
  • 网络subsidiary right;remedialand ancillary rights
  1. 在本文的第四部分,笔者就如何加强国际版权贸易中的附属权经营提出了发展战略。

    In article 4 , the author presents the development strategy that how to enhance the subsidiary copyright of international copyright trade .

  2. 附属权贸易是发达国家出版业盈利的重要方式之一,而在我国还刚刚起步。

    Subsidiary copyright trade is an important aspect in publishing industry profit in developed country , but in China it only just started .

  3. 在对国内外附属权贸易的发展现状进行了对比后,笔者提出,中国出版界应当在国际版权贸易中加强附属权经营。

    Comparing with the present situation of subsidiary copyright in domestic and foreign , the author presents that publishing circles of China should enhance the subsidiary copyright in international copyright trade .

  4. 未偿清的股东贷款必须支付给买方。股东的贷款不带任何抵销权、反索赔权、附属权、债务权或其他任何性质的约束。

    The Shareholder 's Loan remains due and outstanding to the Vendor , free from and clear of any right of off-setting , counter-claims , subordination , encumbrance or other restriction of whatever nature .

  5. 在对股东账簿查阅权的法律性质分析时,文章指出股东账簿查阅权是一种共益权、救济与附属权、固有权。

    When analyzing the nature of shareholders ' inspection right on books and records , the dissertation outlines the right is a kind of income sharing right , redress and subjection right , immanence right .

  6. 从国内出版界的自身发展来说,应当尽快培育开展附属权经营的专业机构并培养专门人才,增强附属权经营意识和能力。

    For the development of domestic publishing circles , they should train the professional organization and talented person for subsidiary copyright management as soon as possible and enhance the consciousness and ability of subsidiary copyright management .

  7. 产权变更,所有权变更附属专有权,附加权利

    Change of title subsidiary rights