
  • 网络Price Signaling;price signal
  1. 通过数值算例,探讨了在电子市场对商品质量具有不同的评价概率时以及模型参数变化时,网络营销企业的质量相关价格信号显示最优决策策略。

    Through numerical example , the dissertation examines the optimal price signaling strategies for network marketing firms when electronic markets have different estimation of quality , and then discusses the impact of parameters in the model on optimal decision .

  2. 各公司债券同台竞技公开竞价(类似上市公司登榜效应),所有历史信息、公开信息、内幕信息都将作用与反映在价格信号之中,所需治理信息维数最小。

    Each corporate bond competes with each other , like listing on board , all history information , public information , inside information effect and reflect on price signaling , the information dimensions which the governance need is most small .

  3. 不过,大宗商品今年提供过虚假的价格信号:crb指数3月份曾下跌6.3%,但此后强劲反弹。

    But commodities have provided false price signals this year , with the CRB index falling 6.3 per cent in March only to rebound strongly .

  4. 价格信号引导人力资源优先流向经济发达地区。

    Price signals direct human resources to developed regions of economy .

  5. 第一种方法以价格信号为导向,通过不断调整阻塞价格达到缓解阻塞的目的。

    The first one uses the price as signal to guide customers .

  6. 失真的价格信号降低了股票市场的融资效率;

    The efficiency of finance decreases with non-accurate price signal ;

  7. 现存的木材市场价格信号失真。

    The existing timber market indicators lack fidelity .

  8. 一是价格信号被消音。

    One is the muting of price signals .

  9. 石油供给方对于闪烁的价格信号反应迟钝,有着很多别的原因。

    There are many other explanations for the lacklustre response to the glaring price signal .

  10. 市场失灵是因资源的价格信号缺少或失真所导致的市场机制的失效。

    Market failure occurred while there is wrong or none price signal to certain resource .

  11. 例如,上世纪90年代,智利就利用了依靠价格信号的透明机制。

    For example , Chile used transparent mechanisms in the 1990s that relied on price signals .

  12. 从理论上讲,建立价格信号最简单的方法就是通过征收碳税来实现。

    Theoretically , the simplest way to establish a price signal would be through a carbon tax .

  13. 本文发现,企业社会责任行为与消费者响应之间的复杂关系,既受到消费者个人特征(如消费者是否支持企业社会责任行为(CSR-support))的影响,也受到产品自身特征(如价格信号)的影响。

    The relationship between corporate social responsibility and consumer response is affected by personal characteristic and price signal .

  14. 做市商机制和连续竞价机制是现代期货市场主流的两类交易机制,连续竞价机制则成本较低,价格信号反应灵敏;

    There are two main mechanisms in modern futures market : dealer trading mechanism and auction trading mechanism .

  15. 部分公用事业价格信号失真导致外部不经济;

    Fifthly , the price signals of some Public Utilities are so distorted that Public Utilities are not economical .

  16. 在有的地方,繁荣之大、之非理性甚至压过了大量新房入市的价格信号。

    In some places the boom was big enough and irrational enough to suppress price signals from lots of new supply .

  17. 构成按需经济的企业是类似的,但价格信号已经取代了社交动机。

    The companies that make up the on-demand economy are similar , but price signals have taken the place of social motivations .

  18. 股票市场作为联系资金紧缺者和资金盈余者的纽带,以提供资金融通为基础,通过价格信号引导资源配置,并以一定的制度安排对筹资者进行监控,保证资金所有者的权益。

    As an intermediary of the capital demanders and providers , stock market offers financing and allocates resources by the price signal .

  19. 水权交易可以利用市场与价格信号来优化配置水资源,同时也有助于国家对经济的宏观调控。

    Water property right transaction may optimize disposition of water resources by market and price signal and accomplish national macroscopic economic regulation .

  20. 二级市场的价格信号具有引致上市公司进行产业转移的功能,虽然存在着过度反应。

    The price signal in secondary market can lead to the industrial shift of listed companies , although there exists an overreaction .

  21. 收益率水平没有起到价格信号功能,而只是反映当前市场缺乏风险胃口。

    Instead of performing a price signalling function , yield levels merely reflect the lack of risk appetite in the market currently .

  22. 商业社会都在呼吁对碳排放建立一个一致的价格信号,这样才能影响长期投资的决策。

    The business community is lining up to call for a consistent price signal on carbon to help guide long - term investments .

  23. 因此,保险市场对整个经济产生价格信号,有利于合理配置资源,提高资源利用率。

    As a result , the insurance market generates price signals to the entire economy , helping to allocate resources to more productive uses .

  24. 研究结论:土地出让价格信号是引起新建商品住宅价格波动的主要因素之一。

    The paper concludes that the price signal in land market is one of the important factors of the fluctuation of newly-built housing price .

  25. 即在不完善的市场下,为什么通过公认的价格信号(突破月平均价格,涨幅超1%等)有可能获得超额收益。

    That is why excess returns can be obtained by the recognized price target ( breakthrough monthly Equal-string , etc. ) under imperfect market .

  26. 重点讲解:商业社会都在呼吁对碳排放建立一个一致的价格信号,这样才能影响长期投资的决策。.

    The business community is lining up to ca ll for a consistent price signal on carbon to help guide long - term investments .

  27. 价格信号有可能会因为发展中国家为向富裕国家出卖温室气体排放许可而削弱其减少温室气体排放措施的努力。

    The price signal may have undercut efforts in developing countries to put in abatement measures in order to sell carbon permits to rich nations .

  28. 中国农民对市场价格信号反应的转变,不仅仅是农产品的弹性系数使然,还有国家的制度、政策等因素的作用。

    The change is not only due to the coefficient of elasticity of agricultural products , but also the result of estate systems and policies .

  29. 价格信号的缺失,让必须瓜分共同劳动成果带来的金钱回报的人们之间屡见不鲜的冲突也消失了。

    The absence of price signals muted the potential conflicts that arise regularly between people who must allocate the monetary rewards of their shared work .

  30. 政策响应的条款和条件必须使保险公司得以持续发挥自己的核心技能,从而给出基于风险的价格信号并管理风险。

    Terms and conditions of the policy response must continue to allow insurers to use their core skills to send risk-based price signals and manage risk .