
yù liú kōng jiān
  • Reserved space;headspace
预留空间[yù liú kōng jiān]
  1. 支持CD转存MP3,内置多解码数字芯片,预留空间,可供未来新功能,软件智能升级。

    Supporting CD unloading MP3 , built-in multi-decoding digital chip , reserving space for adding new functions in future , and intelligent upgrade of software .

  2. 为实现一定百分比的预留空间,和常规表一样使用相同的语法,即在创建表时使用PCTFREE选项。

    To implement a percentage of space to be reserved , you use the same syntax as with regular tables , namely , by using the PCTFREE option when the table is created .

  3. 前后左右预留空间方便线路管理;

    The allowing space of all sides is convenient for circuit management ;

  4. 我们为成长和改变预留空间。

    We leave room for growth and change .

  5. 为行李预留空间

    Have a Place For Your Stuff

  6. 施永青说:香港政府在做城市规划时会为公租房预留空间。

    In Hong Kong the government saves space for public houses when planning urban areas , said Shi .

  7. 然而,在需要保存值的情况下,依然需要为参数预留空间;尤其在需要使用易失性寄存器传递参数时更是如此。

    However , space must still be reserved for parameters in case the values need to be saved , especially since the parameters are passed using volatile registers .

  8. 安装孔的预留空间使得在歧管变形时留有足够的变形空间,即使排气歧管变形也不会剪断通过安装孔的螺栓。

    The obligating space on the hole makes the exhaust manifold having enough space when deforming and preventing cutting out the bolt even the exhaust manifold is deformed .

  9. 最后作者对整个大连电信电子商务系统的拓展性和开放性进行了设计,并为以后系统的扩容和改进提供了预留空间。

    At the end of the whole designing procedure , the author designs the expansibility and opening of overall Dalian Telecom E-business System , and it sets an inter-space for the further expanding and improving of the system .

  10. 要使炉内的温度分布均匀,可考虑在炉门侧加设发热体组,减少顶部的预留空间以防止出现漩涡。

    In order to realize the uniform distribution of temperature field , the group of heat source should be located near the furnace door , and the eddy in upper space could be prevented by reducing gap there .

  11. 考虑到功率要求,采用两个128×8的EEPROM,在满足项目要求的前提下预留较大空间作为功能扩充之用。

    Considering the limitation of power , two 128 × 8bit EEPROM are used which are for extending the function besides fulfilling the project demands .

  12. 您必须在NIM主机上的一个卷组中拥有足够的磁盘空间来容纳客户机的rootvg文件系统,并为每个客户机的迁移预留一些空间。

    You must have enough disk space in a volume group on the NIM master to host the client 's rootvg file systems , plus some space for the migration of each client .

  13. 如果的确需要群集索引,那么可以通过确保有足够的自由空间来使其对插入的影响降至最小:使用ALTERTABLE增加PCTFREE,然后使用REORG预留自由空间。

    If having a clustered index is needed , its effect on inserts can be minimized by ensuring that sufficient free space exists : use ALTER TABLE to increase PCTFREE , then REORG to reserve the free space .

  14. 移动实时事务预留广播空间的验证协议

    Validation Protocol for Mobile Real-time Transaction Based on Reserved Broadcast Space

  15. 并且预留升级空间,功能扩展性大。

    And set aside to upgrade space , Extensions of the great .

  16. 要给支架预留一定空间以便稍后进行位置校准。

    The bracket needs some play for proper alignment later .

  17. 关于为新疆高等院校预留发展空间的思考

    On Thought of the Development Space Reserved in Colleges and Universities in Xinjiang

  18. 预留膨胀空间及注意嵌入深度。

    Reserve space for expansion and watch the depth while inserting the sheets .

  19. 铁路客运专线与公路并行区段柔性防护预留变形空间的研究

    Study on the Obligate Deformation of Flexible Protection System for Railway Passenger Dedicated Line Paralleled the Highway

  20. 安装间隙是每支滑轨为安装在抽屉上而预留的空间。

    The amount a space required on each side of the drawer in order to mount the drawer slides .

  21. 在设计阶段需要预留一些空间,以防翻译后出现布局问题。

    Remember to reserve some space in the design phase so that you can prevent any layout problems after translation .

  22. 不过,这一声明似乎也为中国启动或继续其他工程的可能性预留了空间。

    However , the statement appeared to leave open the possibility that work would start or continue on other features .

  23. 为最初的学习和进行的试验预留一些空间对于自组织团队的成长与持续改进来说是非常重要的。

    Allowing some space of initial learning and on-going experimentation is important for self-organizing teams to grow and continuously improve .

  24. 第二,特大城市的框架&一核双星,突出了中心城的发展,也为无锡远期城市扩展预留了空间。

    Secondly , the framework of megacity-one core and double stars emphasizes the downtown development and also directs the spatial expansion .

  25. 而现代公私法关系的变化&二者之间的相互渗透也为行政诉讼调解制度的建立预留了空间。

    The changes of the relation between public law and private law leave room for the establishing of the system of mediation .

  26. 通信电源系统安全可靠运行首先从设计上选择最佳配置,科学合理,预留发展空间。

    Communication power system safe and reliable to run at first choosing best to dispose from design , science is rational , reserve the development space .

  27. 无线产品内部的电路也更加复杂,在无线终端产品设计时给天线预留的空间也越来越少,但是对天线的功能要求却越来越多。

    The internal circuitry of the wireless products is more and more complex , so the reserved space for the wireless terminal products ' antenna is little .

  28. 现行财政体制使得地方政府缺少将混合型事权划分清晰的动力,而混合型事权模糊的现状给地方政府与中央政府展开博弈预留了空间。

    The present financial system causes the local authority to lack the mixed governance division clear power , but the mixed governance fuzzy present situation launched gambling for the local authority and the central authority to reserve the space .

  29. 而性格典型理论以痕迹的形式在社会典型理论充满矛盾张力的地方存在,这种存在也为新时期典型理论讨论预留了空间。

    However , character typical theory still exists , in the form of " marks ", in where social typical theory is full of tension contradictions . And this is also reserving space for the discussion of typical theory in the new era .

  30. 在法律上,宪法为我国农村集体建设用地流转预留了空间,但《土地管理法》、《物权法》等法律基本限制了农村集体建设用地使用权自主公开市场化的流转。

    In legal system , our national constitution ensures to leave space for the transfer of the right to use the RCCL while some other laws like the Law of Land Management and Property Law basically restrict the marketization publicly of the right transfer .