
  • 网络technological protection measure;Technology Protection Measure;technological measures
  1. 技术保护措施就成为权利人所能采取的最有效、最直接的维权手段,但是破解技术措施的技术和装置也应运而生。

    Technological protection measures ( TPMs ) is the most directive instrument to protect the author 's rights .

  2. 在条约的范围、允许的限制和例外以及制止规避技术保护措施方面,仍存在问题。

    Problems remained regarding the scope of the treaty , the permitted limitations and exceptions and the protection against circumvention of technological protection measures .

  3. 电子教参系统服务著作权技术保护措施调查研究

    Investigation on Copyright Technology Protection Measures in Electronic Reserve System Service

  4. 数字图书馆建设中存在着两大明显的障碍,即技术保护措施和许可协议。

    There are two main barriers : technical protection measures , and licenses .

  5. 规避著作权保护的技术保护措施。

    Escaping the measure of technical protection on copyright .

  6. 未采取安全技术保护措施的;

    Not implementing security techniques and protection measures ;

  7. 技术保护措施的出现无疑为数字作品知识产权保护提供了一条新的思路。

    It is proved that the appearance of technology protection measures provides a new approach to the task called for .

  8. 严重的软件技术保护措施滥用行为具有严重的社会危害性,应当由刑法对其进行评价。

    Grave abusing software engineering protection measure has grave society harmfulness and it ought to be valuated from corporal punishment .

  9. 通过实验研究,提出了一个防止柴油机超热力负荷的技术保护措施,即超负荷保护装置。

    The authors propose a technical protection measure to prevent the diesel engine from thermal overload by way of experimental studies .

  10. 随着规避行为的增多,世界各国纷纷开始通过制定法对版权技术保护措施提供法律保护。

    With the increase of circumvention acts , many countries provide legal protection for technological measures of copyright protection by making laws .

  11. 从利益平衡点的角度出发,探讨数字图书馆建设中有关数字复制、立法保护、合同法律保护和版权技术保护措施在网络版权保护中的运用等问题,并提出相应对策;

    Analyses the various copyright problems of digital library , such as digital reproduction , legislation protection , contract protection and technical protection .

  12. 对煤矿区开发建设中存在的主要生态问题,提出了相应的技术保护措施及其管理对策。

    Aiming at main zoology problem existed exploitation in coal mine area , this paper brought forward some technical safeguard and managing countermeasure corresponding .

  13. 第十八条禁止生产盗版软件和解密软件以及主要功能是解除技术保护措施的软件。

    Article Eighteen Production of pirated software , software for deciphering secret and software with the main function of removing technology-protection measures are prohibited .

  14. 技术保护措施作为数字版权政策的重要执行工具,既应当受到反技术规避规则的保护,也应当受到它的限制。

    Measures to protect technology are important instruments in the enforcement of digital copyright policy . They should be protected and limited by anti-infringement regulations .

  15. 本文通过浅要分析网络作品的概念、技术保护措施的相关内容,提出保护网著作权的相关建议。

    This article works through the light to the concept of network , Technological protection measures related content , Make relevant recommendations of copyright protection network .

  16. 以国际条约以及各国对技术保护措施的立法规定为依据,分析了网络环境下技术保护措施对著作权合理使用所造成的影响。

    This paper simply analyzes the property right of copyrighter of online publications , the evolution of intellectual property right and the meaning of technological protection measures .

  17. 其不仅要兼顾技术保护措施内容提供商的利益,更应照顾到消费者网络消费行为所涉及的隐私利益。

    Its not only to consider the benefits of technological protection measures of content providers , should take care of the network consumer behavior consumer privacy interests .

  18. 威胁将会被用于挫败技术保护措施,挫败对网页制作者的保护,挫败对广播者的保护,以及其它与侵权做斗争的其它手段。

    Threats to the public domain would be used to defeat technical protection measures , protection for webcasters , protection for broadcasters and other means of battling piracy .

  19. 然而,实践中的版权技术保护措施往往会被更高级的技术攻破,即规避版权技术保护措施现象。

    In practice , however , the technological measures of copyright protection tend to be broken by more advanced technology , which circumvents the technological measures of copyright protection .

  20. 但没有任何限制的技术保护措施与著作权法存在诸多冲突,因此,需要加以适当限制,合理地协调创作者、传播者、使用者和社会公众的利益。

    There are some conflict needs to restriction between technology protection to copyright and copyright law to coordinate the interest of creator , propagator , user and the society public .

  21. 文章对网络图书的概念、特征,网络图书版权的内容,网络图书的技术保护措施等几个问题进行了探讨。

    This paper discusses the concept and characteristics of e-books on Internet . It also tackles with issues of the intellectual property protection , the protection technique of e-books on Internet .

  22. 为了保护数字式内容,例如保护音乐录音、电影、软件以及在互联网和广播中传播的数字式内容,技术保护措施是必要的。

    Technical protection measures were necessary in order to protect digital content , including recorded music , movies , software and digital content streamed over the Internet or broadcast over airwaves .

  23. 最后创造性地提出了构建包括意识强化措施、技术保护措施、法律保障措施、制度限制措施及两种辅助措施在内的完备的精神权利保护体系。

    Finally it brings forward a creative concept on making a protected system of moral rights , including conscious measure , technical measure , legal measure , institutional measure and two assistant measures .

  24. 网络环境下著作权权合理使用制度存在许多新问题,其中典型的是个人使用、数字图书馆、远程教学、技术保护措施与合理使用之间的冲突。

    Under the network environment , fair use has a lot of new problems . The conflicts between personal use , digital library , long-distance education , technological protective measure and fair use is the most representative problems .

  25. 如开发前进行溶洞资源的基础调查研究,作出综合评价;制定详细的旅游规划;建立有效的管理体系和完善的科学技术保护措施。

    Before the development of cave resources , take a basic science research and a comprehensive evaluation ; draw up a detailed travel plan ; the establishment of an effective management system and improve the scientific and technological protection measures .

  26. 目前网络生态危机表现为:资源分布失衡、技术保护措施失灵、信息资源环境面临困境、法律法规短缺、网络文化帝国主义盛行五个方面。

    In the Internet ecosystem , the distribution of resource loses balance , technical protections lose function , the environment of information faces crisis , laws and regulations are lack and culture imperialism is popular , which are all considered Internet eco-crisis .

  27. 主张在以信息网络传播权为版权新核心价值的体系下,综合运用著作权集体管理制度、技术保护措施与公众借阅权制度来构建一个更加完善的数字图书馆保护制度。

    It advocate that under the new core value system which is communication right of information network , adopt the collective management of copyright system , technical measures and public lending right system comprehensively , to set up a more perfect digital library protection system .

  28. 计算机网络的安全技术与保护措施

    Network Security and Protect Methods

  29. 而各个国家也均已意识到这个问题,并且着手采取了不同程度的技术资产保护措施。

    All countries in the world have realized the problem and start to take a different degree of technical assets and protective measures .

  30. 数据安全性是设计和实施CIMS中的一个重要关键技术,其保护措施是否有效是评价系统质量高低的主要性能指标之一。

    Data security is a key technology in designing and implementing CIMS . The validity of its protect measures is one of the performance targets that evaluate system quality .