
jià ɡé shōu yì lǜ
  • Price yield;price-earnings ratio
  1. 基金价格收益率的波动性大于其NAV收益率的波动性;

    The variance of price return of funds is higher than the NAV return .

  2. 锌期货的价格收益率分布还表现出一定程度的正态性。

    Zinc futures price return distribution also showed a degree of normality .

  3. 山东寿光果蔬电子平台交易量对价格收益率的有一定的解释能力。

    Shandong Shouguang Vegetable electronic platform for trading volume on the price earnings ratio has some explanatory power .

  4. 台湾利率期货和现货价格收益率与溢出效应研究

    The Study of Price Return and Spillover Effects between Interest Rate Futures Market and Spot Market in Taiwan of China

  5. 在这里我们可以预期,周末隔夜价格收益率会对对新公布的资产净值(收益率)有所反应。

    We may anticipate that weekend overnight price yield will response to latest announced net asset value ( yield ) .

  6. 对比研究表明:效率高的美国小麦期货市场,价格收益率的波动持续性强,更好的发挥了期货市场转移风险的功能。

    It is also indicate through comparison that US wheat futures market was more efficient and had strong volatility persistence .

  7. 期货价格收益率的波动呈现非正态分布,存在集群现象,未达到高风险高收益等问题。

    The volatility of futures prices yields showed non-normal distribution , there was a cluster phenomenon . Not meet the high-risk high-yield and so on .

  8. 所以,在这里在可以认为周内价格收益率是对周末公布的资产净值收益的预测。

    Therefore , we may think that the weekly price yield is a forecast of net asset value returns which will be announced in weekend .

  9. 周末隔夜价格收益率,上周末收盘至下周初开盘的价格变化率。

    Weekend overnight price yield is the price change ratio from close price of last trading day last week to open price of first trading day this week .

  10. 再利用计算机模拟股票价格收益率的分布特征,模型很好的刻画了现实证券市场中股票收益率分布的宽尾现象、长记忆性,以及累积分布中尾部收益的指数递减现象。

    We investigate the fluctuation of price process in a stock market with Ising model and the mean field theory , and construct the corresponding random logarithmic price returns process .

  11. 不仅如此,考虑到有研究表明在美国证券市场中封闭式基金的周内价格收益率和周末隔夜价格收益率之间存在显著的负相关,本文会检验我国市场中是否存在这一现象。

    In addition some researches indicated that weekly price yield and weekend overnight price yield is significantly inversely correlated in the US security market . The article will also examine whether this phenomenon is existed in Chinese market .

  12. 在本文的研究中,要验证周内价格收益率是否对周末公布的资产净值收益有预测作用、周末隔夜价格收益率是否会对新公布的资产净值(收益率)有所反应。

    In this research , we attempt to test whether weekly price yield have forecast function for net asset value yield which will be announced in weekend and whether weekend overnight price yield will response to latest announced net asset value ( yield ) .

  13. 第三类,在多元线性回归中分析构建了两种方程,分别以周内价格收益率和周末隔夜价格收益率为因变量。

    Then the significance and specific direction of shock need to be tested using by statistics significant software . The third category is multi-variable linear regression which is built by two kinds of equations , respectively take weekly price yield and weekend overnight price yield as dependent variable .

  14. 凸性理论,债券价格和收益率之间是非线性的凸性关系,其曲率称为凸度。

    In Convexity theory , the relation between bond price and yield rate is non-linear .

  15. 他试了几次,终于手机不辱使命地显示了一个列满国债价格和收益率的页面。

    It takes a couple of attempts , but the phone dutifully displays a page full of T-bill prices and yields .

  16. 但其价格与收益率被定的很低:爱尔兰与葡萄牙债券至少在一定程度上成为了投机炒作的受害者。

    But prices and yields are set at the margin : Irish and Portuguese bonds are at least partly the victims of speculative position taking .

  17. 然而,投资者在递交标书前应进行独立查核,以核实价格与收益率换算表的准确性。

    Investors , however , should perform independent check to verify the correctness of the price-yield conversion contained in the table before submitting tender bids .

  18. 验证了老鼠仓交易对于股票的价格、收益率、流动性、波动性等市场行为的影响。

    From the viewpoint of market micro structure , testify the effect of rat trade on the stock price , return rate , liquidity and volatility .

  19. 传统的证券投资组合理论认为股票价格与其收益率无关,但事实并非如此。

    According to the traditional portfolio theory , the stock price has no relation with its rate of return , but actually it is not the case .

  20. 证券价格、收益率的时间序列遵循分形分布,可以用分形几何学来衡量它的波动和平均周期。

    Thirdly , for bond price and bond return rate are following by Fractal distribution , we can evaluate bond market 's volatility and equal cycle by The Fractal Market Hypothesis .

  21. 其次,利用一家营业部2007年的实际交易数据,对老鼠仓交易对于股票价格、收益率、流动性、波动性等市场行为的影响进行实证。

    Second , using the trade data from one security company branch in 2007 , we testify the effect of rat trade on stock price , return rate , liquidity and volatility .

  22. 我国对股票市场日历效应的研究始于九十年代,研究集中于对上海和深圳股票综合价格指数收益率的研究。

    The studies on calendar effects of stock markets in China begin in the 1990s , the studies are focused on the returns of Shanghai composite stock price index and Shenzhen composite stock price index .

  23. 其次假定股票价格对数与收益率的联合分布f(InP,R)服从二维正态分布,从中确定条件收益率的统计分布特征,进而计算条件VaR值。

    Secondly we assume that the union distribution of logarithm of the stock price and its revenue ratio obeys two-dimensional normal distribution , and then confirm the statistical distribution characteristic of condition revenue ratio from it .

  24. 此前人们对今年的期待是经济不仅会增长,而且会加快增长,这种期待推高了股票价格和债券收益率,Harris私人银行首席投资官杰克埃布林(JackAblin)表示。

    The expectation for this year was that the economy would not only grow , but accelerate , pushing up stock prices and bond yields , said Jack Ablin , chief investment officer at Harris Private Bank .

  25. 引入违约距离的概念,建立了期货市场违约风险评估模型,采用GARCH-M模型对期货合约价格收益的波动率进行估计。

    In this paper , the evaluating model on default risk of futures market is presented by providing the concept of default distance . At the same time , a GARCH-M model is used to estimate the volatility of returns of futures market .

  26. 国债价格走势和收益率相反。

    Bond prices move inversely to yields .

  27. 摘要本文讨论了股票价格过程期望收益率的估计问题。

    This paper discusses the estimation of the expected rate of return of stock price process .

  28. 其次,债券的供应仍将受到限制,这将有助于支撑价格,压低收益率。

    Second , the supply of bonds would stay restricted , helping support prices and keep yields down .

  29. 相比平均12.16万美元的购买价格,毛收益率达11%。

    With an average purchase price of $ 121,600 , the gross yield comes to 11 per cent .

  30. h股看上去“非常便宜”,预测市盈率(价格与预期收益率之比)仅为9到10倍。

    H-shares , which trade at just 9 to 10 times forward earnings , look " very cheap " .