
  • 网络Regular budget;current budget
  1. 英国财政部在2008年3月预算案中估计,经周期调整的结构性经常预算赤字比例在2007-08年度为-0.7%,在2008-09年度为的-0.5%。

    In the March 2008 Budget , the Treasury estimated the structural cyclically adjusted deficit on the current budget at minus 0.7 per cent in 2007-08 and minus 0.5 per cent in 2008-09 .

  2. 各部门经常预算费用消费超出收入的部分。

    By part , regular budget costs an excess of expenditures over revenues .

  3. 经常预算分摊会费缴纳状况;

    Status of assessed contribution to the regular budget ;

  4. 2002年联合国经常预算摊款最多的10个会员国

    Top 10 Member States in assessment for the UN regular budget , 2002

  5. 各主要支出用途经常预算

    By main objects of expenditure , regular budget

  6. 经常预算中划拨给技术合作活动的经费

    Regular budget contributions to technical cooperation activities

  7. 自1994年以来,世界卫生组织的经常预算按实际价值计算一直稳步下滑。

    Since 1994 , the WHO 's regular budget has declined steadily in real terms .

  8. 经常预算会费分摊额

    Assessment of contributions to the regular budget

  9. 从经常预算项下支付

    Charged against the regular budget

  10. 预算由大会按专门比例表作为专项摊派,这一比例表参照了经常预算的分摊比例。

    These are assessed separately by the General Assembly , according to a special scale based on that used for the regular budget .

  11. 各部门经常预算费用协调车间内部所有部门的关系,生产部内各部门之间的关系。

    By part , regular budget costs Coordination of all departments and disciplines within the workshop , and other department within the Production Dept.

  12. 从2001年7月1日起,对25个发达国家按照其经常预算分摊比例来摊派维和经费。

    Effective 1 July 2001 , a group of 25 developed countries are assessed at the same rate as under the regular budget scale .

  13. 2001年年底,经常预算的欠款达2.396亿美元,其中有2.099亿美元是当年的。

    At the end of 2001 , arrears to the regular budget totalled $ 239.6 million – of which $ 209.9 million was for the current year .

  14. 我们始终坚持经常性预算不打赤字,建设性预算赤字不突破年初确定的规模。

    We have made it a rule not to allow a deficit in our regular budget and not to exceed the deficit level projected at the beginning of the year in our capital development budget .

  15. 而软件产业却面临着高失败率、很少按时交付,经常超出预算成本等危机,形成投入高、风险高却不一定能产出高的产业特征。

    On the contrary , the software industry is facing a number of difficulties , such as high failure rate , frequent delay and common budget deficit , which feature the whole industry with high inputs and high risks but possible low outputs .

  16. IRR经常用于资本预算,它是使得所有现金流动的净现值为零的利率。

    Often used in capital budgeting , IRR is the interest rate that makes net present value of all cash flow equal zero .

  17. 联合国经常技术援助预算

    United Nations Regular Technical Assistance Budget

  18. 传统上,这些公共项目主要由政府投资建设和监管使用,政府既负责投资审批,又直接管理项目施工建设,经常产生超预算、超标准、超进度及建设工程质量等诸多问题。

    Traditionally , these public projects are invested by the government and regulators , the government is responsible for investment approval , the direct management of project construction , which often results in over-budget , over-standard , over-progress .

  19. 由于其对公司内部流程非常之熟悉,使得他也经常参加一些财政预算会议。

    He also attended the budget meetings as his knowledge about the company 's internal processes is quite sound .

  20. (费用等)经常的,管理的属于或关于企业运转经费的在经常预算经费下开支

    Of or relating to the operating expenses of a business . charged to the regular budgetary appropriations