
jīnɡ yínɡ zhě
  • operator;manager
  1. 他岳父是个种植园经营者。

    His father-in-law is a plantation manager .

  2. 中国加入WTO后,市场化改革将逐步深入,完善国有企业经营者激励机制显得尤为紧迫。

    After China 's entry into WTO , it becomes urgent to perfect the manager motivation mechanism for state-run enterprises .

  3. 这家商店现由新的经营者管理。

    The shop is now under new management .

  4. 大多数经营者都很希望避免罢工的发生。

    Most managements are keen to avoid strikes .

  5. 许多经营者都想用古董装饰他们的酒店。

    Many proprietors try to furnish their hotels with antiques .

  6. 旅行社的经营者们可能不得不忍痛降价。

    Tour operators may be forced to bite the bullet and cut prices .

  7. 伦敦劳埃德保险社的经营者昨天受到了严厉批评。

    The people who run Lloyd 's of London took a pasting yesterday .

  8. 旅游业经营者反映客房入住率低。

    Tour operators report low occupancy rates .

  9. 小公司经营者被银行的掠夺行为吓坏了。

    People who run small businesses are frightened by the predatory behaviour of the banks .

  10. 和其他特许经营者谈一谈,问问他们对母公司是什么看法。

    Talk to other franchise holders and ask them what they think of the parent company .

  11. 本文分析了解雇威胁条件下的经营者风险分担和激励设计问题。

    This paper analyzes the problem of managers risk-sharing and incentive design in termination menace .

  12. 这份工资调查也没有记录个体经营者的数量,因此并未提及有多少人在创造独立收入。

    The payroll survey also doesn 't capture the number of self-employed , and so says little about how many people are generating an independent income .

  13. 另一个了解特许经营的可靠信息源是其他经营者

    Another good source of information about a franchise is other franchisees .

  14. 餐饮服务经营者可以对参与“光盘行动”的消费者给予奖励。

    Catering service providers can reward customers who eat everything they order .

  15. 局限于靠不住的经营者及那种人的一种偷窃倾向

    A larcenous tendency restricted to shady operators and others of that ilk .

  16. solopreneur(个体企业创业经营者)是指“自己创建、经营公司的人”。

    A solopreneur refers to a " person who sets up and runs a business on their own " .

  17. 餐饮服务经营者可以对造成明显浪费的消费者收取处理厨余垃圾的相应费用,收费标准应当明示。

    Catering service providers could charge customers who leave excessive amount of leftovers a disposal fee , but rates for the charge must be clearly advertised .

  18. 可惜大多数的事业经营者均未能认识到这一点,等到错误的决策造成了重大的损失才寻求弥补,有时是亡羊补牢,为时已晚。

    It 's a pity that many enterprise managers fail to see this and try to seek remedies after wrong decisions have incurred7 great losses , which , they will find , may be too late to make up for .

  19. 卷帘门男人多是药店或理发店老板背后的男人,因为这两种店铺的女性经营者多数都能在没有丈夫帮扶的情况下将店里生意照看得很好。

    The stereotype concerns especially husbands of pharmacists , who have been able to earn a good income without help from their husbands … . Also hairdressing shop keeper ’ s husband has a chance to become a shutter man , as these women often earn quite good .

  20. 因此有线电视系统经营者更需要在迈入宽频产业之际,灵活整合资源,以创造优势竞争力的有线电视产业,并走向一个宽频、三C(通讯、内容产业、消费电子)大整合的新时代。

    Therefore , the cable TV manager has to learn how to combine the resources in order to take advantage in the coming 3C ( communication , contents and consumption ) wide band era .

  21. 作为一种重要的激励机制,经营者股票期权(ExecutiVeStockOption,以下简称ESO)在西方发达国家得到了广泛的应用。

    As an important incentive mechanism , Executive Stock Option ( hereafter referred to as ESO ) has got the extensive application in the western developed country .

  22. 在引进ERP系统时,企业经营者所要作的第一件事,是检查公司内部所有的相关业务流程,进行流程改造或企业流程再造(BusinessProcessReengineeringBPR)。

    When introduce the ERP system , the primal work the operators of the enterprise should do is checking all the related business process of the enterprise and do Process Reconstruction or Business Process Reengineering BPR .

  23. 我国企业经营者委托CPA审计的主要目的是为了应付政府部门和相关法规的要求,对高质量审计缺乏自愿性的需求。

    The business operators commission CPA Firms to audit in our country . Its primary purpose is to walk through the requirements of governments and associated regulations . The demands for high-quality audit are out of the voluntary aspect accordingly .

  24. MBO实现所有者和经营者合而为一,是降低公司代理成本最有效的激励机制,是完善现代公司治理结构的有效途径,能帮助实现现代公司治理结构公平和效率的目标,具有重大意义。

    As the most effective incentive mechanism to lower the " agency cost " for the companies and effective path for better modern company governance , MBO " mergers " the owner and manager and facilitates the fairness and effectiveness .

  25. 委托代理:经营者行为、会计信息鉴证和投资者

    Entrusted Agency : Manager Behavior , Accounting Information Assurance and Investors

  26. 国有企业经营者的选任、激励和监督机制

    Mechanism of appointment , incentive and supervision of state owned enterprises'managers

  27. 关于建立地勘企业经营者年薪制的思考

    Thought on establishing manager 's annual-salary system in Geological Prospecting Enterprises

  28. 经营者控制权的契约配置与动态调整

    Managers ' Control Power : Contract Arrangement and Its Dynamic Adjustment

  29. 对经营者业绩评价与声誉激励的关系进行了阐述;

    Expatiated the relation of manager performance evaluation and reputation motivation ;

  30. 企业经营者薪酬激励治理的演变与效应

    Governance Evolution and Effect on Operators ' Compensation Incentive in Enterprises