
  • 网络incidental costs;Cost-borne
  1. 他将这归因于英国国内高管和企业家对虚拟助理接受度逐渐上升。比起签订长期合同雇佣私人助理及其附带成本,他们开始认为聘用虚拟助理更划算。

    He puts that down to the growing acceptance in the UK of virtual assistants by executives and entrepreneurs who are beginning to see them as more cost-effective than employing a PA on a permanent contract , with all the attendant costs .

  2. 这是它们能够提供给员工的一项有吸引力的福利,特别是考虑到如果这些员工跳槽走人,就得去面对日益上涨的房价。跳槽附带的高昂成本,会迫使员工三思而行。

    This is an attractive benefit to be able to offer employees , especially given that if those employees were to leave they would have to deal with ever-increasing housing prices . The high costs associated with such a move make people think twice before they leave . '