
  • 网络the value proposition;Value Positioning
  1. 制定战略要考虑三个关键因素:商业周期、SWOT分析和价值定位。

    There are three key elements that we must think about when we making the strategy , they are business cycle , SWOT Analysis , and value proposition .

  2. 但是苹果把它的产品(iPod)和服务(iTunes)捆绑推出后,给我们带来了一种新的价值定位,改变了我们体验音乐的方式。

    It changed the way we experienced music by delivering on a value proposition that bundled product ( Ipod ) and service ( iTunes ) .

  3. 所有这一切告诉我们,在采用EJB之前,准确的分析价值定位是很聪明的做法。

    All of these issues suggest that it 's wise to analyze exactly what the value proposition is before using EJB .

  4. 此外,谷歌还需要其他推动力,那就是提供不同于Facebook的价值定位,说服大量用户转投其阵营,或至少是同时成为这两家社交网站的活跃用户。

    Google also needs something else : a value proposition that is different from Facebook 's and that compels users to switch in large numbers & or at least to be active on both sites .

  5. KindleFire和Nook平板立足简单务实,主打“刚刚好”和普及型平板的理念,因此立刻实现了更好的价值定位。

    Looking at the kindle fire , and even the nook tablet , through the simplified , more pragmatic prism of being " good enough " and affordable , they instantly become better value propositions .

  6. 企业的顾客价值定位取决于企业提供超额价值的能力和各种客观因素,还受到NCV和π对立统一关系的制约。

    The ability to deliver satisfactory Customer Value by firm and varieties of factors should be taken into consideration during the Orientation of Customer Value by the firm , which is also on the control of the relationship of NCV and π .

  7. 行政法的价值定位论纲

    The Outline on the Orientation of the Value of Administrative Law

  8. 新价值定位下对信息服务评估问题的再认识

    Re-understanding the Evaluation of Information Services in the New Value-oriented Environment

  9. 公共行政伦理价值定位与规范体系

    The Value Location of the Public Administrative Ethic and Related Principles

  10. 刑事侦查程序的价值定位

    On the Fixed Position of the Value of Criminal Investigation Procedure

  11. 儒家传播功能论的当代价值定位

    On Contemporary Value of the Theory of Confucianists ' Communication Function

  12. 论社会主义和谐社会在当今中国的历史和价值定位

    Historical and Value Positioning of Socialist Harmonious Society in Present China

  13. 罪刑法定原则:视角转换与价值定位&兼论类推思维

    Transfer of Vision and Orientation on Value : Principle of Legality

  14. 当代环境法的价值定位于可持续发展。

    The actual value orientation of environmental law is sustainable development .

  15. 公共政策价值定位和价值抉择的解析与研究

    An Analysis on Value Orientation and Value Choices of Public Policy

  16. 刑事简易程序价值定位分析

    Analysis on the Value Orientation in the Criminal Summary Procedure

  17. 宪法的本质与宪法规范的价值定位

    The Essence of the Constitution and the Value Orientation on Constitutional Norms

  18. 论中国在经济全球化中的价值定位

    The Value Orientation of China in The Globalization of Economy

  19. 第二,医学生命价值定位。

    Second , fixing the position of the value of medical life .

  20. 新时期荣辱观的价值定位

    Explaining the Value Positioning of the Honor Outlook in the New Period

  21. 网络教育元学习能力的价值定位

    On the Value Orientation of Meta-learning Ability in Open and Distance Education

  22. 我们相信,以强有力的价值定位为基础的工作是成功的关键。

    We believe value orientation based work is the key to success .

  23. 生态人格培育与道德教育价值定位

    Value-Orientation of Moral Education for the Cultivation of Ecological Personality

  24. 论治安行政强制措施的价值定位

    Value Orientation of Compulsory Administrative Measures for Public Order

  25. 和谐理念下的残疾人体育的价值定位

    The Value Proposition of the Sports for the Disabled Based on Harmonious Idea

  26. 综合信息服务提供商的价值定位与运营机制研究

    The Research on Value Position and Operating Mechanism of Integrated Information Service Provider

  27. 司法公正的价值定位应当以整体公正为归宿。

    The judical justice must return to whole justice .

  28. 三个代表的精髓和价值定位

    The Quintessence and Value Orientation of the Three Represents

  29. 我国医疗行业投资体制改革价值定位探析

    Orientation discuss on the reform of investment system in medical industry in China

  30. 价值定位与内容选择&社区教育研究新视野

    On Value Orientation and Contents Selection & a New View of Community Education