
  • 网络excess return
  1. 他援引的一项研究显示,买入那些CEO持有大量公司股票的公司、做空CEO并未大量持股的公司,每年可斩获4%至10%的额外回报。

    He cites one study that shows investing in companies where chief executives own lots of stock , and shorting those where they do not , earns between 4 and 10 per cent a year .

  2. “对产生这种额外回报感兴趣的投资者已经拥有股票,并且已经承担了较高的波动性,”egalka表示。

    " The investors interested in generating this incremental return already own the shares and are already exposed to the higher volatility levels , " said Mr egalka .

  3. 他们可以依靠基金管理者的服务,不过其费用可能会超过所能获得的额外回报。

    They can rely on the services of a fund manager , but the fees might outweigh the extra returns .

  4. 股票风险溢价股票市场为弥补市场风险,相对无风险率的额外回报。

    Equity risk premium the extra return that the stock market provides over the risk free rate to compensate for market risk .

  5. 如果目标原先的自身利益遭到侵犯而又无法通过交换获得额外回报,或者这种回报同社会目标相冲突,或者目标的权利被认定同社会目标毫不相干,则需要运用法律行为。

    Law will be appropriate when tile preexisting self-interest of the target cannot be overcome with additional rewards through exchange , when rewarding is inconsistent with societal goals , or when the rights of the target are believed to be irrelevant .

  6. 许多人与其说是渴望帮助地球,不如说是受到潜在回报率的吸引,尽管帮助地球是一项额外的回报。

    Many people are drawn by potential returns rather than a desire to help the planet , though this is a bonus .

  7. 由于基金经理已寻求通过新兴市场货币的升值获得额外的回报,以当地货币计价的债券对他们尤其有吸引力。

    Local currency denominated bonds have proved particularly attractive as fund managers have sought additional returns through the appreciation of emerging market currencies .

  8. 说话人作出有标记的选择是为了获得额外的回报,以抵消这一选择所产生的额外付出。

    Therefore , to balance with the extra costs , a marked choice necessarily indicates that the speaker intends to get some extra rewards .

  9. 如果您根据观察来编写测试,而不是利用像PureCoverage一样的度量工具,您将在测试创建上过分投资,并且不能得到任何额外的质量回报。

    If you write tests by eye instead of using measurement tools like PureCoverage , you can over-invest in test creation without getting any additional quality in return .

  10. 原因很简单:作为承担额外风险的回报,投资者们要求更高的收入。

    The reason is simple : in return for shouldering extra risk , investors require a bigger income .