
é gǔ
  • frontal bone
额骨 [é gǔ]
  • [frontal bone] 颅前上部的一对膜化骨,前方紧接着顶骨,在人类头上联合成单个骨,它形成额和眶的上部

额骨[é gǔ]
  1. 方法:搜集经手术或穿刺活检病理证实的SEC7例,额骨2例,顶骨3例,枕骨2例,均行CT平扫,分析其CT表现特征。

    Methods : Seven patients of SEC proved by operation and biopsy were collected in the study . There were 2 cases in frontal bone , 3 in parietal bone and 2 in occipital bone .

  2. 在每只兔的额骨和顶骨部造成直径15mm圆形缺损。

    A round defect area with 15 mm in diameter was made at the frontal bone and parietal bone at each rabbit .

  3. 结果主要CT表现为:(1)病变部位以蝶、额骨常见,蝶骨23例,额骨13例;

    Results The main CT findings were as following : ( 1 ) The common sites were the sphenoid and frontal bones ;

  4. 方法:用小型生物撞击机撞击家兔一侧额骨,于伤后1,2,4,7天分别取视网膜测定组织内LPO产物丙二醛(MDA),NO氧化产物亚硝酸盐和ATP酶含量。

    Methods : The right forehead zones were stroked by biology impact machine in 24 rabbits . Malondialdehyde ( MDA ), the product of LPO , and Nitrite , the oxidation product of NO as well as ATPase contents of retinas were assayed in 1,2,4,7 days after injury .

  5. 7例既有前颅底骨质破坏,又有硬脑膜缺损且直径在2.5cm以上者,以带蒂额肌骨膜瓣、帽状腱膜额骨膜瓣或带蒂颞肌筋膜骨膜瓣修复。

    Other 7 cases with defects , diameter more than 2.5 cm , on both the skull base and duramater were covered with frontalis muscle flap or temporalis fascia flap .

  6. 额窦炎导致额骨骨髓炎通常会破坏额骨及额窦的结构,这是临床上常见的现象。

    Frontal osteomyelitis induced by sinusitis is the most frequent clinical presentation .

  7. 额骨尤文肉瘤1例

    Frontal bone Ewing 's sarcoma : report of one case

  8. 兔颅骨冠状缝固定后行额骨前徙与颅面补偿性生长变化的实验研究

    Experimental Study of Frontal Bone Advancement and Compensatory Craniofacial Growth

  9. 那个女孩的额骨像原始人。

    That girl had a brow ridge like a caveman .

  10. 从额骨处做开颅术,经硬脑膜内做脑膜修复。

    Dural repairs were done through an intradural approach via single frontal craniotomy .

  11. 胎儿额骨及枕骨的发育

    Development of fetl 's frontal bone and occipital bone

  12. 额骨的观察与测量

    The Observation and Measurement of the Frontal Bones

  13. 将眼轮匝肌上提分别固定于颞深筋膜及额骨骨膜上;

    The musculus orbicularis oculi is fixed to deep temporal fascia and frontal periosteum .

  14. 额骨狭窄6例;

    Frontal bone narrow in 6 cases ;

  15. 前额骨的位于额骨前部的。

    Situated anterior to the frontal bone .

  16. 额骨骨折2/2;

    Temporal bone fractures 2 / 2 ;

  17. 包括更厚实强壮的额骨、颊骨、颚骨和颈椎骨。

    These include thicker , stronger bones in the forehead , cheeks , jaw and neck .

  18. 羟基磷灰石微粒人工骨修复皮样囊肿切除后额骨凹陷畸形

    Hydroxyapatite particulate artificial bone for repairing sunken deformation of frontal bone following removal of dermoid cyst

  19. 额骨颧突后蝶翼锁孔入路的内窥镜解剖学研究

    Endoscopic anatomy study on the keyhole approach via an operative corridor of the zygomatico sphenoidal region

  20. 鸡胚额骨成骨细胞样细胞~(14)C&脯氨酸掺入动力学观察

    A Kinetic Observation on 14C-proline Incorporation into Osteoblast-like Cells from Cultured Embryonic Chicken Frontal Bone in Vitro

  21. 蝶骨发育不良,蝶骨大小翼或额骨眶板缺失;

    Sphenoid bone dysplasia , bony defect in the wing of the sphenoid bone or orbital plate .

  22. 为了治疗这额骨骨髓炎的并发症,正确的抗生素及适当的手术处理是必须同时进行的。

    To treat the complication , adequate antibiotics and surgical intervention should be performed at the same time .

  23. 方法:测量100例成人颅骨标本额骨颧突距同侧和对侧前后床突的距离和角度;

    Methods : The distance and angle between the zygomatic process and anterior and posterior clinoid process of two sides .

  24. 在构成上眼眶包括在额骨、颧骨、筛骨、蝶骨等颅面骨,而且骨壁相对较薄如纸板样。

    Obit is consisted of frontal bone , cheekbone , ethmoid and so on . The bone wall is thin like paper .

  25. 根据需要用2~3条自体颅骨外板叠加塑成鼻支架,在鼻根部用微型钛板将支架固定于额骨鼻突。

    2 ~ 3 pieces of cranial outer table were used to reconstruct the nasal framework , which were fixed to the frontal bone with mini-plates .

  26. 将外鼻回复,用钛板钛钉与额骨固定,恢复良好颌面外形。

    The nasal pyramid was repaired and fixed to the frontal bone with titanium board and titanium nail in order to resume the appearance of a good face .

  27. 一般在眉头或眉尾进入额骨表面,形成腔穴,将设定好的假体隆眉弓植入设定区域。

    Mei Wei in the brow or the general surface into the frontal bone , forming cavity hole , will set a good set prosthesis implantation Long eyebrow area .

  28. 结果颅骨纤维异常增生常侵犯额骨、蝶骨体、颧弓、蝶骨大翼和小翼及筛骨,并导致视神经管和眶上、下裂狭窄。

    Results Fibrous dysplasia of skull in children most often involved the frontal , sphenoid , and ethmoid bones and resulted in stenosis of optic canal and superior optic fissure .

  29. 血管瘤发生在全身任何骨组织,但是大部分发生在额骨及顶骨。15%血管瘤是多发的。

    Hemangiomas can be found in any location in the skull , but they are most often seen in the frontal and parietal regions . 15 % of skull hemangiomas are multiple .

  30. 建立有效的鸡胚额骨成骨细胞的培养方法,为笼养蛋鸡骨质疏松症研究提供新的试验手段。

    The more effective method of isolating the osteoblastic cells from calvariae of embryonic chicken was built in order to supply the further way to study the osteoporosis of cage laying hens .