
  • 网络regulatory competition
  1. 这个地区存在许多监管竞争。

    There is a lot of regulatory competition in the region .

  2. 如果我们再次出现监管竞争,那将是毁灭性的。

    If we start having regulatory competition again , it will be havoc .

  3. 这是一个积极监管竞争的范例,他表示。

    This is an example of regulatory competition , the positive kind , he says .

  4. 最终,技术、监管和竞争性因素融合在一起,为谷歌(google)和ingdirect等创新性商业模式铺平了道路。

    Finally , the churning of technological , regulatory and competitive forces pave the way for innovative business models , such as Google or ing direct .

  5. 关键不是所有权的国籍,而是市场监管和竞争政策执行是否充分。

    The critical issue is not nationality of ownership , but the adequacy of market regulation and competition enforcement .

  6. 通过恰当的支持和监管,竞争性的市场依然是实现财富持续增长最有效的途径。

    Appropriately supported and regulated , competitive markets remain incomparably the most successful means of generating sustained increases in wealth .

  7. 监管和竞争程度的变化必然会给银行业乃至整个经济带来深刻影响,所以研究监管、竞争对银行业的影响便成为学术界和政府部门关注的焦点问题之一。

    The changes of regulation and completion will inevitably have a profound impact on the banking industry and the whole economy .

  8. 而在中国,这场危机对所有人来说都是一个加强监管和竞争障碍的绝佳时机。只是,除了当地的国有金融机构。

    But in China the crisis is also serving as a superb pretext for hardening regulatory and competitive impediments to all but the state-controlled local financial institutions .

  9. 但同时也是国际上放松监管的竞争,力争下游。这场竞争在美国和英国,确切说是伦敦之间展开,伦敦获胜,监管最松。

    But it is also the international competition in laxity , the race to the bottom between the United States and the United Kingdom , the city of London , in particular , and the city of London won that race to the bottom ,

  10. Facebook今年突然将WhatsApp电话号码与其在Facebook服务上的对应身份联系起来,这一改变引发了用户、监管机构和竞争对手的抱怨。

    Facebook sprang a surprise this year by linking WhatsApp phone numbers with identities on its Facebook service in a change that sparked complaints from users , regulators and rivals .

  11. 监管应当强化竞争市场的效率,而不是阻碍它们。

    Regulation should enhance the effectiveness of competitive markets , not impede them .

  12. 显然,政府必须实施一定的监管,以免竞争压力失控。

    Clearly there must be some government oversight as a backstop to competitive pressure .

  13. 金融监管分工、竞争与协作

    Division Competition and Cooperation in Financial Supervision

  14. 法国政府正在施压,希望对谷歌这样的互联网平台按电信公司和邮政公用事业公司一样监管,保证竞争对手平等进入搜索市场的权利。

    The French government is pressing for internet platforms such as Google to be regulated like telecoms and postal utilities , guaranteeing competitors equal access to search .

  15. 对于审计服务价格、财务报告可信度及审计监管方面缺乏竞争带来的后果,英国保险协会感到担心。

    The ABI is worried about the effect of lack of competition on the price of audit services , the reliability of financial statements , and audit regulation .

  16. 一项最新调查显示,诸多障碍可能影响外国保险公司的在华扩张计划,其中包括监管壁垒、竞争加剧和员工流失率较高等。

    Regulatory barriers , intensifying competition and high staff turnover are among the obstacles that could dent the China expansion plans of foreign insurance companies , according to a new study .

  17. 研究显示,为了达到良好的治理效果,商业银行的公司治理,行业监管和市场竞争这三方面缺一不可,需要互相补充,互为加强。

    Our study shows that corporate governance , bank regulation and market competition are complements to each other . Each of the three aspects is essential in the maintenance of banking stability .

  18. 经合组织在1996年开展了一项调查,当时列出了全球35个离岸中心。不过,此后在监管趋紧和竞争加剧的压力下,少数离岸中心已经停止运作。

    The OECD counted 35 offshore centres when it launched an investigation in 1996 , although a small number have since shut up shop under pressure of tougher regulation and fiercer competition .

  19. 石油行业是政府监管下的竞争性行业,是上下游一体化的大型跨国企业和小型专业企业并存的行业。

    The petroleum industry is a competitive industry supervised by the government , which consists of both giant multinational enterprises with integration of upstream , midstream and downstream businesses and small specialized enterprises .

  20. 过去十年里,这家出租车制造商直面了一家公司所能遇到的大多数战略挑战:全球化、监管改革、竞争压力、外包需求。

    Over the past decade the cab maker has been in a head-on collision with most of the strategic challenges a company can encounter : globalisation , regulatory change , competitive pressure , outsourcing demands .

  21. 首先对公司宏观环境和行业竞争环境进行分析,识别出公司面临政府政策支持和行业高速发展等良好的成长机会,但同时也面临着行业监管趋紧、竞争日益激烈等威胁。

    Firstly , the macro environment and industry competition situation are analyzed to identify that NA testing company is facing good opportunities for growth in government policy support and industry high-speed development , but also facing the threats such as tightening industrial supervision and increasing competition .

  22. 提出了配电商效率因子X的确定方法和基准组的确定方法,分别解决了RPI-X监管方法和基准竞争监管方法中的核心问题。

    In addition , two proposed methods , the method of EDU efficiency factor calculation and the method of defining the benchmarking observed group , are derived by which the key problem of RPI-X regulation and yardstick competition regulation can be respectively solved .

  23. 随着监管规定趋紧和竞争加剧,利用避税天堂的理由已发生改变。

    With tighter rules and hotter competition , the rationale for using a tax haven has changed .

  24. 如果除掉英国市场的第四个竞争者,就要由监管机构来弥补竞争刺激的不足。

    Stripping the UK market of its fourth player will place the onus on the regulator to substitute for this competitive stimulus .

  25. 这对于谷歌/YouTube而言是冒险之举,特别是考虑到谷歌目前面临的监管/垄断/竞争争议。

    This is a risky move for Google / youtube , especially in light of the regulatory / monopoly / competition buzz around the company right now .

  26. 文中最后还分析论述了建立有效的激励机制和监管机制是合作竞争市场机制形成的重要保证。

    Finally , the article analyzes and discusses the establishment of an effective incentive mechanism and regulatory mechanism , which is an important way to ensure a coopetition market mechanism .

  27. 同时,传统监管所带来的竞争缺乏和激励不足,造成产业效率低下和社会福利损失,产生所谓的监管失灵。

    At the same time , inefficient industry and the loss of social welfare are caused by the traditional supervision which is lack of competition and encouragement , producing the so-called the failure of regulatory .

  28. 优化泰州医药产业集群发展环境,可以建设服务支撑体系;建立信息共享机制;建设集群内基础设施;加强市场监管,避免无序竞争。

    To optimize the environment of Taizhou pharmaceutical industry , we can build service-support system and establish the information-sharing mechanisms , and we can also build cluster infrastructure and strengthen market supervision to avoid disorderly competition .

  29. 中国民航运输业以监管体制改革、竞争引入和规范、产权重组以及公司治理调整等方面的内容为核心的市场化改革的目标在于:形成合理票价、增加民航供给和提高市场绩效。

    Civil aviation transportation market reform can be divided into the regulatory system reform , the competition introduction and the property reorganization . And its reform aim is increasing civil aviation supply , forming a reasonable ticket price and improving the market performance .

  30. 也就是一方面以金融竞争性监管来提升、促进竞争,提高金融效率,另一方面通过监管将金融竞争控制在公平、适度、有序的范围内。

    That is , on one hand , to promote competition and financial efficiency through financial competition supervision , on the other hand , to control financial competition within fair moderate and orderly range through supervision .