
é tóu
  • forehead;brow
额头 [é tóu]
  • [forehead] 脑门;前额

额头[é tóu]
  1. 他圆脸,高额头。

    He has a round face with a high forehead .

  2. 你额头上怎么起了个包?

    How did you get that bump on your forehead ?

  3. 他拿出手绢来擦额头上的汗水。

    He took out a handkerchief to mop his brow .

  4. 石头击中她的额头。

    The stone struck her on the forehead .

  5. 她一皱眉,额头显出了皱纹。

    A frown creased her forehead .

  6. 他额头上的汗珠晶莹发亮。

    Sweat glistened on his forehead .

  7. 她满面菜色,额头上有些麻子。

    She has a poor complexion and pock marks on her forehead

  8. 他擦去了额头上的汗珠。

    He wiped away the beads of sweat on his forehead .

  9. 他的额头上垂着一绺散开的黑色卷发。

    A curl of black hair fell loosely across his forehead .

  10. 他弯身向前,在她额头上轻轻一吻。

    He bent forward and laid a kiss softly upon her forehead

  11. 希尔斯登沾湿了一条手巾,将它敷在她的额头上。

    Hillsden damped a hand towel and laid it across her forehead .

  12. 他额头上冒出了滴滴汗珠。

    Droplets of sweat were welling up on his forehead .

  13. 汗水从额头流到了眼睛里,模糊了他的视线。

    Sweat ran from his forehead into his eyes , blurring his vision .

  14. 他的额头上有一个黑乎乎的污点。

    There was a dark smudge on his forehead .

  15. 他额头下方出现了几道深深的皱纹。

    Some deep wrinkles furrow his lower forehead .

  16. 疲劳和压力会很快导致肤色暗淡无光、额头出现皱纹。

    Fatigue and stress quickly result in a dull complexion and a furrowed brow .

  17. 她倒地时撞到我们的咖啡桌上,额头起了个大包。

    She fell against our coffee table and got a large bump on her forehead .

  18. 她的额头上冒出一串汗珠,她以为自己可能会晕过去。

    A line of sweat broke out on her forehead and she thought she might faint .

  19. 她有着轮廓分明的下巴、高高的额头和一双浅灰色的眼睛。

    She had a strongly defined chin , a high forehead , and light grey eyes .

  20. 他摔倒时额头碰在了路边镶边石上。

    He hit his forehead against the kerb when he fell .

  21. 他用手揩额头。

    He wiped his head across his forehead .

  22. 他额头上都是皱纹。

    There are a lot of lines on his forehead .

  23. 他额头的汗水闪闪发光。

    His forehead glistened with sweat .

  24. 他的额头发热。

    He had a feverish brow .

  25. 当他听到被解雇的消息时,额头上冒出了冷汗。

    When he heard the news that he was fired , he broke out in a sweat on his forehead .

  26. 然后,一个温柔的吻触到了我的额头。

    Then a kiss , ever so softly , touched my brow .

  27. Highten指“双手击掌”,通常在极度令人振奋的情景下使用。Highfive是一种手势,指两人同时举起一只手到额头以上的高度,然后彼此击掌。

    High ten is a double handed high five , usually reserved for especially awesome . The high five is a hand gesture that occurs when two people simultaneously raise one hand each , about head-high , and slap the flat of their palm against each other .

  28. 他用手擦去了额头上的汗。

    He wiped the sweat from his brow with his hands .

  29. 他的眼睛长在他额头中间。

    His eye was in the middle of his forehead .

  30. 然后他拿一块有红方格子的手绢擦着额头。

    Then he mopped his forehead with a handkerchief decorated with red squares .