth that how enterprises break away from Red Ocean i.e. the known market bloody competition and create new market space & the Blue Ocean . The truth has just coincided with the diversified development strategy of CNOOC in recent years .

  3. 长尾的时代已经到来,广大中小企业应当借助长尾的力量来提高企业的竞争能力,在经济的长尾中寻求生存和发展的机遇,尽量摆脱在短头红海中的激烈市场竞争。

    SME should take advantage of this theory to promote their competitiveness , break away from severe market competition in the short head or red sea , and strive for survival and development in the long tail of economy .