
  1. EVA是一项衡量企业价值创造能力的指标,能够客观反映企业对于股东的价值创造效应。

    EVA is a index which could evaluate the ability of creating values . It could reflect the efficacy objectively which company bring to dormant partner .

  2. 在完善公司治理结构和规范运营机制的同时,还应积极借鉴国外商业银行先进的EVA评价理论和方法,不断提高自身的经营管理效率和价值创造能力。

    In improving corporate governance structure and regulate the operation mechanism should also be actively learn from the foreign commercial banks advanced EVA evaluation theory and methods , and continuously improve their management efficiency and value creation .

  3. 将EVA方法引入商业银行创造能力的研究,可对我国商业银行价值创造能力的驱动因素进行实证分析,评估我国商业银行的价值创造能力。

    This paper argues that EVA can be introduced into the study of value-creating ability of commercial banks and EVA-based empirical studies can be conducted of the driving factors for this ability as well as evaluating it .

  4. 因此,经济增加值(EVA-EconomicValueAdded)指标应运而生,EVA指标克服了传统会计指标的缺陷,其最重要的特点是考虑了权益资本的机会成本,能够更加真实的反映企业的价值创造能力。

    Therefore , economic value added ( EVA ) emerge as the times require index , EVA index overcomes the defects of traditional accounting indexes , its most important characteristic is to consider the opportunity cost of equity capital , can more realistically reflect the ability of value creation .

  5. 在EVA准则下,企业价值创造能力的评估标准,关键在于是否超过资本成本,而不是投资收益率,因此与其他估价方法比较,EVA更具有全面性、前瞻性和合理性。

    In the EVA criteria , the ability to create enterprise value evaluation criteria , the key is whether more than the cost of capital , rather than investment returns , so comparison with other valuation methods , EVA is more comprehensive , forward-looking rationality .

  6. 产业价值创造能力的周期演化&基于汽车产业的分析

    Periodic Evolvement of Value Creation Ability of Industry & Based on the Automotive Industry

  7. 信息价值创造能力。

    The ability to create information value .

  8. 通过经济增加值的分析,体现了企业的价值创造能力。

    Analyze the Economic Value Added and evaluation the value creation ability in the companies .

  9. 民营企业贸工技路径的价值创造能力演化研究

    A Study of Value-creating Capability Evolution for Private Enterprises Along the " Trade-production-R & D " Path

  10. 二是在预算流程中引用当代先进预算管理,使预算编制过程成为提升价值创造能力的过程。

    The second is to introduce advanced budget management system and make the budget building process be a value adding process .

  11. 这一过程中,毛利率指标将是评判技术资本价值创造能力高低的标准。

    In this area , the gross margin index is the best standard to assess how the technical capital creates corporate values .

  12. 在第六章对客户价值创造能力的评价体系做了相应的介绍,并运用实例予以说明。

    Chapter 6 introduces the evaluation index system of customer value creation abilities and explains it through a case study of a typical firm .

  13. 而集团化发展和大力推动介质融合则赢得市场,是提高价值创造能力的根基。

    Whereas , group development and vigorous promotion of media fusion can win market , and is the basis for increasing the capability in creating value .

  14. 实践证明,多元化的发展战略使时代集团在激烈的市场竞争中形成新的财富增长点,获得了持续的价值创造能力。

    The practice has proved that through the diversification strategy Gansu Times Group forms new growth and obtains the sustainable value creation ability in fierce business competition .

  15. 然而,产业链价值创造能力低下与价值分配不合理的问题却大大制约着我国种子产业竞争力的提高。

    However , both the low ability of creating industry chain value and the irrational distribution of value resist the enhancement of competitive power in Chinese seeds industry .

  16. 企业价值创造能力是一个三维结构,包括业务层面的组分能力、支持层面的结构能力和发展层面的动态能力。

    The value creation of enterprise is a three-dimensional structure , including the component ability in business , structure ability in supportive level and dynamic capability in development .

  17. 然而,上市公司整体业绩起起落落,由此引发我们考察其经营业绩和价值创造能力的现状及存在的问题。

    However , the whole achievement of listed company rises and falls so that cause we investigate the current situation and existing problem of their business performances and value creativity .

  18. 研究结果表明,湖北省上市企业的财务价值创造能力与其R&D投入及企业规模呈正相关关系,与其财务风险呈负相关关系。

    The results showed that the ability to create financial value of the listed companies in Hubei created the positive correlation with the level of R & D investment and firm size .

  19. 这很不利于我国企业集团参与国际竞争,也不利于我国企业集团在新的市场和科技环境下提升价值创造能力。

    This is unfavorable to our country business group to participate in international competition , and unfavorable to our country business group under the new market and technology environment to promote value-creating ability .

  20. 人力资本的异质性、专用性及由此派生出的团队性质和产权特性,决定了人力资本具有极大的价值创造能力和承担风险能力。

    The human capital heterogeneity , Specificity and from this team nature which derived and property right had decided the human capital that had the enormous value creation ability and undertakes the risk ability .

  21. 在新经济时代,能否有效发挥智力资本的价值创造能力已经成为企业能否获得竞争优势的关键。

    In New Economy Era , whether a company can effectively promote the ability of its intellectual capital to create value or not has become the key whether it can obtain the competitive predominance .

  22. 医院要拥有卓越的病人价值创造能力,一方面需要对医院的基本价值链进行优化和重构,另一方面还需要在整个行业价值链内对相关组织的价值链进行整合集成。

    To have outstanding ability to create patient value , the hospital needs to , on one hand , optimize and re-construct basic value chain , on the other , integrate the industry value chain .

  23. 尽管技术是决定科技型企业发展的首要因素,然而对于所有新兴产业来说,资本的可获得性、融资成本的高低直接制约着企业的价值创造能力。

    Although technology is the primary factor in determining the development of high-tech enterprises , the availability of capital and financing costs will directly restricts the ability of the enterprise value creation for all emerging industries .

  24. 第三、价值创造能力是基于各个价值主体所占有资源的基础之上的,企业集团的决策包括对整个价值网络的构建和管理,而不仅仅是母公司对子公司以及参股公司的管理和控制。

    Decision-making of corporate groups not only involves in the parent corporation constructing and managing to the subsidiary companies and share-holding companies , but involves in all of constructing and managing the value network as well .

  25. 最后,提出了对内开放、对外开放与价值创造能力关系的两个基本假设,并运用相应的计量模型进行了检验。

    At last , it brings forth two basic hypotheses of the relation between opening to the other parts of the country , outside world and value creation , and tests these two hypotheses by the corresponding econometric model .

  26. 实证研究的回归结果表明,我国商业银行通过股权改革,优化资本结构和市场结构,提升价值创造能力,最终可以实现银行价值最大化。

    Regression analysis of our empirical study indicates that Chinese commercial banks can eventually achieve maximization of value by carrying out reforms of stock ownership , optimizing their capital structure and market structure , and enhance their value-creating ability .

  27. 尽管城市商业银行整体比较突出,但不同城市商业银行在资产规模、利润率、机构网点等方面存在较大差距,其价值创造能力的差异依旧非常明显。

    Although city commercial banks as a whole more prominent , but different city commercial banks has a big gap in asset size , profitability , and institutional outlets , the difference of its ability to create value is still very obvious .

  28. 作为公司金融理论探讨的核心内容,研究如何实现企业资本结构优化不仅是国内外学者关注的热点,也是提高企业资本配置效率,增强企业价值创造能力亟待解决的问题。

    As the core of corporate finance theory , it is not only wide concerned by scholars around the world , but also the urgent problem to enhance capital efficiency and value creating abilities to research on how to realize the optimization of corporate capital structure .

  29. 企业未来价值的创造能力决定了企业的投资价值。

    Enterprise 's investment value rests with its future value creation ability .

  30. 厂商持续投资研究发展形成产品价值的创造能力,获得竞争优势;

    Firms build competitive advantages through continuous focus on R & D to develop the creative capabilities of product value .