
yù bèi yì
  • reserve service;reserve duty
预备役 [yù bèi yì]
  • [reserve duty] 指一旦国家需要,就应征入伍的兵役

  1. 其次,必须加强对人才建设的培训,提升预备役部队高科技作战效能。

    Secondly , it is necessary to enhance talent training , so as to upgrade high-tech fighting efficiency in the reserve duty army .

  2. 因此,实施心理战教育训练,增强预备役部队及民众的心理战意识,提高心理防御能力将是打赢未来战争的重要保证。

    So implementing the psychological warfare education training , reinforcing the reserve duty and the mass psychological warfare consciousness , promoting the psychological defense capability will be winning the future war 's important guarantee .

  3. 美国已经征召了约15万名预备役军人。

    The United States has called up some 150,000 military reservists .

  4. 他最后的一项改革是把常规军和预备役部队合为一体。

    His final reform was the fusion of regular and reserve forces .

  5. 国民警卫队和预备役的征兵工作8月下旬开始。

    The call-up of National Guard and reserve units begun in late August .

  6. 他已经安心在预备役部队服役。

    He has buckled down to work in the reserves

  7. 以色列的常备军规模相对较小,其军事实力主要在于它的预备役部队。

    Israel has a relatively small standing army and its strength is based on its reserves

  8. 案件开庭审理的时候,这些预备役军人不会认罪,他就是其中一个。

    He is one of the reservists who will plead not guilty when their cases come up .

  9. 查理被带到了陆军预备役中心,那是他真正梦想去的地方。

    Charlie was taken to the army Reserve Center , where he really dreamed to go .

  10. 基于UML技术的虚拟预备役师仿真系统的研究与实现

    The Research and Implementation of UML_based Virtual Reserve Division Simulation System

  11. 弗拉纳根现在依旧在美国海军预备役(NavalReserve)负责飞行任务。在成为航空公司飞行员后,他保留了这种心态。

    Flanagan , who still flies in the Naval Reserve , kept that mindset when he became an airline pilot .

  12. 在孟买,市民们观看了孟买警察突击队,快速反应小组,国家预备役警察力量和该市精英部队ForceOne展示了新的武器和海上巡逻装备。

    Back in Mumbai , citizens watched as Mumbai 's Police Commandos , Quick Response Team ( QRT ) , State Reserve Police Force ( SRPF ) and the city 's elite-unit Force One showcased new weaponry and sea-patrol vehicles .

  13. 许多人要为此付出努力,从FBI特工到情报间谍,以及我们已经征召的预备役士兵。

    Many will be involved in this effort ; from FBI agents to intelligence operatives to the reservists we have called to active duty .

  14. NPR新闻记者詹妮弗·卢登报道13人丧生,其中包括前预备役军人的枪手,很明显他是一名分包商。

    NPR 's Jennifer Ludden reports 13 people were killed including the gunman , a former reservist , who was apparently working as a subcontractor .

  15. 加拿大官员称,那名受伤的警卫在医院不治身亡,持枪歹徒则在议会大厦内部被击毙。身亡士兵确认为24岁的下士内森·西里洛(NathanCirillo),是来自安大略省哈密尔顿的预备役军人。

    Canadian officials said the wounded soldier , identified as Cpl. Nathan Cirillo , 24 , a reservist from Hamilton , Ontario , died at a hospital and that the gunman was killed inside the Parliament building .

  16. 基于.NET平台的预备役部队征用装备管理系统

    Management System of the Preparatory Service Army Based on . NET

  17. 加强预备役部队专项经费管理的建议

    Enhancing the management of the special funds of the reserve force

  18. 美国已经征召了约15万名预备役军人。选中,挑选(…参加运动队)

    The United States has called up some 150000 military reservists .

  19. 陆军预备役部队系统数据库需求分析与设计

    Demand Analysis on and Design of Army Reserve Unit System Database

  20. 预备役高炮师武器系统可射击时间计算模型

    Model of Reserve High-Artillery Division Weapon System for Firing Time

  21. 军队医院合同制护士实行预备役管理的探讨

    Discussion on Administration of Reserve Duty to Contract Nurses in Military Hospital

  22. 加强预备役部队标准经费管理之我见

    Enhancing the management of standard funds in reserve army

  23. 这项计划类似于为军队预备役人员提供的经济和激励保护制度。

    The plan is similar to financial and incentive protection provided to military reservists .

  24. 预备役军官履职能力考评体系及激励机制研究

    Study of Assessment System Below Task Fulfiling Capability and Incentive Mechanism for Reserve Officers

  25. 我才不会让自己输给预备役的伙!

    Osean squadron I 'm not about to be upstaged by a reserve pilot !

  26. 许多在那个时期建造的柴电动力潜艇现在已经转为预备役。

    Many of the diesel-electric submarines from that construction period are now in reserve .

  27. 根据预备役部队征用装备的特点,提出了利用.NET技术实现征用装备管理系统的方法。

    A method is given for implementing the management system of expropriating equipment by .

  28. 预备役干了六年

    he 's got six years reserve ,

  29. 以色列军方再动员1.6万名预备役士兵参与进攻加沙的军事行动。

    The Israeli military has called up another 16-thousand reservists to bolster its current offensive .

  30. 将第五章章名修改为“预备役军官的登记”。

    The name of Chapter V shall be amended as " Registration of Reserve Officers " .