
  • 网络technological competition
  1. 报酬递增条件下的技术竞争&为什么VHS制式盒式录像机占领了市场

    Technological Competition under Increasing Returns Why Does VHS Format Corner the Market

  2. 因此,政府有必要对技术竞争进行干预。

    Therefore it is necessary for the government to interfere in technological competition .

  3. 以基于技术竞争情报(CTI)的技术转移这一全新的视角,本文考察了美国、日本、韩国、芬兰和德国的潜在成功经验。

    From a bran-new angle of technology transfer on the basis of competitive technical intelligence ( CTI ), the paper reviews on the potential successful experience of it in America , Japan , Korea , Finland and Germany .

  4. 论技术竞争情报和技术创新的本质与关系

    On Essence and Relationship of Competitive Technical Intelligence and Technology Innovation

  5. 空调行业技术竞争环境和发展方向

    Analysis of technology-competition environment and development trend of air conditioning industry

  6. 论中国技术竞争情报的研究进展及其应用前景

    Applied Foreground and Research Progression of Competitive Technical Intelligence in China

  7. 论技术竞争情报在技术预见活动中的应用

    Research on the Application of Technology Competitive Intelligence in Technology Foresight Activities

  8. 专利地图在技术竞争分析中的应用研究

    Research on Application of Patent Map to Technical Competition Analysis

  9. 技术竞争情报研究与应用的起源、演化及其差距

    Study and Application of Competitive Technical Intelligence : Origin 、 Evolution and Differences

  10. 技术竞争情报;战略规划;战略实施;战略控制;动态复杂环境;

    Competitive technology intelligence Strategy planning Strategy implementation Strategy control Dynamic and complex environment ;

  11. 技术竞争首先体现在抢先开发并取得高新技术所有权的竞争,即专利竞争。

    Technological competition mostly indicates the development of high-tech ownership , i.e. patent competition .

  12. 企业创新技术竞争保护方式的比较与选择

    The Comparison and Selection of the Competition and Protection Measures of Enterprises ' Innovation Techniques

  13. 当前国家间的竞争已从技术竞争向标准竞争转变。

    Now , the competition between countries becomes to the competition of standard from technology .

  14. 多代高新技术竞争扩散模型

    The Multigeneration High Technology Diffusion Model

  15. 基于技术竞争态势,企业可以采取领先战略或跟随和模仿战略。

    Technology-based competitive situation , enterprises can take the leading strategies or the strategy of follow and imitate .

  16. 以知识为基础的新产品竞争是21世纪企业技术竞争的核心。

    New products competition , which is knowledge-based , is the core of enterprise 's technology competition in 21 century .

  17. 随着通信行业不断发展,市场竞争日趋激烈,这更激发了通信技术竞争白热化。

    With the continuous developing of the telecommunications industry and increasing of market competition , the technique competition was stimulated strongly .

  18. 现代社会中,世界各国的科学技术竞争实际上就是人才的竞争。

    In the modern society , competition of science and technology between countries all over the world is the talent competition .

  19. 随着世界全球化技术竞争的不断加强,企业以网络组织形式进行合作创新成为新形势下企业技术创新的必然趋势。企业创新网络成为企业获取创新资源的有效组织形式。

    With the increasing intensification of global technological competition , enterprise innovation network has been a new organization form of technologic innovation .

  20. 企业之间的竞争已经由原来的产品竞争、技术竞争和管理竞争发展为人才的竞争。

    The competition between enterprises is developed into the talents competition from " products competition ", " technology competition " and " management competition " .

  21. 中国移动通信集团必须认清形势,从技术竞争、市场营销、客户服务等多方面做好充分准备。

    China Mobile Communications Group must clearly understand the situation , from a technical competition , marketing , customer service , and so make full preparations .

  22. 国际市场竞争的关键不再是关税壁垒,而是以技术竞争为核心的知识产权壁垒。

    The international market competition key no longer is the tariff barrier , but is take the technical competition as the core intellectual property rights barrier .

  23. 在激烈的技术竞争驱动下,汽车产品在功能、质量上的差距已越来越小。

    In the fierce competition directed by technology , the gap in the function and the quality of the automotive products has been getting smaller and smaller .

  24. 智能手机的技术竞争与发展速度日益加快,专利诉讼已经成为移动手机行业的普遍特征。

    Smartphone technology competition has been more fierce and developed more rapidly , Patent litigation has been a common feature of the mobile phone industry for many years .

  25. 因此,组织要提高技术竞争能力,一方面要不断地获取关键的知识和技能,实现资源的积累,但更重要的是能激活组织内部的资源,把资源活化为现实竞争优势。

    Therefore , in order to gain the technological capability , the organization should continually gain the critical knowledge and skills as well as reactivate the internal technical stock .

  26. 科技情报调研要注意结合经济市场的调查论企业技术竞争情报的开展&以产品技术为例

    Attention should be paid to the Combination of Surveying Economic Market Conditions with the Work of Science aad Technical Intelligence . The Development of Competitive Technical Intelligence in Enterprises

  27. 回顾我国医疗市场近十年的竞争态势,大体经历了几个阶段:从设备竞争发展到技术竞争,从技术竞争发展到服务竞争,目前正从服务竞争发展到战略竞争。

    Based on-the competition situation in China medical market in recent 10 years , several steps have been gone through : from equipments to technology , from technology to service ;

  28. 光学体全息数据存储器以其存储容量大、数据传输速率高、信息寻址速度快等优点,在现代信息存储技术竞争中显示出巨大的优势和良好的发展前景。

    Optical volume holographic data storage is the promising storage technique because of its high data storage density , high transfer speed , fast parallel access , and so on .

  29. 不干胶标签行业经过几十年的不断发展后,竞争已经从单纯的价格竞争和技术竞争转换为以客户满意度为导向的价格、质量、创新和服务的全方位的综合性竞争。

    Regarding label industry , after decades of continuous development , the competition has grown from price competition and technological competition into quality , innovation and service level and so on .

  30. 随着乳品行业技术竞争的不断加剧,大批中小型液体乳生产企业都在着手进行技术改造和扩建。

    As it is getting very competitive in dairy food industry , a lot of medium and small-sized enterprises which produce liquid milk are embarking on technical innovation and extension in scale .