
  • 网络RATING;Rated Value;NOMINAL;nominal value
  1. 为了满足概率疲劳分析的需要,推导出了应力比R等于常数时细节疲劳额定值(DFR)与其它疲劳参数之间的解析表达式,从而使S-N曲线解析化。

    O satisfy the needs of probabilistic fatigue analysis , on certain assumption conditions , the relationships between Detail Fatigue Rating ( DFR ) and other fatigue parameters under con - stant stress ratios are obtained .

  2. 论述了细节疲劳强度额定值(DFR)的意义及各个DFR值之间的关系。

    In this paper , the definition of detail fatigue rating ( DFR ) and the relation of various detail fatigue rating were dissertated .

  3. 应力比R为常数时细节疲劳额定值(DFR)与其它疲劳参数之间关系研究

    Research on the relationships between DFR and other fatigue parameters under constant stress ratios

  4. 统计检验分析表明,国内主要套管生产厂的API套管强度性能趋于稳定并达到较高水平,存在高于API额定值的强度余量。

    In this paper , the full scale experiment data are stated and compared with API nominal value to ascertain actual casing strength margin .

  5. 整个带内合成效率估计平均为82%,最大合成效率达87%,功率相加效率(PAE)约为13.6%;若电源达到MMICs单片的额定值,估计最大输出射频功率将会达到7W。

    The average combining efficiency over the operating band was estimated at 82 % .

  6. 本文分析了在耐久性分析时引入构件细节数效应系数DF代替构件额定值系数Rc的合理性,通过耐久性分析实例说明了其可行性。

    In this paper , analyze the rationality of Component Rating Factor ( Rc ) replaced by Detail Effect Factor ( DF ) and explain the applicability of DF in Durability by means of an example .

  7. 该控制策略在最小能量补偿模式的基础上,将PI控制引入到注入电压生成方法中,DVR从电网吸收或发出有功功率,储能电容随之充电或放电以使电压恢复到额定值。

    A novel injected voltage generating method with PI controller is introduced based on the minimum energy compensation model . The DVR can absorb or deliver active power to maintain the DC capacitor voltage at its reference value .

  8. 将腐蚀对结构件疲劳寿命的影响当量转化为对细节疲劳额定值DFR的影响,建立了腐蚀条件下疲劳分析的DFR方法。

    Via transfer the influence of corrosive environment on fatigue life to that on detail fatigue rating equivalently , the DFR method under corrosive environment for fatigue analysis was established .

  9. 实验结果表明,当电源发生对称或不对称瞬时电压跌落时,负载电压能够在一个工频周期(20ms)内被补偿至额定值。

    The results show that the load voltage recovers in less than one cycle ( 20ms ) whenever a three-phase or single-phase voltage sag occurs .

  10. 在介绍晶闸管控制的串联电容补偿的基本概念和工作原理的基础上,对TCSC的基本运行模式、特性曲线、主要参数和额定值等作了综合论述。

    The basic concept , operation principle , basic operation modes , capability characteristic , main parameters and ratings of the Thyristor Controlled Series Compensation ( TCSC ) in a power system are described and explained in a systematic way .

  11. 笔者主要介绍了Ф5m立式风洞动力系统的概况,已经达到的技术指标:稳转速精度(相对额定值)为0.04%(24~350r/min),整个系统的功率因数达0.97;

    The tunnel is successfully debugged in September 2005.This paper introduces the power system of Φ 5m vertical tunnel and achieved technological parameters : precision of steady rotation ( relative rated value ) is 0.04 % ( 24 ~ 350r / min );

  12. 电压凹陷是指供电电压有效值在90%~10%额定值间变化,持续时间从中个周期到1min的电压有效值变化现象。

    Voltage sag is a reduction between 10 % and 90 % in rms voltage , with duration between 0.5 cycle and 1 minute .

  13. 给出了一种由等幅载荷试验的断口金相数据反推得到的当量初始裂纹尺寸额定值(EIFSR)表征的紧固孔原始疲劳质量评定方法。

    An evaluation approach is presented to the initial fatigue quality of fastener holes , which is characterized by Equivalent Initial Flaw Size Rating ( EIFSR ) obtained by back extrapolated fractographic data of constant amplitude loading .

  14. 承包商应提交燃气发动机发电机组额定值的详细计算。

    Contractor will submit detailed calculations for the GG set rating .

  15. 纺织品的电阻测定法机车电阻器的额定值

    Testing method for electrical resistivity of fabrics rating of locomotive resistor

  16. 联轴器应采用1.75的“运行系数”来定额定值。

    The coupling shall be rated using a service factor of1.75 .

  17. GB/T8366-1996电阻焊设备的额定值与运行条件GB17285-1998电气设备电源额定值的标记安全要求

    Marking of electrical equipment with ratings related to electrical supply-Safety requirements

  18. 按系统正确的额定值更换压力盖。

    Replace cap with the correct rating for the system .

  19. 锅炉产汽量低于额定值的原因及解决办法

    Causes and solving method of boiler steam production below the rated value

  20. 承包商应给出额定值的详细计算。

    Contractor will furnish detailed working of the rating .

  21. 最后,运用细节疲劳额定值法对开孔试件的疲劳寿命进行了可靠性分析。

    The reliability analysis of specimen was carried out by detail fatigue rating .

  22. 另外,在绝对最大额定值条件下工作时间延长可能影响器件的可靠性。

    Also , exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability .

  23. 这表明避雷器的额定值为系统线电压的100%。

    This means that arrester rating is 100 % of the system line-to-line voltage .

  24. 在负载电流达到额定值时,负载的端电压就是负载的额定电压。

    When load current is meeting , the load voltage is the rated value .

  25. GB/T5839-1986电子管和半导体器件额定值制

    Rating systems for electronic tubes and semiconductor devices

  26. 波形畸变对异步电动机额定值的影响

    The Effect of Wave distortion on the Rating Value of an Asynchronous Motor WANG Yan

  27. 在连接铜管和焊接端口阀门时要核对压力/度额定值?

    Adjusted pressure / temperature ratings for joints made of copper tube and solder end valves ?

  28. 对于欠量动作的继电器应将继电器升到额定值,然后平稳下降至动作值。

    Increase the value to rated for the unreached , and then decrease steadily to operating value .

  29. 消除傅氏算法中衰减非周期分量的方法在信号频率偏离额定值时的特性研究

    Study of the characteristics of removing dc offset methods in fourier algorithm when signal has fundamental frequency deviation

  30. 电抗值,电阻(率)机车电阻器的额定值

    Rating of locomotive resistor