
  • 网络poor prognosis;bad prognosis
  1. 根据围产儿结局的不同分为围产儿预后不良组和围产儿预后良好组。

    According to perinatal outcomes were divided into poor prognosis group and the perinatal perinatal good prognosis group .

  2. 高表达TGFβ1可能意味预后不良;

    The over expression of TGF - β 1 may indicate poor prognosis ;

  3. 医疗预后不良。

    The medical prognosis was bleak .

  4. 病理活检中IV型预后不良;

    Patients with type IV LN showed worse prognosis .

  5. 结论:侵袭性NK细胞白血病是一种少见疾病,预后不良;

    Conclusion : ANKL is a rare hematology malignancy with adverse prognosis .

  6. 结论survivin和p53在胃癌组织中均有较高的表达率,survivin阳性表达和p53阳性表达分别提示预后不良,survivin和p53共同表达为胃癌根治术后独立的预后因子。

    The coexpression of survivin and p53 was the independent prognosis factor for gastric cancer .

  7. 出现感染性休克和多脏器功能不全综合征(MODS)常提示预后不良。

    MODS and septic shock were the predicting of poor prognosis .

  8. 另外,Hp感染能增强肿瘤的侵袭能力,Survivin蛋白可作为胃癌预后不良的重要指标。

    The expression of Survivin is an important index of poor prognosis of the tumor .

  9. EB病毒感染已有检出,预后不良;

    EB virus has been detected with poor prognosis .

  10. 结论APF的滴度一定程度反应了RA病情的活动性,可能为RA预后不良的指标之一。

    Conclusion The titer of APF might indicate the disease activity of RA and a bad prognosis .

  11. 流行病学证据表明,在CHF患者中,即使轻度肾功能减退也是导致预后不良的重要危险因素。

    Epidemiology showed that mild renal hypofunction was a risk factor of poor prognosis of CHF .

  12. 另外,重症医院感染患者若出现并发症或预后不良时,CRP仍维持较高的血浓度。

    In addition , the CRP values fell slowly and remained higher in the patients with fatal infection .

  13. Cox风险模型分析提示β-catenin的表达下降是预后不良的重要指标之一。

    Cox proportional hazards model analysis suggested downregulation of p-catenin was an important factor indicating poor prognosis .

  14. 结论原始NK细胞白血病易发生髓外浸润,且治疗反应差、预后不良。

    Conclusion Blastic NK cell leukemia has an aggressive clinical course with poor response to treatment and unfavorable prognosis .

  15. 结论:IgH、TCR基因重排提示AML患者预后不良,需密切随访。

    Conclusions IgH and TCR gene rearrangements suggest a poor prognosis of AML .

  16. 结论颊癌中HIF-1α的阳性表达水平与疾病发展进程密切相关,其是颊癌患者预后不良的重要生物学指标。

    Conclusion Over-expression of HIF-1 α is a vital biological marker in prognosis of buccal cancer .

  17. AMI病人血清TnT持续升高提示预后不良。

    Persistent elevation of serum TnT in AMI patients may be a prognostic indicator for unfavorable outcome .

  18. MMP鄄9表达超过TIMP鄄1者预后不良。

    The patients with the expression of MMP-9 over TIMP-1 have poorer prognosis .

  19. 重度CT改变估测HIE预后不良的敏感性、特异性和准确性分别为69.23%、97.36%和85.93%;

    The sensitivity , speciality and accuracy of poor prognosis in HIE with severe CT change were respectively 69.23 % , 97.36 % and85.93 % .

  20. 脑出血(Intracerebralhemorrhage,ICH)是一种非常严重的脑卒中类型,常导致患者严重的神经功能缺失,预后不良。

    Intracerebral hemorrhage ( ICH ) is a severe stroke type , which always leads to severe neurological deficits and poor prognosis .

  21. 经新辅助化疗后,MVD、PCNA变化不明显的患者预后不良。

    Following new supplementary chemotherapy the patients who with less decreasing of MVD and PCNA will have a bad prognosis .

  22. 由于预后不良,对腺癌和N2患者不宜首选扩大切除手术。

    Because of poorer prognosis , extended resection should not be used for patients with adenocarcinoma and N2 disease .

  23. 结果:ICP患者无刺激试验无反应型及围产儿预后不良发生率均明显升高;

    Results : Both the incidences of non_reaction to NST and poor prognosis of the perinatal were increased in ICP patients .

  24. EGFR过表达的肿瘤放疗效果差,易复发,预后不良。

    EGFR overexpression is associated with more aggressive tumors , resistance to ionizing radiation , easy recurrence and poor prognosis .

  25. 超早期(<6h)头颅CT显示异常者死亡率为62.5%,中线移位者死亡率42.9%,均提示预后不良。

    The early abnormal brain CT showed that the rate of mortality was 62.5 % , and the rate of mid-line dislocation was 42.9 % . Either of them indicated that prognosis was bad .

  26. 有明确病因、起病年龄<3个月、起病前发育落后、EEG背景活动变慢或有局灶性棘慢波发放,可能提示婴儿痉挛预后不良。

    The prognosis depended on the etiology , age of onset < 3 month , development delay before onset and focal or multifocal discharges on interictal EEG .

  27. 血和尿β2MG升高和血清LDH升高应视为预后不良因素。

    The elevation of β 2 MG in blood and urine and serum LDH are factors of poor prognosis .

  28. 结论VEGF-C及survivin蛋白的阳性表达可作为胃癌预后不良的参考指标。

    Conclusion The expressions of VEGF - C and / or survivin may be indicators for poor prognosis of gastric carcinoma .

  29. Survivin在肿瘤中的表达与预后不良、肿瘤演进、复发、药物治疗的耐受和患者生存率缩短有关。

    Survivin expression in cancer is associated with poor prognosis , cancer progression / recurrence , drug resistance , and short patient survival rate .

  30. 结论CML病程中继发额外染色体异常无克隆性特征,但可预示CML疾病的恶化,经过凶险,预后不良。

    Conclusion Secondary additional chromosomal aberrations have no clonally feature , but it predicts CML deteriorate and a poor prognosis .