
  • 网络Competitive interaction;Competitive Action-Reaction;competitive dynamic;Competitiveness Dynamics
  1. 随着WTO的成立,特别是贸易与竞争互动工作小组的设立,在WTO框架下进行竞争法的国际协调正在成为研究重心。

    In the wake of the establishment of WTO ^ specially the foundation of the Working Group On The Interaction Between Trade and Competition Policy ( WGTCP ), coordinating competition policy under WTO has become the core of research .

  2. 竞争互动信息传递模型研究

    A Disquisition on the Communication-Information Processing Model of Competitive Interaction

  3. 这些厂商在竞争互动中采取了哪些行为?

    Which behaviors do these manufacturers adopt ?

  4. 债务期限结构与产品市场竞争互动关系研究&基于国有和非国有控股上市公司的比较

    Research on Relationship between Debt Term Structure and Product Market Competition : Based on Comparison between State Controlled Listed Companies and Non-State Controlled Listed Companies

  5. 仲裁制度的经济分析以纠纷解决方式的成本比较和竞争互动作为考察点中小企业健康成长的战略选择基于资源限制和竞争互动的视角

    An Economic Approach to the Arbitration System Study on the Strategy choices of the Middle-small Firm ′ s Healthy Growth & based on the view of the Resources Limitation and Competition Mutual Action

  6. 产业集群与区域竞争优势互动机制研究

    The Study of Interaction Mechanism between Industry Cluster and Regional Competitive Advantage

  7. 我们将分为2组分别进行研究,互相有良性竞争的互动。

    We will have two teams working in parallel and in friendly competition !

  8. 二维语用框架下的称呼语序列&表敬准则与示近准则的竞争和互动

    Address Terms : Competition and Interaction between " Maxim of Showing Respect " and " Maxim of Showing Closeness "

  9. 随着公司金融理论的发展,人们对企业资本结构的研究视界逐渐拓宽,其中资本结构与产品市场竞争的互动关系越来越受到重视。

    With the theory development of corporate finance , scholars gradually widen the study scope of capital structure , and have paid more and more attention on the inter action between corporate leverage and product market competition .

  10. 竞争性互动具有双重性,如果理性竞争,将有利于企业创新和集群整体竞争力的提升;如果恶性竞争,将给企业和集群带来灾难。

    The competitive interaction has clear dual effects : the rational competition will be advantageous to the enterprise innovation and the cluster overall competitiveness , while the disordered competition will be detrimental to the enterprises and the industrial clusters .

  11. 另一方面主要从市场的角度,通过结合动态合作博弈和不完全信息动态博弈模型,分析了市场因素与创新主体间的创新竞争的互动关系;

    On the other hand , mainly from the intermediate level , by using dynamic cooperative game theory and incomplete information dynamic game theory models , analyzes the innovation competition and mutual relationship between market actors and innovation main bodies .

  12. 有了这些理论基础之后,本文加入了公司间的战略性和竞争性互动等竞争因素,重点分析了研发竞争的评价模型,并试图得出每个公司的投资机会价值和最优投资边界。

    Base on these theories , we add competing factors into the problem , such as tactic and competition between companies , study the pricing model of R & D project under competition , and try to get the value of investment opportunity and company 's optimal investment boundary .

  13. 企业融资决策与竞争决策的互动联系模型

    Interactive model on financing decisions and competitive decisions in firm

  14. 多点竞争与竞争互动理论

    The Theory of Multimarket Competition and Competitive Interaction

  15. 财税制度与税收竞争的这种互动关系启发我们:一方面,在新的财税制度改革中,必须关注政府间的税收竞争;

    So in the reformation of the fiscal system and tax system , we must concern on the act of inter-government competition for tax .

  16. 产品市场竞争与融资结构互动研究

    The Research on the Interaction of Product Market Competition and Financial Structure

  17. 叙述了区域旅游整合的必要性、优势及其竞争与合作的互动关系。

    It described the necessity of RTI , RTI advantages and the interactive relation between regional tourism competition and cooperation .

  18. 法律规范与习惯性规范在社会秩序框架内既有合作也有竞争,存在着互动关系。

    In the frame of the social order , there are interactively cooperative and competitive relations between legal norms and customary norms .

  19. 在这些调解机制背后,农村社区居民在长期的生存竞争和频繁的互动中所形成的公平意识和互惠原则,以及他们谋求生计改善的目标追求成为他们有效组织起来的主要推动力。

    Behind these factors , the " equity " consciousness and the reciprocal principles , which formed during the long history of survival competition and frequent interaction , and the goals for improving livelihoods have become the primary impetus .

  20. 其次,引入族群概念,有助于更好地分析和理解当代湘西土家族、苗族在资源分享、分配与竞争中的文化互动与族际关系。

    Secondly , the thesis introduces the concept of ethnic groups , which contributes a lot in the analysis and understanding of cultural interaction and ethnic relation between Tujia and Miao of Xiangxi in resource sharing , distribution and competition .

  21. 依据层次对抗与竞争优势的层次互动模型理论建立起来的基于资源观的多元化经营理念能更恰当的反映现实条件下的企业运营规律。

    The concept of diversified management in view of resource concept , which is set up according to the theory of gradation antagonism and mutually conditioning of competition superiority is able to reflect the rule of business management on the real condition more properly .

  22. 企业间人才竞争策略与动因分析&基于竞争互动的视角

    The Research on Tactics and Drivers of Interfirm Competition for Talents & Based on Competitive Interaction Perspective

  23. 探讨了竞争战略、企业边界与竞争优势之间的互动机理,揭示了目前关于企业边界理论的研究现状及今后的研究方向。

    It discussed the principle of interaction between competitive strategy , boundary of firm and competitive advantage , and revealed the present research and future direction about boundary of firm theory .

  24. 而且由于竞争对手的存在,IT企业在投资时更要考虑竞争对手的策略互动,这种竞争会对项目的价值函数产生重大影响。

    And because of the presence of competitors , IT enterprises must take into account interactions competitors in the investment strategy . This competition will project a significant impact on the value of a function .

  25. 通过对当前动态竞争理论的系统研究,笔者发现,研究内容主要集中在对竞争对手间互动规律的探讨上,而对动态竞争的突出特征&速度和强度关注较少,这方面的研究也比较少。

    Through the systemic research of the current dynamic competition theories , the writer discover the study mainly concentrate on the rules of rival interaction , but pay little attention to the outstanding characteristic-speed and strength .

  26. 其次回顾和评论了顾客价值理论和竞争优势理论发展现状:再者从价值链角度和竞争空间角度论证了顾客价值与竞争优势的互动关系;

    The third , in the perspective of value chain and competitive space , the paper reasons the mutual relationship between customer value and competitive advantage .

  27. 在当前国际贸易环境下,竞争政策与贸易政策的协调引起了国际社会的普遍关注,WTO第四次部长会议已经同意将贸易与竞争政策的互动列为新的议题并就这一问题进行谈判。

    Nowadays , many countries concern about the synergy between competition policy and trade policy , which will be discussed under the WTO framework .