
é wài fèi yonɡ
  • additional costs;extra costs;premium;surcharge;extra expenses
  1. 20年后要付清10%的额外费用。

    A premium of 10 % is paid out after 20 years .

  2. 即使顾客想得到“解决方案”,他们大多数也不愿意为此支付额外费用。

    Even if customers want ' solutions ' , most are not willing to pay a premium for them

  3. 保险公司将不得不支付审判的额外费用。

    The insurer will also have to pay the additional costs of the trial .

  4. 没有隐性的额外费用。

    There are no hidden extras .

  5. 卖家会送货上门,但是要收取一笔额外费用。

    The seller will send the goods to your house for an extra charge .

  6. 一听到还需要额外费用;瘟神的长脸马上又拉长了好几英寸。

    Upon hearing of this additional expense ; misery 's long visage appeared to become several inches longer .

  7. 应对承包商做出相应通知,承包商应遵循修改后的要求,且shell不必支付额外费用。

    The contractor will be informed accordingly and shall comply with the revised requirements at no extra cost to shell .

  8. 显示所有的额外费用,特别是运输费用,ASAP的。

    Show all additional costs , especially shipping costs , ASAP .

  9. 带客户修订的关键任务支持:对于PremiumPlus客户,可以在支付一些额外费用之后获得包括必要的修正在内的最新的客户修订。

    Mission-critical support with custom revisions : A new custom revision including a needed fix is available to Premium Plus customers at an extra cost .

  10. 这与VeritasVolumeManager提供的磁盘管理工具类似,但它可以与AIX操作系统集成,且不收取任何额外费用。

    This is similar to how Veritas Volume Manager can provide disk management tools but comes integrated with the AIX operating system at no extra charge .

  11. Abe将日本的贫困儿童增加归因于国家不断变更的统计数据,停滞不前的经济状况和高昂的社会安全额外费用。

    Abe attributes the increase in child poverty to the country 's changing , struggling economy and high social security premiums .

  12. 以航空包裹方式发货所需额外费用约相当于CIF金额的-%。

    Delivery by air parcel post calls for an extra charge about - % of the CIF value .

  13. 电影业观察者称,观众也拒绝为劣质的3D转换影片支付额外费用,并且无法容忍那些在影院窃窃私语和发手机短信、把影院当成自己家客厅的青少年。

    Film-industry observers say audiences have also resisted paying surcharges for badly converted 3-D titles and are proving intolerant of chatty and text-messaging teenagers who seem to treat movie theaters like their own living rooms . '

  14. 他们发现,CSP系统可以满足地中海地区当前70-80%的电力需求,而且跟燃气电厂相比,它无需支付额外费用。

    They found that CSP in the Mediterranean region , for example , could provide 70-80 % of current electricity demand , at no extra cost compared to gas-fired power plants .

  15. PIX的最终可能出现广告支持的一个载体,而免费的商业广告纷纷表示,将收取额外费用。

    PIX could end up ad-supported on one carrier while free of commercials on another that will charge an extra fee .

  16. 承包商必须在业主分配的区段内提供阳极接地床,或者,承包商必须按照适用规范和标准确定阳极接地床的位置,并得到业主批准和row,而业主无需承担额外费用。

    Contractor has to accommodate anode ground bed within the allocated plot byemployer or contractor has to fix the location of anode ground bed as per applicable codes and standards and approved by employerincluding obtaining row at no additional cost toemployer .

  17. Lamar,你刚才提到的额外费用会上升,但是国会预算办公室并不是这样说的。

    So , Lamar , when you mentioned earlier that you said premiums go up , that 's just the Congressional Budget Office .

  18. TCS希望,到今年底,与其合作的公司能赢得价值几百万美元的出口订单,而它在合同协商过程中发挥的作用,将从客户手中赢得额外费用。

    TCS hopes that by the end of the year the companies it is working with might be able to win export orders worth a few million dollars , with its part in fixing up the contracts being rewarded by additional fees from its clients .

  19. 您得支付分作为超重的额外费用

    You will have to pay thirty fen extra for the overweight

  20. 但是,如果要求周六递送,则需另行追加额外费用。

    However , requests for Saturday delivery will incur additional charges .

  21. 如果人选购它要花费额外费用。

    It will cost extra if one chooses to have it .

  22. 服务运营商可能会收取额外费用。

    Additional charges could apply , depending on carrier service plan .

  23. 家用降温设备产生的额外费用也会因此减少。

    And that could help cut down on home cooling bills .

  24. 他为他的寿险付出额外费用以获取新的保单。

    He pays premiums on his life insurance for obtaining new subscriptions .

  25. 我们得付额外费用吗?

    Do I have to pay extra charge for that ?

  26. 旅行时间通常列为额外费用。

    Travel time is usually listed as an extra charge .

  27. 额外费用应由买方负担。

    Extra charges is to is borne by the buyer .

  28. 即使用现金支付,这些额外费用也要照收。

    The add-on charge would have applied , he had paid cash .

  29. 买主要求特殊包装,他们同意负担可能出现的额外费用。

    Buyer request special packaging hereafter he agree bearing extra cost involve .

  30. 为付还这些额外费用,请开汇票向我们支取。

    In reimbursement of these extra expenses , please draw on us .